Badges [PRG 1500/52] • Realia

I'm enduring marriage as an undercover agent badge.
Words in white text 'I'm enduring marriage as an undercover agent for the womens liberation army', on a backgrounfd with Princess Diana.

If they can send one man to the moon badge.
Featuring red text on a yellow background, 'If they can send one man to the moon why not send them all?'.

The Clerical Barrier badge.
Featuring black text on a yellow background, 'The Clerical Berrier - a game of chance'.

We're not all straight in the festival state badge.
Featuring text in black 'We're not all straight in the festival state', on a pink background.

The Satisfaction badge.
International Women's Day 'The Satisfaction Badge', pink background.

Women's Liberation Movement WRAP badge.
Black Women's Liberation Movement logo, with WRAP on a fist, on a white background.

Feminist thugs for freedom badge.
International Women's Day 'Feminist thugs for freedom', on a pink background.

Women's Fun Run badge.
Featuring green text, 'Women's Fun Run', on a white background.

International Women's Day badge.
Featuring black taxt, 'I.W.D. A new form of conrecption??', on white background.

Every mother is a working mother badge.
Featuring red taxt, 'Every mother is a working mother', on black background.

Women unite against Fraser badge.
Featuring text in purple, 'Women unite against Fraser', on white background.

Reclaim the night badge.
Featuring text in pink, 'Reclaim the night', on black background, with an illustration of a woman.

Monogamy or monotomy badge.
Black text 'Monogamy or monotomy?' on blue background.

Opening doors badge.
Featuring black text, 'Opening Doors Sylvia', on red background.

We're not all straight in the festival state badge.
Featuring text in black 'We're not all straight in the festival state', on a white background.

Women's Liberation Movement badge.
Featuring white text on a black background, with Women's symbol.

Never underestimate the power of a woman badge.
Featuring text in black 'Never underestimate the power of a woman' on green background..

Where there's a way badge.
Featuring blue text, 'Where there's a (?), there's a way' on blue background.

Women are called birds badge.
Featuring black text, 'Women are called birds 'cos they pick up worms' on red background.

I'm too busy to be organized badge.
Featuring black text, 'I'm too busy to be organized' on white background.

The future is female badge.
Featuring black text, 'The future is female' on white background.

Women's symbol badge.
Featuring red women's symbol with hands in the middle, on white background.

Strike out Fraser badge.
Featuring red text, 'Strike out Fraser' on red background.

Women's symbol badge.
Featuring black women's symbol being held like a cross.

Powerful woman badge.
International Women's Day, 'Powerful Woman' badge.

Behind every great woman badge.
Featuring red text, 'Behind every great woman there's a man who tried to STOP HER' on a white background.

Rouge badge.
Featuring white text 'Rouge' with the 'o' forming the Women's Liberation Movement logo, a female/Venus symbol with fist in centre, on a red background.

Melbourne Lesbian Action Group badge.
Featuring black text 'Melbourne Lesbian Action Group, on a white background.

International Women's Day logo badge.
'International Women's Day' text in pink with Women's Liberation Movement logo in the centre, on white background [also at PRG 1491/24/3].

Word is out badge.
Pride badge, featuring white text 'Word is out' on black background [also at PRG 1491/24/2/15].