Photograph album 1 [B 71094/1-50] • Photograph

Photograph album 1
Three youths in a wooden dinghy in front of other moored yachts and square rigged sailing boats at Port Adelaide, after 1875

Photograph album 1
The barque 'Kebroyd' and a ferry boat moored outside the A. W. Sandford building, Port Adelaide. ca.1875

Photograph album 1
Two large sailing boats, a tug with a funnel, a dinghy with triangular sail, and several people at Port Adelaide, ca.1875

Photograph album 1
Metal bridge, a man on a wharf and small moored sailboats at Port Adelaide, after 1875

Photograph album 1
Foyer of the Mitchell Building, University of Adelaide, showing fine stone work, metal boot scrapers and wrought iron decorations, after 1880

Photograph album 1
Man wearing a top hat in the entrance foyer of Mitchell Building, University of Adelaide, after 1880

Photograph album 1
Possibly the 'rear of Treasury Building, Adelaide' - shows a three storey building and large trees in a park, after 1885

Photograph album 1
'Institute Building' - the old library building on the corner of Kintore Avenue and North Terrace, and several horse drawn vehicles,ca. 1880

Photograph album 1
The Torrens Building [Government Offices] in Victoria Square, with a horse and cart out front, late 1880s

Photograph album 1
Torrens Building behind fences and parks, after 1883

Photograph album 1
Bank of Adelaide, King William Street, also showing buildings carrying the signs "Colyer", "Alfred Chambers", "Elders Wool Producers Ltd" and men, including road workers with picks and shovels, ca.1875

Photograph album 1
At Prince Alfred College, showing a man, possibly a gardener and wearing a waistcoat and hat, with a distant view of the Adelaide Hills, after 1881

Photograph album 1
Edmund Wright House [formerly the Union Bank of Australia], King William Street, and a shop with the sign 'Fimister's Clock shop, Watch and Clock maker to the S.A. Government', ca.1880

Photograph album 1
Edmund Wright House [formerly the Union Bank of Australia], King William Street, and a shop with the sign 'Fimister's Clock shop, Watch and Clock maker to the S.A. Government', ca.1880

Photograph album 1
The Supreme Court building with two children and two men out front, one holding a stick. ca.1887

Photograph album 1
Supreme Law Courts with two horse drawn vehicles outside in Victoria Square, Adelaide, ca.1883

Photograph album 1
View of the G.P.O. from the Albert Tower, Town Hall Adelaide, showing Victoria Square with horse drawn cabs, and the G.P.O. clock showing 1.23 pm, ca.1887

Photograph album 1
General Post Office, of three horse drawn vehicles and the Town Hall as seen from Victoria Square, looking North West along King William Street, ca.1887

Photograph album 1
Photograph of a large crowd in King William Street and Victoria Square, as seen looking north west over a park. [In 1870 the photographer's father F.E.H.W. Krichauff had the honour of placing the last stone on the General Post Office tower.] ca.1887

Photograph album 1
The Post Office with two flags, taken from diagonally south east of the Post Office at 7.47

Photograph album 1
Photograph of the Town Hall and three horse drawn cabs from Victoria Square, looking NW from King William Street, taken at 12.47 am ca.1887

Photograph album 1
Duplicate of B 71094/21

Photograph album 1
Detail of an arch with gargoyle at the entrance of the Adelaide Post Office and several horse drawn vehicles. ca.1887

Photograph album 1
The original G.P.O. building in King William Street, with its adjacent tower and some people. ca.1887

Photograph album 1
Detail showing the stone arch with a gargoyle, a weighing machine, two lamp posts, several people and power

Photograph album 1
Men in hats outside the Post

Photograph album 1
'The Old Gum Tree' at Glenelg behind a paling fence, with a notice nailed to the centre of the tree and another on a pole, ca.1888

Photograph album 1
Looking east to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, with crowds of families with umbrellas, flying flags, ceremonial helmets, a horse and cart, and two men on

Photograph album 1
The Adelaide Town Hall organ, a central chandelier and some flags on the walls, ca.1888

Photograph album 1
Interior of Stow Church, now Pilgrim Church, Adelaide, showing Gothic arches, altar and an organ, ca.1888