Find • gawler place • Results 601 to 628 of 628

Aerial view of John Martin's Adelaide store
Aerial view of the John Martin's premises in Adelaide, including the block surrounded by Charles and Rundle Streets, Gawler Place and North Terrace. Shows cars parked in the roof top car park. The grounds of the South Australian Museum can be seen at the bottom right.

Photographs of Simpson & Son products
Photographs of Simpson & Son products. See below for details.

Photograph album of the Hubbe family and extended family
Photograph album of the Hubbe family and their extended family. See below for details.

Adelaide ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protest, Victoria Square
A police car blocking Pirie Street, west of Gawler Place, towards King William Street, for the 'Black Lives Matter' podcast.

Goode Durrant & Murray building, Grenfell St
Two photographs of the exterior of the building, and one interior photograph of fabric on display at Goode Durrant and Murray wholesale drapers. The building has been extended since it was first built: compare PRG 631/2/277.

State Bank of South Australia building, Pirie Street, looking west
State Bank of South Australia building at 51 Pirie Street, Adelaide, on the corner of Gawler Place, looking west. The north facing concrete facade was added in the 1980s. Proposals to redevelop the building have been made with many storeys of new building to sit above the existing heritage facade.

State Bank of South Australia building, Pirie Street, looking west
State Bank of South Australia building at 51 Pirie Street, Adelaide, on the corner of Gawler Place, looking west. The north facing concrete facade was added in the 1980s. Proposals to redevelop the building have been made with many storeys of new building to sit above the existing heritage facade.

Inward correspondence
Inward correspondence received by William Light. See below for details of items.

Photographs of athletes
Photographs of athletes in sporting events in Adelaide, suburban and other places. All have participants' names and most are dated. In addition there are additional photocopied photos with captions from City Port Fun Run (2000), Corporate Cup (2000), and senior inter-club athletics ar Santos Stadium, December 2001.

Photographic copy of sketch by George Gawler of John Barton Hack's farm. Note: copies may be requested from the Art Gallery. According to a researcher, this is not a copy of Gawler's sketch. It is a copy of the lithograph made after Gawler's sketch and published by James Chaplin Hailes (1796-1880), bookseller of Leadenhall Street in the City of London and printed and hand-coloured by J. Hitchin or Hitchen, actually John Bishop Hitchins (1799-1879), artist of Penton Place, Newington St Mary, Surrey (by 1846 of 77 Vauxhall Street, Lambeth). Gawler painted the watercolour in June 1841 so the lithograph must have been produced soon after his return to England in early 1842.

Horses struck by lightning near Roseworthy. According to a researcher, the location is similar to Elbow Hill. An article which appeared in the Advertiser, Saturday 26 January 1901 tells the following story: 'A MAN AND SIX HORSES KILLED: Our Gawler correspondent, writing on Friday evening, said "A very heavy storm passed over the district this afternoon, the thunder and lightning being unusually severe. Two brothers, named Carey, farmers, living near Templars, were driving their team of six horses horne from Gawler, and when they were near Roseworthy, about 3 o'clock, Mr. Thomas Carey and the six horses were struck by lightning and killed instantaneously. They had pulled up, and the brother had gone into a house for the purpose of borrowing an overcoat. On returning to the vehicle he received a terrible shock on finding his brother and the horses dead. The team was considered to be the best which came into Gawler.' [On back of photograph] 'Horses struck by lightning near Roseworthy. (Photograph taken by Mr. E.T. Marchant. Light patch across right of picture was caused by a defective plate holder on the camera.) / 25/1/1901 / approx. 100 yards North Roseworthy railway on Main North Road. Thomas J. Carey of Wasleys killed. His brother had just got off the wagon when accident occurred. Was an old dam on Late J. Everett's property Sections 155 and 156, hundred of Mudla Wirra. Farm known as Stanfield- in cattle paddock. Horse's bodies were placed in this and the dam was then filled in. Carey was buried in Willaston Cemetery, 27/1/1901. (Note by Peter Clark, c/- State Library of S.A.)'.

Research paper on Edward Angus Hamilton along with photographs
Research paper on Edward Hamilton together with a brief biography, photographs of buildings with which he was associated, a copy of the article on Edward Hamilton which was reproduced from the September 1985 edition of heritage periodical and a photocopied newspaper article about a mansion to be demolished at Unley. Details for the photos (D 7683/2) are as per brief captions on back of photographs.

Heinrich family album
Heinrich family album, compiled by Ilona Oppenheim from loose family photographs. Notes found on the verso of photographs are noted in the caption in inverted commas. Topics include life at Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory in the nineteen twenties, with photographs of some Aboriginal people and visitors to Hermannsburg, including scientists, government officials and tourists. Photos 293-295 are restricted from view pending assessment of Aboriginal content. These images include 293. Ceremonial tjuringa stones of the Hermannsburg area (restricted); 294. 'Manangananga' sacred cave (restricted); 295. 'Holy cave 17 April 1929 (Dad's birthday)'. Large group of Aboriginal people from the Hermannsburg Mission gathered at a sacred spot (restricted). Photos 296-302 have not been digitised. These are duplicated elsewhere in other Heinrich albums or lantern slides.

Kaines Collection
Collection of 15 photograph albums, containing 2943 photographs taken by Jack Kaines from the time he finised school until the end of World War II. The photographs act as a pictorial documentary of his life showing the places he traveled to around South Australia and Australia, including many roadtrips and daytrips visiting friends and family. Many of the photographs show the various cars that he owned. The photographs taken during World War II initially show many other Servicemen, but subsequently become mostly tourist shots. Except for a small number of photographs taken in Fiji, the collection ends with his war photographs, and the last 30 years of his life is not captured in this collection. A selection of photographs from his albums have been digitised and can be searched on PRG 1638.

Additional photographs (folio 1) relating to South Australia
A collection of photographs with views of coastline on Kangaroo Island and at Rapid Bay, the lighthouse at Cape Jervis, shipwrecks on the Coorong and Wardang Island, Renmark, Kopperamanna Lutheran Mission, and other places in South Australia. Photographs 1-9 were taken by Rev. N. H. Louwyck, for the Centenary, 8 September 1936 of the landing of Col. William Light at Rapid Bay South Australia. Photographs 10 (see series 22 photo 29), 20, 48 are missing from the set.

Colonel Frank Makin
Colonel Makin, son of John William Makin Esq of Albion Place, Salford, Lancashire is standing in a three quarter view and is wearing a heavily braided full dress uniform, which includes a cocked hat. He was associated with the first Volunteer Military Force, Adelaide Rifles, and Gawler Company. He was Hon. Aide-de-camp to Sir William Robertson and the Earl of Kintore. [On back of photograph] 'Col. Frank Makin'.

A View of J. Barton Hack Esqr's Farm, Echiunga (sic) Springs Mount Barker, South Australia.
Colour tinted lithograph of J. Barton Hack Esqr's farm at Echunga Springs, Mount Barker. Drawn by artist J. Hitchen from an original drawing by Governor George Gawler. The artwork features a white house and barn, with smaller buildings or dwellings accross the valley. Cattle is fenced in paddocks around the house and more buildings beyond. The artwork suggests there has been a degree of land clearing and fencing in this area, although some remaining natural bushland is represented. The landscape appears very lush and green. There is a small hut in the left foreground.

Work diary
Diary kept by Samuel Hubbe from 2 March to 23 December 1897 on what appears to have been an extended field trip to the north of the state in his capacity as a vermin inspector. The diary starts with him 'at sea - bound for Port Lincoln', and ends, after a sea trip back from Port Lincoln in the SS 'Ferrett' in the office 'preparing details of unleased lands in and adjacent to Gawler Ranges ... obtaining quotations and preparing estimates for wild dog destruction parties to be equipped and forwarded to the Gawler Ranges ... [and] compiling report re wild dog depredations etc'. There are three draft letters at the front of the diary, some dried plant specimens, and a 2 page article by J.E. Coudrey on 'saccharin' (originally located in 19-20 August page) which describes the unsuccessful use of the substance in place of sugar on a Hubbe-led field trip/expedition.

![Plan and section of the South Australian Company's road to the New Port and Section 'A' [cartographic material] /
by G.S. Kingston, Civil Engineer](
Plan and section of the South Australian Company's road to the New Port and Section 'A' [cartographic material] / by G.S. Kingston, Civil Engineer
Plan of the New Port and Section 'A' at Port Adelaide, showing the Company's proposed wharf, canal and new road to Adelaide. Also shows the 'Old Landing Place' with sections 423 and 443 indicated. Plan by G.S. Kingston dated 10 July 1840. Photograph made of Governor George Gawler's copy ca.1868; original watercolour. Scale 1 inch to 5 chains. Original signed by Kingston outside border of map.

Flowers and other plants
Colour slides depicting flowers, including many varieties of orchid, and other plants including fungi.

Photograph album 1
Collection of silver albumen photographs, most loose, contained in a 'post card album'. Believed to have been taken (or collected in some cases) by F.C. Krichauff, who worked as a photographer in South Australia. The majority of the photographs are of buildings in Adelaide, but also include English and European buildings , believed to have been take during an overseas visit in 1882 - neither have been copied. See 'contents' for details of individual photographs.

Additional photographs relating to exploration and maritime topics
A collection of mounted photographs relating primarily to exploration and maritime topics in South Australia and the Northern Territory, together with a small collection of portraits of people associated with the Royal Geographical Society. Two group portraits of Aboriginal people, from Port Lincoln and from Kopperamanna are included (photographs 9 and 15). Photographs 67-70 relate to the Flinders Centenary 1902. The following photographs have not been digitised (copies are held elsewhere in the Pictorial Collection or not related specifically to South Australia): 2. 'Light on Kingston jetty' with lighthouse keeper, his dog and bicycle; 3. 'Kingston jetty' Also at B 9409; 8. 'The British Hotel Port Adelaide', pencil sketch ca. 1841. Also at B 510; 9. 'Port Lincoln natives, last of tribe, 1897'. See B 512; 13. 'Victor Harbor breakwater'. Also at PRG 280/1/2/39; 20. Distant view of the landing place and iron stores at Port Adelaide, South Australia. Photograph of an artwork of 1838; 25. Horrocks' expedition, showing Horrocks and his party, with laden camel, moving through the bush. Photo of an artwork ca.1846; 26. 'Horrocks after being wounded on his way to Penwortham'. Photograph of an artwork ca.1848. Also at B 475. Original in the Art Gallery of South Australia; 28. Photograph of painting signed by E. Magraith 1904 with inscription 'H.M.C.S. Yatala after a painting by H. C. R. 1849', to Arthur Searcy Esq, President of Marine Board, from G. H. 1904'. See also B 9316; 31. View of the gorge on Mary River by Stephen King 1862. John McDouall Stuart Expedition. See also B 486/9; 33. 'Matthew Flinders, aged 27', photo of a portrait . See B 11153; 38. 'Captain Sir Leopold Mc Clintock, R.N. LL.D' photograph of an engraving of Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, Arctic explorer; 39. 'The late Sir John Franklin' photo of an engraving;40. 'Captain Charles Sturt' (Australian explorer). Also at B 70378/3; 41. 'Relievo of National Memorial to Sir John Franklin. M. Noble, Sculptor', photo of bronze sculpture in London; 51. 'Robert Kyffin Thomas' portrait. Also at B 3687; 52. 'Charles Davies older brother, Gawler'; 58. 'The Right Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Secretary of State for the Colonies'; 59. 'Sir Leopold Mc Clintock, 1880'; 60. Commander Verney Lovett Cameron 1878; 61. 'John McKinlay'. Davies & Co. photographer. Also at B 1782; 65. 'Sir J. Langdon Bonython'. Also at B 2255.

Bronze Plaque
Bronze plaque attached to the Flinders Monument, Stamford Hill in 1934. The plaque states " This place from which the Gulf and its shores were first surveyed on 26 February 1802 by Matthew Flinders, RN Commander of HMS 'Investigator'. The discovery of the country now called South Australia was set apart on 12 January, 1841 with the sanction of Lt. Col. Gawler KH, then the Governor of the Colony and in the first year of the Government of Captain G Grey. Adorned with this monument to the perpetual memory of the illustrious navigator His Honored Commander by John Franklin, Captain RN KCM. KR. Lt. Governor of Van Diemen's Land".

Mark and Harriet Last
Mark Last and Harriet (nee Parsons) married at Trinity Church 17 October 1854. Their daughter Mary Ann was born 26 August 1855. Harriet died at their Gawler South residence 2 April 1906, Mark died at the same place 4 January 1908.

Messenger Press: Architects' views of Adelaide
A collection of photographs and colour photocopies, primarily of plans and architects' impressions of developments in and around the City of Adelaide. Several larger format aerial photographs of the central business district are included. The album comprises a selection of photographs collected by Messenger Press, many of which have been published in the various suburban editions of the paper. Where artists or photographers are known they have been noted. The following brochures are interfiled at the end of the album: Fifty-Five Waymouth Street investment, Hassell Collaboration Adelaide 2002, Holden Factory becomes designer living. Hassell. Media release, December 1999; Halifax Adelaide, the living heart of the City; Adelaide Central Bus Terminal, Synergy investments Australia. Danvers Architects. June 1997; Adelaide Convention Centre, new additions, facilities, spaces and opportunities, 2001. (7 items) These can be seen by requesting the album.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : Boats, ships and yachts
Photographs relating to transport - boats, ships and yachts, created by Messenger Press.

Earl of Kintore : SUMMARY RECORD
Papers of Sir Algernon Hawkins Thomond Keith-Falconer, Ninth Earl of Kintore, Governor of South Australia, comprising a collection of illuminated addresses presented to him (see special list for further details), and a private letter and stamped envelope from Governor Kintore to William Anstruther-Thomson (1859-1938) of the Royal Horse Guards, London, dated 14 June 1891.

People associated with the City of Adelaide
'City People B': a collection of photographs of people associated with the City of Adelaide whose surnames start with 'B'. In addition to the photographs it also includes a number of photocopied pages with additional photos and the captions which were used with the images. A selection have been digitised and may be viewed online (do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 71859); the rest may requested and viewed in the Reading Room.