Badges [PRG 1500/52] • Realia

Onward to glory badge.
Women's Liberation Movement 'Onward to Glory' badge, featuring black text on yellow background [also at PRG 1491/24/11].

Stop rape badge.
Stop rape badge, featuring white text 'Stop Rape' on black background.

Beneath every woman's curve lies a muscle badge.
Words in black in yellow text bubble 'Beneath every woman's curve lies a muscle', spoken by illustration of a woman dressed as a superhero, wearing a yellow dress and black boots, on a black background [also at PRG 1491/24/19].

Abortion a right badge.
Words in blue text 'Abortion a right, contraception a responsibility', on a yellow background [also at PRG 1491/52/94].

Women are on the move badge.
Featuring text in black 'Women are on the move', with International Women's Day Australia logo in black, on a green background [also at PRG 1491/24/2/7].

Fight sexism fight rape badge.
Featuring text in red 'fight sexism fight rape', on a black background.

International Women's Day badge.
International Women's Day logo in white in centre of female/Venus symbol with fist in centre, on a purple background.

WP & FF badge.
WP & FF Melborune April 1981, on green background.

Monogamy or monotomy badge.
Black text 'Monogamy or monotomy?' on blue background.

Lesbian Network badge.
Featuring text in black 'Lesbian Network' highlighted in yellow, on a white background, with illustrations.

We're not all straight in the festival state badge.
Featuring text in black 'We're not all straight in the festival state', on a blue background.

Women need unions need women badge.
White text 'Women need unions need women' on green background, with 'AUS Women's Department' around edge [also at PRG 1491/24/52].

International Women's Day badge.
'International Women's Day' text in pink with Women's Liberation Movement logo in the centre, on white background [also at PRG 1500/52/24].

Women stand up and be counted badge.
Featuring text in green and purple, 'Women stand up and be counted, Women's Liberation', on white background [also at PRG 1491/24/1/2].

International Women's Year, Australia badge.
Black text around edge 'International Women's Year, Australia', with black logo in centre, on white background. [also at PRG 1491/24/22].

Stop Fraser's war on women badge.
Purple text around edge 'Stop Fraser's war on women' with purple Women's Liberation Movement symbol in centre, on white background [also at PRG 1491/24/56].

Repeal all abortion laws badge.
Featuring text in white in centre, 'Repeal all abortion laws', and in black around the edge, 'A woman's right to choose, end forced sterilisation', on red background [also at PRG 1491/24/2/27].

Lesbian Liberation badge.
Purple text on edge, 'Lesbian Liberation'.

Women in Unions, Growing Strong Together badge.
Black text 'Women in Unions, Growing Strong Together, AUS Women's Department', with illustration of a group of women in red and white and yellow background [also at PRG 1491/24/49].

Murphy Sisters badge.
Green text, 'The Murphy Sisters are coming'.

Women's Commission badge.
Brown stripes and text, 'Women's Commission'.

Rape is about power not about sex badge.
Black text in centre, 'Rape is about power not about sex'.

Feminists for a just world badge.
Black text in centre, 'International Women's Day 1996' with 'Feminists for a just world' in black on the top edge.

Feminine instincts badge.
Black text in a speech bubble from a cartoon illustration of a woman in red, 'Well if I get my natural feminine instincts biologically I'm not having you telling me how to be a woman!'.

Lest we forget women raped in war badge.
Black text on white background, 'Lest we forget women raped in war' [See similar badges at PRG 1499/8/26-27].

Women are on the move badge.
Black text on green background, 'Women are on the move' [also at PRG 1491/24/10].

Fight sexism fight rape badge.
White text on black background, 'fight sexism fight rape'.

Talkback a film arbout human rights badge.
Orange text on yellow background, 'Talkback a film about human rights'.

Stop rape badge.
Black text in an octagon on a white background, 'Stop rape'.

Wimmin vs badge.
Black text on a white background, 'Wimmin vs patriarchy vs slavedom vs rape vs racism vs marriage, porn vs womynhating vs bashing'.