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Port Adelaide Rowing Club, 1948 to 1949 Season
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club 1948 to 1949 season. Back row, left to right: K. Carter, I. Bell, J. Ward, W. Thomas, R. Simpson, F. Tucker, F. Cockburn, J. Kidd, J. Lock. Second row: A. Frame, H. Smith, W. Stone, A. Johnson (Treasurer), R. Francis (Asst. Coach), R. Walker (Captain), W. Murch (Coach), D. Martin (Vice Captain), A. Wellman (Committee), D. Lock. Centre Row: G. Thomas, F. Wormleighton, K. Henley, R. Le Leu, V. Cawte (Senior Vice President), W. Lock (President), H. Wright (Senior Vice President), R. Macilwain (Vice President), C. Poynter, R. Hodgeman, G. Westmoreland. Front row: K. Coldwell (Stroke), A. Smithson, C. Williams, N. Murch (Committee), R. Coldwell, L. Cawte (Committee), R. Webb, D. Swan (Bow), G. Brock (Cox.), C. Davis (Cox.), R. Baker (Cox.).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club, 1961 to 1962 season
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club 1961 to 1962 season. Back row: K. Coldwell (Committee), Ron Simpson (Coach), T. Skuce, G. Coldwell, R. Coldwell (Committee), J. Ward (Asst. Treasurer), A. Frame (Asst. Coach), M. Campbell (Treasurer), W. Thomas (Asst. Secretary). Second row: G. Corcoran, J. Buckby, D. Lock (Vice President), W. Stone (Secretary), R. Walker (Vice President), R. Webb (Chairman), J. Lock (Vice President), A. Scarborough, W. Murch (Life Member). Centre row: P. Gardener, T. Miller, R. Sims (Captain), P. Wright, N. Peterson, D. Sweetman (Vice Captain), J. Snell, N. Hunt. Front Row: R. Levi, G. Maxwell, T. O'Brian, C. Hazel, B. Benson, K. Staples, D. Cathcart (Committee), C. Maxwell (Cox.), C. Davis (Cox.), T. Harvey (Cox.).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club 1938 to 1939 season
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club, 1938 to 1939 season. Back row, left to right: M.J. Lewis (Auditor), A.G. Stephen, C.R. Wald, Esq. (Vice-President), J.W. Goudie, J.C. LeLeu, R.V. Donnelly, M.E. McKiggan, D.J. Moore, W.H. Donnon, R. LeLeu. Middle row: P.B. Langdon (Hon. Secretary), J.C. Doyle, C.T. Lawton, Esq. (Vice President), L.G. Perriam, R.J. Croston (Chairman of Committee), E.F. Yates, R.I. Macilwain (Treasurer), R.A. Francis (Committee), W.D. Lock (Committee), M.H. Rogers, R. Dearlove. Sitting: W.S. Murch (Committee, Coach), S.W. Brooks (Bow), R. Bruton (2), R.A. Walker (3), J.L. Kinnear (Committee, Stroke), J.H. Clouston, Esq. (President), J.H. Thomas (Captain, Stroke), D.P. Croston (Assistant Secretary, 3), W. Weaver (2), C.F.W. Foster (Committee, Bow), Archibald H. Dowssett (Masseur). Front row: A.C. Davis (Cox), J. Lock (Emergency), D.W. Martin (Cox), P. McCarthy (Cox).

Port Adelaide Athletic and Amateur Rowing Club
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Port Adelaide Athletic and Amateur Rowing Clun, S.A. Champion Eights, 1899 and winners of the Smith Challenge Shield. Standing in back row, left to right: Rev. Canon Samwell (President), K. McKenzie (No. 3), W.A. Abernethy (No. 4), C.R. Morris, Esq. J.P. (Patron). Middle row: J.J. Walsh (Honourable Secretary), J.H. Walker (No. 5), C.T. Lawton (No. 7), J.H. Clouston (Stroke), W.B. Walker (No. 6), R. Morrow (Coach). Front row: D.W. Brock (No. 2), E. Allan (Cox.), J.L. Irvine (No. 1).

Champion Fours 1939, Port Adelaide Rowing Club
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club, 1939-1940 season, winners of the Tub Slides at the Opening Regatta on 28 October 1939, Port Adelaide Regatta on 18 November 1939, Tailem Bend on 2 December 1939, and Champion Fours on 16 December 1939. Back: Mr. R.A. Francis (Coach). Middle row: Fred Wormleighton (Bow), Haydn Phillips (2), Jack Lock (3), Ron Bruton (Stroke). Front: Charlie Davis (Cox). They rowed in the boat WR Lock, a Tub Four built by Harold Lounder of Adelaide and launched on Opening Day 1939. The boat had an outstanding run of success from the time it was launched and crewed by Bruton, Lock, Phillips, Wormleighton and Davis. They were never beaten as a crew. [Adapted from the Port Adelaide Rowing Club website, History page, accessed 6/2/2015].

Port Adelaide Rowing Club season 1964 to 1965.
Port Adelaide Rowing Club season 1964-1965, Back Row: K.L. Coldwell, R.S. Webb, Ron Simpson, M. Campbell, J.F. Ward, H. Coldwell, F. Skuce, 3rd row: A. Frame, B. Scarborough, T.Miller, R. Walker, G. Westmorland, D. Swan, R.K. Coldwell, 2nd row: R.Benson, [?], J. Carlson, B. Benson, [?], Front row: R. Walsh, D. Hedger, [?], B. Pender, T. Harvey.

Rowing Club's Boat House
This crowd of well dressed people is attending the opening of the 1928 Rowing Club Season. Some are on the balcony of the Club house and others are seated in deckchairs on the lawn in front of the building. Everyone wears a hat and some carry a sun umbrella. [On back of photograph] The Adelaide Rowing Club / Opening of the Adelaide Rowing Club Season / November 1928 / Far side of the Rowing Club house is 91 yards east of the Morphett Street bridge and frontage is 12 yards / The Club house was destroyed by fire on March 6th, 1931 / For new structure see B 6138'.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club 1934 to 1935 season
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club, 1934 to 1935 season. Back row, left to right: A.J. Parham (Chairman of Committee), R.V. Donnelly, C.R. Wald (Committeeman), C.E. Powlson, R.J. Davis, Archibald H. Dowsett (Trainer), R.E. Murch, J.E. McGregor. Middle row: R.T. Baker, W.H. Wallace, Esq. (Vice-Patron), B.L. Bowen (Committee), W.H. Wallace Jnr. (Hon. Asst. Sec.), S.N. Pearce, T.J. Jelly, G.D. Pryor, W.D. Lock (Hon. Treas.), T.H.A. Butler (Committee). Sitting: F.C. Woolman (Bow), J.C. Maddern (2), D.P. Croston (6), W.S. Murch (4, Captain), P.B. Langdon (Hon. Secretary), R.A. Francis (Stroke), R.L. Hardy (7), E.F. Yates (5), R.C. Fee (3). Front: J.K. Milano (Cox), and J.R. Ellis (Cox).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Championship Eights 1927-28-29
Digital copy of a studio portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club Champion Eight of 1927, 1928 and 1929. Back row, left to right: A.J. Hartley (Captain), A.J. Cormac (Emergency), A. Hallet (6), W.R. Salkeld (Stroke), L.C. White (5), L. Goerceke (7), K.A. Salkeld (Treasurer). Second row: C.G. White (2), K.S. White (3), W.A. Salkeld (Coach), A.W. Quinn (Secretary), F.A. Davey (Bow), T.J. Jelly (4). Front: C.F. Turner and B. Baker (Cox).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club season 1972
Group photograph of men and boys in the Port Adelaide Rowing Club, season 1972. Back row: Ross Webb, Tony Coldwell, Joseph Ward, Graham Collins, Cyril Campion, John Swan, Robert Payne, Ian Bishop, ? , David Stribly, Frank Skuce, Malcolm Campbell. Second row: Bob Leply, Ian McPharlane, Charles Davis, Denis Bland, Jack Ward, Keith Coldwell, Derek Swan, Bob Benson, Brian Pedler, Ron Coldwell, Brian Benson, Winlock Murch, Harry Coldwell. First row: ? , ? , Micheal Forte, Micheal Coldwell, Andrew Ward, Shane Longmire, Loui Forte, Martin Ward, Neil Reeves, Tim Campion, Ashly Coldwell.

Rowing Club's Boat House
[General description] The Cloche hat is popular with the ladies in this crowd of Adelaide's well-to-do who are seated on chairs in front of the Adelaide Rowing Club's clubhouse. The clubhouse is a two storey wooden structure with a single gable and an upstairs balcony on which the band and dignitaries are seen. Rowers in striped blazers stand about under the verandah. [On back of photograph] 'Adelaide Rowing Club / Scene on the south bank of the Torrens at the opening of the rowing season, October 1930 / The clubhouse is on the south bank of the Torrens, about 80 yards east of the Morphett Street bridge / This building was destroyed by fire on March 6th, 1931 (for new building see B 6138) / Reproduced in 'Chronicle', October 23rd, 1930'.

Unidentified rowing crew
Digital copy of a studio portrait of an unidentified rowing crew, likely to be one of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club crews. Names unknown.

Unidentified rowing crew
Digital copy of a photograph of a crew of Eight, rowing in their boat, most likely to be one of the crews of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club. Names and date unknown.

Unidentified rowing crew
Digital copy of a photograph of a crew of Eight, rowing in their boat, most likely to be one of the crews of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club. Names and date unknown.

Australian Ladies' Rowing Championships NSW team 1935
Digital copy of a photograph of the New South Wales team, winners of the Australian Ladies' Rowing Championships at Sydney in 1934 and Adelaide in 1935. Left to right: C. Nickson (Cox.), Misses A. Mann (Stroke), M. Harvey (3), M. Williams (2), E. Riley (Bow). Insets: T. C. Nickson, Esq. (Coach, 1935) and Miss N. Walcot (Emergency, 1934-35). Absentee: C. Kayser, Esq. (Coach, 1934). Written in ink in the top left hand corner: 'To Jeff, With many thanks for your kind assistance during our stay in South Australia. Nan & Crew'.

Junior Fours rowing crew, Port Adelaide Rowing Club
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club winners of the Junior Fours, Henley-on-Torrens Regatta, held on 18 February 1939. Left to right: P. Mcarthy (Cox), D.P. Croston (Stroke), M.V. Coveney (3), W.A. Weaver (2), C.F. Foster (Bow). Inset: W.S. Murch (Captain, Coach).

Adelaide Rowing Club's Boathouse
Adelaide Rowing Club's boat house on the south bank of the Torrens River, January 8th 1932, approximately 30 yards from the water and 93 yards east of Morphett Street Bridge. This building was erected in 1931 to replace the building destroyed by fire on March 6, 1931. S B 5082, 5876 and 5877. Adelaide Rowing Club was established in 1882.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Maiden Fours, March Regatta 1906
Digital copy of a studio portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club Maiden Fours (Half-Outrig., Fixed), at the March Regatta, held on the Torrens Lake on 31 March 1906. Left to right: E.F. Warren (Stroke), A.G. Wadlow (Bow), A. Goudie (Cox), G.E. Mart (2), and O.R. Boyce (3).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Executive Committee, 1939 to 1940 season
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Executive Committee of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club, 1930 to 1940 season. Standing, left to right: P.B. Langdon (Regatta Secretary), J.L. Kinnear, R.A. Francis, D.W. Martin, J. Lock, J.E. Baker. Sitting: M.E. McKiggan (Treasurer), W.D. Lock (Chairman), J.H. Thomas (Captain), W.S. Murch (Vice Captain), D.P. Croston (Hon. Secretary).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Championship Eights 1909
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club Championship Eights, 1909, training. Left to right: W.A. Webb (Cox.), C.T. Lawson (Stroke), J.E. Osborne (7), A.P. Conally (6), S.A. Lawson (5), W.S. Wigg (4), T.N. Peterson (3), C.W. Oswald (2), F.R. Peterson (Bow).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Championship Maiden Eight 1940
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club Championship Maiden Eight 1940. Left to right: C. Davis (Cox), E. Yates (Stroke), M. Coveney (7), R. Bruton (6), R. Hardy (5), R. Walker (4), J. Lock (3), D. Martin (2), J. Manual (Emergencey). Inset: H. Phillips (Bow, absent).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club flying to Perth
Digital copy of a group portrait of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club boarding a Trans Australia Airlines plane Flight 512 to Perth, Western Australia, in 1950. From top: Ken Carter, Harold Smith, Derek Swan, Frank Cockburn, Ivan Bell, Ross Webb, Ron Simpson, Keith Coldwell, Arthur Smithson.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Maiden Fours, Torrens Regatta 1904
Digital copy of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club winners of the Maiden Fours at the Torrens Regatta held in March 1904. Left to right: F. Quin (Cox), C. Oswald (Stroke), A.F. Sprich (3), A.E. Lawton (2), J.E. Osborne (Bow).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Forrester Fours
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club winners of the Forrester Fours, Port River, in the boat 'Wirrilla' which was launched in 1909, on 21 November 1928. Left to right: George Salkeld (Cox), Alf. Hallett (Stroke), J. Deacon (3), Jack Hartley (2), and Bill Salkeld (Bow).

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Dash Eights, Summer Regatta 1929
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club winners of the Dash Eights, Summer Regatta, River Torrens in 1929. Left to right: A. Monte (Bow), E. Ewart (2), F. Peterson (3), E. Lawton (4), H. Peterson (5), W. Murch (6), A Parham (7), A. Hartley (Stroke), and B. Baker (Cox.).

Opening Day Fours, Port Adelaide Rowing Club
Digital copy of a photograph of the Port Adelaide Rowing Club winners of the Opening Day Fours, 1939. Left to right: C. Foster (Bow), H. Phillips (2), R. Walker (3), W. Weaver (Stroke). They won the race in the boat WR Lock, a Tub Four built by Harold Lounder of Adelaide which was launched on Opening Day 1939 and christened by Jessie Lock.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Old Boys
Old Boys in the 1970s, back row: K. Coldwell, R. Simpson, J. Ward, C. Williams, R. Webb. Front row: D. Swan, C. Davis, R. Coldwell, A. Smithson.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Opening Day
Caroline Rowe, Maggie Viceman, Kathy Landreth and Annabelle O'Connor at the Port Adelaide Rowing Club Opening Day.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Regatta
Triple M van at the Port Adelaide Rowing Club Regatta.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club Regatta
Port Adelaide Rowing Club Regatta - entertaining children with cancer.