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Residents outside the first Victor Harbor hospital

Residents outside the first Victor Harbor hospital

A black and white photograph of a group of Victor Harbor residents standing on the verandah of the first hospital at Victor Harbor in Bridge Terrace. Caption on reverse reads 'Back row right to left, Nurse Reid, Mr Gordon, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Cakebread, Mrs Gribble, Mrs Wilton, Mrs Shipway, new nurse, Mrs Robinson in chair, Mr & Mrs Tileymouth, Mrs Reids little boy, Mr & Mrs Battye'.

Sections within the Holden's Motor Body Builders workshop

Sections within the Holden's Motor Body Builders workshop

Black and white photographs of various sections in the Holden's Motor Body Builders workshop at Woodville. Includes images of hood bow bending, timber cutting, a Linderman Dovetail Jointer, and cowl, panel, seat and frame making.

Holden's Silver Band

Holden's Silver Band

Mounted black and white photograph of the members of Holden's Motor Body Builders Silver Band, of Adelaide, seated in their sections on a stage, with tall curtains on either side. Musicians from left right rear; S. Baldock, A. Walters, H. Willshire, C. Harbin, F. Elsden, C. Penhall (Bass Drummer), P. Casey (Band Sergeant), P. Smith, J. Marks, A. Lowe, A. Pearse, J. Smith (Librarian), S. Shearer, J. Connelly (Side Drummer), R. Gummow (Effects), . Woods, E. Ulseth, N.C. Pearse, M. Gilham, H.G. Pearse (Secretary). Front row; J. Gummow, W. Marks, N. Creed, G. Lawler, A.O. Thoday, R.Ramsay, C. Pemberthy, G. Marks, F. Turner, O. Smith, D.A. Gibson, W. Glenn, F. Bragg, J. Hardy. Centre front; H. Ames, E. Budgen, J. Stevens. With O. Summerton (Director of Music) front centre. Absent; F. McCallum, S. Flesfadar.

Making wooden frames, Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited

Making wooden frames, Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited

Black and white photographs of men working in the workshop and the woodmill at Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited at Woodville.

Maple Leaf Cafe staff picnic

Maple Leaf Cafe staff picnic

Staff of the Maple Leaf Cafe at the annual Ellis, Ltd. Picnic, held on New Years Day, 1920, at Long Gully. A programme of sports was held in the morning and afternoon. Annie Summers is identified as sitting second from the left in the back row.

Group portrait of distinguished men

Group portrait of distinguished men

Group portrait of 16 distinguished, well-dressed men. The man standing in the back row, third from the right, is thought to be the Hon. John Warren. The group are possibly members of the Legislative Coucil around 1889.

Housing Trust properties at Blair Athol

Housing Trust properties at Blair Athol

A row of Housting Trust units in Marmion Avenue, Blair Athol.

Housing Trust properties at Blair Athol

Housing Trust properties at Blair Athol

A row of Housing Trust cottages on Prospect Road, Blair Athol.

Somerset Cottages at Walkerville

Somerset Cottages at Walkerville

A row of terrace houses identified as Somerset Cottages, Walkerville. Built in 1897 by the Somerset Cottage Trust at 1-8 Margaret Street, they were designed to provide housing for low income families.

Cold storage centre at Regent Gardens

Cold storage centre at Regent Gardens

View of the cold storage centre at Regent Gardens, showing a single storey brick building with a row of refrigeration units along one side.

J.A Holden & Co and Holden & Frost photographs

J.A Holden & Co and Holden & Frost photographs

Black and white photographs of the James A. Holden and Co. premises, 100 Grenfell Street and the later Holden & Frost premises. Includes images of staff, one with H.J Holden in the second row with Mr Frost on his left [BRG 213/1/1/6], and an image of a Holden & Frost float. Some photographs include a key to identifying staff members.

Blumberg procession

Blumberg procession

Row boat decorated out as HMAS Australia for a patriotic procession at Blumberg.

Former Politicians A-Z

Former Politicians A-Z

Hon. Colin D. Rowe, LLB, MLC. This photo is part of the Messenger Press Collection, filed under Photographs of Politicians, Governors and Governors-General.

Papers of William Stanford

Papers of William Stanford

Records of William Stanford comprising war related photographs, certificate of discharge and marriage certificate.

Holden inauguration, Melbourne

Holden inauguration, Melbourne

Black and white photographs of General Motors-Holden's Limited events celebrating the Holden Inauguration held in Melbourne, 1948, announcing the release of the new 48-215 [FX] Holden. Comprises photographs and hand drawn title pages from Volume I. Includes photographs of Ben Chifley with the new car.

Quarantine Camp, Jubilee Oval

Quarantine Camp, Jubilee Oval

View of the Quarantine Camp, Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, looking towards the 4 grandstands. Shows 3-4 rows of tents pitched around the boundary, and people on the oval.

Home Service Store, branch 27

Home Service Store, branch 27

The Home Service Store, Branch 27, at the end of a row of other shops in Adelaide.

Flower Day 1964 and nativity scene

Flower Day 1964 and nativity scene

Photographs of a nativity scene and Flower Day 1964 displays.

School class photograph

School class photograph

Class III school photograph, possibly at a school in the Mitcham region. Alick Kelly is in the front row. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/101

North Adelaide District Football Association

North Adelaide District Football Association

Photograph of the 'North Adelaide District Football Association, winners "Advertiser" Shield, 1938, 46, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. 1961 team. N.A.D.F.A. 11 Goals 15 Behinds. United Church 5 Goals 10 Behinds.' From back row left to right: B. Richardson (Chairman, C. Winfield (Secretary), A. Olavesen, R. Bell, L. Pallier, R. Harford (Asst. Secretary). D. Sharpe, I. Winton, D. Meldrum, G. Brennan, R. Barltrop, K. Clark, I. Hutchins, D. Faulkner, D. Clifford. G. Westley, D. Johnson, M. Goodwin (Captain), L. Tuckey (Coach), J. Shrubsole (Vice-Captain), L. Moon, G. Donisthorpe. D. Goodwin, J. Bull, D. Lack, T. Lawrence, B. Kent. Absent: J. Hastings, J. Hinckley, G. Sinfield, R. Mahoney, K. Tucker.

Sturt cairn, Loxton

Sturt cairn, Loxton

Sturt cairn at Loxton with the text "On January 30th 1830 Captain Charles Sturt and his Heroic Band rowed down stream past this spot, on their Great Journey of Discovery." To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1642/13.

Young men in suits

Young men in suits

Group of young men in suits, posing with cigarettes. Barney Kelly is standing second from left in the back row, and James Kelly is sitting in the light coloured suit.

Hindmarsh River, Victor Harbour

Hindmarsh River, Victor Harbour

Three men in a rowing boat on the Hindmarsh River near Victor Harbour, South Australia, showing the landscape around the river.

People : D surnames

People : D surnames

People photographed by Messenger Press, surnames starting with D.

Adelaide High School Class P6

Adelaide High School Class P6

Adelaide High School Class P6 school photograph. Thomas Leo Kelly is sitting in the second row, second from the right end.

Gum trees, St. Marys

Gum trees, St. Marys

St. Bernadette's School Oval and dourgum trees at 1263-1265 South Road, St. Marys. The trees were planted as a double row along the boundary of the property 'Tonsley' approximately 100 years earlier. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/44.

Port Lincoln Boy Scouts

Port Lincoln Boy Scouts

Port Lincoln Boy Scouts camping at Canowie Belt. The boys are in three rows fors the photograph. Reverend Page, Baptist Minister of Port Lincoln is in charge and standing on the far right.

Gum trees, St. Marys

Gum trees, St. Marys

St. Bernadette's School Oval and six gum trees at 1263-1265 South Road, St. Marys. The trees were planted as a double row along the boundary of the property 'Tonsley' approximately 100 years earlier. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/44.

Gum trees, St. Marys

Gum trees, St. Marys

St. Bernadette's School Oval and six gum trees at 1263-1265 South Road, St. Marys. The trees were planted as a double row along the boundary of the property 'Tonsley' approximately 100 years earlier. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1631/44.

Quarantine Camp, Jubilee Oval

Quarantine Camp, Jubilee Oval

View of the Quarantine Camp, Jubilee Oval, Adelaide, looking towards North Terrace. Shows rows of tents around the oval boundary, 3 grandstands, football goalposts, and buildings on North Terrace