Badges [PRG 1500/52] • Realia

International Women's Day 1999 badge.
Black text 'International Women's Day 1999' with Women's Liberation Movement logo, with fist holding a lightning bolt, on pink background.

A Woman's place is everywhere badge.
Featuring black text 'A woman's place is everywhere' and black International Women's Year Australia logo at top, on green background.

Girls rule ok badge.
Black text 'Girls Rule OK!!' on yellow background.

Monogamy or monotomy badge.
Black text 'Monogamy or monotomy?' on yellow background [also at PRG 1500/52/130].

Stop Rape badge.
White text 'Stop Rape' on black background [also at PRG 1500/52/131].

Unions are for women too! badge.
Featuring white text on black background, 'Unions are for women too!'.

Take back the night badge.
Featuring white text on black background with an illustration of a woman standing, 'Take back the night'.

If they can send a man to the moon badge.
Featuring black text on an orange background, 'If they can send a man to the moon why can't they send them all?'.

I like younger women badge.
Featuring white text on a black background, 'I like younger women'.

International Women's Day badge.
International Women's Day logo in white in centre of female/Venus symbol with fist in centre, on a purple background.

Abortion is a woman's right to choose! badge.
Featuring text in white 'Abortion is a woman's right to choose!' with illustration of a woman reaching with her fist into the centre of the women's movement female/Venus symbol, on a black background.

Women's march for liberation badge.
Featuring text in white 'Women's march for liberation' with illustration of a female/Venus symbol with a woman's face in the centre, on a purple background.

Sisterhood is powerful badge.
Featuring text in red 'Sisterhood is powerful', on a white background.

I may not be rich badge.
Featuring text in black 'I may not be rich but I'm one hell of a tap dancer', on a yellow background.

Give women credit badge.
Featuring text in white 'Give women credit', on a green background.

I am an enemy of the state badge.
Featuring text in black 'I am an enemy of the state', on a red background.

Sexist jeers reflect men's fears badge.
Featuring text in purple 'Sexist jeers reflects men's fears', on a white background.

New moods badge.
Featuring text in white 'New moods', highlighted with black on a white background, with an illustration of a woman dressed in red.

New moods badge.
Featuring text in white 'New moods', highlighted with black on a white background, with an illustration of a woman dressed in red.

New moods badge.
Featuring text in white 'New moods', highlighted with black on a white background, with an illustration of a woman dressed in red.

Hopeless Romantic badge.
Featuring text in black 'Hopeless romantic', on a red heart, on a white background.

Free abortion on demand badge.
Featuring text in red 'Free abortion on demand', on a yellow background.

We're not all Straight in the Garden State badge.
Featuring text in green 'We're not all Straight in the Garden State', on a white background.

International Women's Day badge.
'International Women's Day' text in pink with Women's Liberation Movement logo in the centre, on white background [also at PRG 1500/52/103].

There are millions of us... badge.
Featuring text in black 'There are millions of us...', on a white background.

Lesbian Action Group badge.
Featuring text in white 'Lesbian Action Group', on a black background.

Take back the night badge.
Featuring text in white 'Take back the night', on a black background, featuring an illustration of a woman.

Women reclaim the night! badge.
Featuring text in black 'Women reclaimg the night!', on a white background.

You are among equals badge.
Featuring text in black, 'You are among equals', with International Women's Year Australia logo, on green background [also at PRG 1491/24/1/15].

Women roaming and prowling badge.
Featuring text in black 'Women roaming and prowling', on a white background, with an illustration of a woman, for Reclaim the night.