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The 'Lady Penrhyn' in an unidentified port

The 'Lady Penrhyn' in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Lady Penrhyn', 839 tons, in an unidentified port. [Launched 13 September 1875 by A.Stephen & Sons, Glasgow for J. Richards m.d.Bangor, North Wales. Wrecked October 29, 1909 at Puerto Gallegos, Argentina.] [iron 3 mast barque, 839 gross tons. ON74464, 197.7 x 31.6 x 19.1. Built 1875 (9) A Stephen and Sons, Glasgow. Owners: John Richards. Registered Liverpool, then CG Edwards]. An English researcher suggests that the port may be Bristol.

The 'Duncrag' in an unidentified port

The 'Duncrag' in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Duncrag', 924 tons, in an unidentified port [iron 3 mast barque, 924 gross, later 927 gross tons. ON85871. 200.1 x 32.6 x 19.6. Built 1881 (11) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners J Dunn and Sons. Registered Glasgow. To Norway without change of name c.1900].

The 'David Morgan' in an unidentified port

The 'David Morgan' in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'David Morgan', 1656 tons, in an unidentified port [steel 3 mast barque 1566 gross tons. ON99332, 249.3 x 38.0 x 21.8. Built 1891 (10) W. Hamilton and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners A. Weir and Co. Registered Glasgow. Missing. Left Philadelphia for Nagasaki March 26, 1898 with pig iron and case oil].

The 'Belmont' in an unidentified port

The 'Belmont' in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'Belmont', 1528 tons, in an unidentified port. [steel 3 masted barque, 1528 gross tons. ON98630. 236.4 x 38.1 x 21.8. Built 1891 (5) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: Belmont Shipping Co. Ltd. Registered Yarmouth, Nova Scotia].

The 'Ione' anchored in an unidentified port

The 'Ione' anchored in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Ione', 538 tons, anchored in an unidentified port [iron 3 mast barque, 538 tons. ON62564, 165.0 x 28.1 x 17.3. Built 1869 (11) Iliff, Mounsey and Co. Sunderland. Owners: Built for Francis Ritson, registered Sunderland. then passed to Hugh McEwan, registered Ayr and by 1912 owned in Port Louis, Mauritius, without change of name until in mid 1920s].

The 'Ione' docked in Port Louis, Mauritius

The 'Ione' docked in Port Louis, Mauritius

The iron barque 'Ione', 538 tons, docked in Port Louis, Mauritius [iron 3 mast barque, 538 tons. ON62564, 165.0 x 28.1 x 17.3. Built 1869 (11) Iliff, Mounsey and Co. Sunderland. Owners: Built for Francis Ritson, registered Sunderland. then passed to Hugh McEwan, registered Ayr and by 1912 owned in Port Louis, Mauritius, without change of name until in mid 1920s].

The 'Loch Doon' in an unidentified port

The 'Loch Doon' in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Loch Doon', 812 tons, in an unidentified port. [also known as 'Birger'] [iron 3 mast barque, 812 tons, ON65963, 195.6 x 31.0 x 19.0. Built 1872 (7) W Hamilton and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: James Sproat, registered Liverpool. Sold about 1900 to Norway and renamed 'Birger' and she went ashore in April 1902 and was subsequently condemned and sold for scrap].

The 'Rialto' moored in an unidentified port

The 'Rialto' moored in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Rialto', 1233 tons, moored in an unidentified port. A researcher has suggested that it is Southampton, from where the 'Rialto' sailed and arrived in Sydney in 1883. Another researcher says that according to the British Maritime Museum the port is Plymouth and that there are two ships named 'Rialto' - iron barque, 1233 gross, ON58992, 211.3 x 36.5 x 22.0. Built 1869 (2) Oswald and Co. Sunderland. Merchant Shipping Co. Ltd., registered London owners for many years, although built for Charles Saunders of Liverpool. About 1888 sold to German owners without change of name].

The 'Sarah Grice' in an unidentified port

The 'Sarah Grice' in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Sarah Grice', 1071 tons, in an unidentified port [formerly 'Aurora' - iron barque 1071 tons. Built in 1865 as 'Sarah Grice' q.v. As Aurora owned in Elsfleth, Germany] [iron 3 mast ship rig, 1071 tons, ON52720. 196.6 x 34.0 x 22.2. Built 1865 (4) Laurence Hill and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: John Grice and Co., registered London. Re-rigged as 3 mast barque in early 1880s. c.1893 became the German 'Aurora'].

The 'Glenmark' in an unidentified port

The 'Glenmark' in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'Glenmark', 1357 tons, in an unidentified port. Also refer to the print PRG 1373/22/88 [steel barque, 1307 tons, ON96402, 231.2 x 36.1 x 21.7. Built 1889 (5) Russell and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: Dundee Shipowners Co. Ltd (WO Taylor and Co. managers) registered Dundee] [NB: Tonnage in caption is wrong, should be 1307 gross and 1257 net tons]. According to a researcher, this is the Quathlamba in Aberdeen, soon after launch not the Glenmark.

The 'Earl Cadogan' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Earl Cadogan' docked in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'Earl Cadogan', 1434 tons, docked in an unidentified port [steel 3 mast barque, 1434 tons. ON99091. 237.3 x 36.1 x 21.7. Built 1892 (6) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners Earl Cadogan Ship Co. (FM Tucker) c.1914 to Norway and renamed Bolgen and foundered in the Atlantic in 1925 on her way to Italian shipbreakers].

The 'Palawan' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Palawan' docked in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Palawan' 1018 tons, docked in an unidentified port [iron ship 1002 tons, ON63200 204.0 x 34.0 x 21.7. Built 1869 (8) John Reid and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: John McDiarmid, registered Liverpool, later McDiarmid, Greenshields and Co., c.1886 re-rigged as barque 1018 tons, c.1889 to German owners without change of name].

The 'Birtha' in an unidentified port

The 'Birtha' in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'Birtha', 1431 tons, in an unidentified port. [steel 3 masted barque 1431 tons. 235.8 x 36.1 x 21.8. Built 1891 (2) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: AF Klaveness registered Sandefjord (Norway)].

The 'Lota' in an unidentified port

The 'Lota' in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'Lota', 1643 tons, in an unidentified port [steel 3 mast barque, 1643 tons, ON102371. 245.4 x 37.3 x 22.6. Built 1893 (5) Russell and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners: Lota Ship Co. (McDonald. Adams and co.) registered Greenock c.1910 to Norway and renamed 'Storesand'].

The 'Amyone' moored in an unidentified port

The 'Amyone' moored in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Amyone', 1332 tons, moored in an unidentified port. [iron 3 mast ship, 1361 gross tons. ON69295, 231.2 x 37.1 x 23.4. Built 1873 (8) John Reid and Co. Port Glasgow. Owners Battersby and Gavin, registered Liverpool. c.1890 sold to German owners, rigged down to a barque and renamed 'Ocean' and registered at Hamburg.] (NB highly unlikely was barque rigged as 'Amyone' and the photograph is of her as 'Ocean'.).

The 'Wynford' docked in an unidentified port

The 'Wynford' docked in an unidentified port

The steel barque 'Wynford', 1983 tons, docked in an unidentified port [steel barque, 1983 tons, ON108192, 267.3 x 40.1 x 23.5. Built 1897 (4) W Hamilton and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: Wynford Ship Co. (Potter Bros.) registered London. Sold to Norway in 1911 and renamed 'Storegrund'. Converted into a lighter in 1921].

The 'Ochtertyre' in an unidentified port

The 'Ochtertyre' in an unidentified port

The iron barque 'Ochtertyre', 1354 tons, in an unidentified port [iron barque, 1354 tons, ON86069. 239.5 x 36.2 x 21.5. Built 1885 (7) R Duncan and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners Hugh Hogarth, registered Ardrossan].

The 'Antiope' in an unidentified port

The 'Antiope' in an unidentified port

The iron ship 'Antiope', 1443 tons, in an unidentified port. [iron ship 1443 tons, ON55014, 242.3 x 38.4 x 23.7. Built 1866 (8). J. Reid & Co. Port Glasgow, RR Heap, registered Liverpool: 1882 Australasian Shipping Co. Ltd) Gracie Beazley & Co. 1897 GW Murray by 1904 rigged as a barque and now 1486 tons and owned by Barque Antiope Ltd registered Victoria, BC: 1915 Pararoa Coal Mining Co. Registered Wellington (for use as a coal hulk) 1915 Otago Iron Rolling Mills Ltd. and refitted for sea. Burnt by fire at Delgoa Bay South Africa January 13 1921 and abandoned as constructive total loss. Refitted as store ship.]

The 'Sierra Parima' anchored in an unidentified port

The 'Sierra Parima' anchored in an unidentified port

The steel ship 'Sierra Parima', 1584 tons, anchored in an unidentified port [steel ship, 1584 tons, ON86212, 239.8 x 38.2 x 23.1. Built 1882 (7) J Reid and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: Thompson, Anderson and Co., (Sierra Shipping Co.) registered Liverpool. Wrecked on Sudiva Atoll, Lat. 2 degrees south, Long. 71 degrees east, in June 1896. Wrecked in the Maldives, 21 June 1896 while on a voyage from Mauritius to Rangoon, in ballast].

The 'Castelton' at Port Pirie

The 'Castelton' at Port Pirie

The steel ship 'Castelton', 1971 tons, at Port Pirie. [steel ship, 1971 tons. ON115175 265.1 x 40.1 x 23.6. Built 1903 (7) A. Rodgers and Co. Port Glasgow. Beynon Shipping Co. Ltd. registered Newport and sold 1915 and became the Norwegian Svalen and in 1922 renamed Skaregrom. Sold to Dutch shipbreakers in 1926, after dismasting in the Bay of Biscay].

The 'Templemore' moored in an unidentified port

The 'Templemore' moored in an unidentified port

The steel ship 'Templemore', 1717 tons, moored in an unidentified port [steel ship, 1717 tons, ON94214. 258.7 x 38.2 x 23.1. Built 1890(7) Russell and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: Sailing Ship 'Templemore' Ltd. (Thomson, Dickie and Co.) registered Glasgow. Wrecked March 2, 1893. After striking ice the vessel was abandoned in a sinking condition. Was on a voyage from Wallaroo to England with wheat].

The 'Cardinia' in an unidentified port

The 'Cardinia' in an unidentified port

The steel ship 'Cardinia', 1915 tons, in an unidentified port [wrecked in 1921. Built as the German ship Olinda] ['Olinda' = steel ship, 1914 gross tons. 264.5 x 40.1 x 22.9. Built 1903 (5) A Rodger and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: Rhederei Act. Ges. von 1896, registered Hamburg. Seized at Newcastle, NSW, by Commonwealth Government in August 1914 and renamed 'Cardinia' (sometime during WW1 requisitioned by the British Admiralty) While in private ownership and named 'Cardinia' was wrecked on a reef off Mumbualah Island, Fiji, Sept. 1921].

The 'Nelson' in an unidentified port

The 'Nelson' in an unidentified port

The iron ship 'Nelson', 1247 tons, in an unidentified port [see other entry in this name. Some confusion exists but it is recommended to those interested that they compare the illustration of the New Zealand trader 'Nelson', correctly identified, that appears at page 105, v.1 in White Wings, ref. 7. If the ship depicted is of 1310 tons it was not owned by British Shipowners - the detail of the ship of this name owned by British Shipowners follows - be careful (note by Parsons) = iron ship, 1333 tons, ON44774, 214.4 x 36.2 x 22.9. Built 1862 (4) Laurence Hill and Co., Port Glasgow. Owners: Potter and Wilson, registered Glasgow: c.1864 British Shipowners Co. Ltd., registered Liverpool: c.1880 RW Leyland and Co., and drops from the registers in 1883 - either wrecked or broken up. Reportedly abandoned in a sinking condition off Schouwen, 25 Oct. 1895. Note: confusion of the above 'Nelson' with another built in 1874 - as does the Edwardes Collection. Very likely not the ship of this name but the vessel of the same name built in 1874 and sometimes owned by Shaw Savill].

Port Lincoln about 1930

Port Lincoln about 1930

Port Lincoln about 1930. Schooner 'Waimana'.

The 'Archibald Russell' in an unidentified port

The 'Archibald Russell' in an unidentified port

The steel 4 masted barque 'Archibald Russell', 2385 tons, in an unidentified port. The four masted steel barque 'Archibald Russell', 2385 tons, docked in an unidentified port. [steel 4 masted barque, 2385 tons, ON121209, 291.4 x 43.2 x 24.1, Built 1905. Scott's SB and E Co. Ltd. Greenock. Owners: J. Hardie and Co. Registered Glasgow. Sold 1925 to G. Erikson. Broken up at Gateshead on Tyne 1949.

The 'Pareora' in an unidentified port

The 'Pareora' in an unidentified port

The iron ship 'Pareora' ex 'White Eagle', 879 tons, in an unidentified port [from the time of her acquisition by New Zealand Shipping Co. Ltd., the ship remained in the England-NZ passenger trade. In the period she took passengers to Auckland arriving Sept. 1878 and March 1882. To Wellington arriving July 1879, July 1880, April 1881, Jan. 1883. To Lyttelton arriving Oct. 1884. To Port Chalmers arriving Oct 1877, Nov. 1883. To New Plymouth arriving Dec. 1885. Reference 'White Wings' by Henry Brett 1924].

Shipping at Port Lincoln about 1912

Shipping at Port Lincoln about 1912

Shipping at Port Lincoln about 1912.

Shipping at Port Lincoln about 1920

Shipping at Port Lincoln about 1920

Shipping at Port Lincoln about 1920. SS Paringa; French sailing vessels.

Port Augusta about 1900

Port Augusta about 1900

Port Augusta about 1900.

Port Lincoln, about 1910

Port Lincoln, about 1910

Port Lincoln, about 1910. The schooner Beatrice, R.M.S. Rupara' and the brigantine Wollomai.