Badges [PRG 1500/52] • Realia

You're fired badge.
Featuring red text, 'You're fired Stop job discrimination against homosexuals' on white background.

Gays were the Silenced Majority badge.
Featuring purple text, 'Gays were the silence majority' on pink background.

Women are not chicks badge.
Featuring white text, 'Women are not chicks' on black background.

Statue of Liberty holding hands badge.
Featuring 2 Statues of Liberty holding hands in purple, on a white background.

Hope is not a method badge.
Featuring black text, 'Hope is not a method', on a green background.

Women against nuclear energy badge.
Protest badge featuring text 'Women against nuclear energy' in purple around the edge, with the female symbol in the centre, with a red nuclear symbol in the middle and a purple clenched fist, on a yellow background.

Think WEL before you vote badge.
Featuring white text, 'Think WEL before you vote', on a blue background.

Greatest mother in the world badge.
WW1 fundraising badge for the Red Cross, featuring the text 'The greatest mother in the world, the Red Cross 1918' around the edge, and in the centre an illustration of a Red Cross nurse dressed in flowing white robes and holding in her arms a wounded soldier lying on a stretcher, with a large red cross behind her. The image is evocative of Michelangelo's 'Pieta' of Mary holding the body of Jesus [also at SRG 435/19/9].

Repeal all abortion laws, march Dec. 6 badge.
Featuring text in white around edge 'Repeal all abortion laws' with women's movement female/Venus symbol in orange with text in centre 'March Dec. 6', on black background [also at PRG 1491/24/2/5].

Angry badge.
Hand drawn orange badge with the text 'Angry', and black women's symbol.

A woman's place is in the WAY! badge.
Featuring black text, 'A woman's place is in the WAY!' on a green backgroun. Includes a cartoon of a woman as a super hero.