People : D surnames [B 72641/25-72] • Photograph

People : D surnames
Gary Dayman, financial controller, The Terrace Adelaide Hotel. 12/7/1989

People : D surnames
City West Campus opening with Sir William Dean and architect Guy Maron

People : D surnames
Andrea Hickey (left) and Marsha Dearden (right). Award winning film makers. 28/5/1998

People : D surnames
Ian Dearmer, The Terrace Adelaide Hotel. 8/5/1991

People : D surnames
Nick De Bruyn the new Myer Centre manager. April 1996

People : D surnames
Nick De Bruyn the new Myer Centre manager. April 1996

People : D surnames
Myer Centre Adelaide manager Nick De Bruyn. Photo by Richard Walker. 26/8/1997

People : D surnames
Nick De Bruyn, Myer Centre manager. Dazzleland closing. 14/1/1998

People : D surnames
Nick De Bruyn, Myer Centre manager. Dazzleland closing. 14/1/1998

People : D surnames
Damiao De Freitas, new president West End Association, Hindley Street. 13/8/1997

People : D surnames
Damiao De Freitas, new president West End Association, Hindley Street. 13/8/1997

People : D surnames
Heather Demmrich. House of Ann bridal ware. 9/8/1989

People : D surnames
New pageant float artist/designer Rolf De Jager of Athelstone, gets a smile from 'Tommy Boy'

People : D surnames
New pageant float artist/designer Rolf De Jager of Athelstone, gets a smile from 'Tommy Boy'

People : D surnames
New pageant float artist/designer Rolf De Jager of Athelstone, gets a smile from 'Tommy Boy'

People : D surnames
New pageant float artist/designer Rolf De Jager of Athelstone, gets a smile from 'Tommy Boy'

People : D surnames
Rob De Kob immigrated with his family from Holland, seen here with collage of journey. 18/11/1998

People : D surnames
Patricia De Maria, Mission SA

People : D surnames
Ron Dent of Thorngate. State Bank chief marketing manager and SA Institute of Technology Graduates Association chairman

People : D surnames
Belinda Dewhurst, Adelaide Convention & Tourism Authority. Photo by Simon Casson

People : D surnames
Belinda Dewhurst, Adelaide Convention & Tourist Authority. 9/7/1997

People : D surnames
Sherwood Dick & Co. 15/6/1993

People : D surnames
Nicolette Di Lerria & Michael Queale with their book. Photo by Ray Murray

People : D surnames
Chinatown Deli. Linda Dhong of Ascot Park. 6/2/1996

People : D surnames
Greenhill Galleries SALA exhibition. Emerging artists. Front row Mary Quigley, Sue Podoreski, James Aldridge, Christopher Pope, Dieter Engler, Peter Coad, Christine Wake, Jason Cordoro, Jill Dingley, Peter Thompson, SALA group exhibition. 15/7/1998

People : D surnames
Jill Dingley, Valley View. SALA exhibition Greenhill Galleries. 15/7/1998

People : D surnames
David Dickson, managing director of Interact New Media, with his award winning Internet training packages and his trophy from last year's awards

People : D surnames
David Dickson, managing director of Interact New Media, with his award winning Internet training packages and his trophy from last year's awards

People : D surnames
Victoria Dixon Whittle with designer Razak Mohammed

People : D surnames
Victoria Dixon Whittle