Sections within the Holden's Motor Body Builders workshop [BRG 213/1/3/61-67] • Photograph

Hood bow bending.
Photograph of a section of the Holden's Motor Body Builders workshop, with rows of wooden frames with handles used for bowbending open Tourer and Roadster hoods. Completed pieces are in view, stacked up to the ceiling.

Timber cutting, log mill, Woodville.
Photograph of two men feeding a wooden log through a saw in the 'log mill at Woodville near Plant 3 woodmill (in background). Timber frame body days in 1920s'.

Linderman Dovetail Jointer, Woodville.
Photograph of men working at various stages along a long piece of machinery in a section of a large workshop. Caption reads 'Linderman Dovetail Jointer. Woodmill Plant 3, Woodville'.

Tourer body framing.
Photograph of two men working on a wooden Tourer body frame in a large workshop, with two other men working on a body shell in the background.

Seat springs, Woodville.
Photograph of metal spring inserts for seats on two large frames, with ramps underneath leading to a hole in the floor.

Cowls for open bodies, Woodville.
Photograph of metal cowls for open bodied vehicles under construction, sitting in frames on tables in Plant 5 at Woodville. Caption reads 'L to R. Falcon, Knight, Pontiac, Essex, Willys'.

HMBB panel fabricating shop.
Photograph of men working in a 'Portion of Holden's Motor Body Building Factory, Adelaide. HMBB Panel fabricating shop, large press section with overload conveyor gear'.