Badges [PRG 1500/52] • Realia

Girls rule OK!! badge.
Black text on a white background with red trinagular edging, 'Girls rule OK!!'.

Australian Women's Education Coalition badge.
Black text on a green background 'Australian Women's Education Coalition Hobart 1984'.

The Future is Wimmin badge.
Black text on a green background 'The Future is Wimmin IWD'85'.

Rape is about power not about sex badge.
Black text in centre, 'Rape is about power not about sex' [also at PRG 1500/52/112].

We're not all straight in the festival state badge.
Featuring text in black 'We're not all straight in the festival state', on a pink background [also at PRG 1500/52/64].

Monogamy or monotomy badge.
Black text 'Monogamy or monotomy?' on yellow background, with red triangular edging.

Sound Women's Peace Action badge.
Black text 'Sound Women's Peace Action' on white background, with cartoon illustration of Australia as an island on a sea.

International Women's Day badge.
Black text 'International Women's Day 85' and logo on yellow background.

WTUC badge.
Black text and logo 'WTUC' on white background.

Monogamy or monotomy badge.
Black text 'Monogamy or monotomy?' on yellow background [also at PRG 1500/52/4].

Stop Rape badge.
White text 'Stop Rape' on black background [also at PRG 1500/52/5].

International Women's Day 1985 badge.
Black text around female Venus symbol 'I am still angry on IWD '85' with illustration of a woman with buildings in the background, on a red background [also at PRG 1491/24/4].

Women's symbol on a flower badge.
Red women's symbol interlinked over a purple flower on a white background.

Women's symposium badge.
Black text Women's Symposium 1979 and drawing of women dancing, on a white background.

Demand the right to choose badge.
Blue text Demand the right to choose, contraception, sterilisation, abortion, on a yellow background.

Weg mit badge.
Black text, 'Weg mit 218! Fauen entscheiden selbst', on a purple background.

Lest we forget women raped in war badge.
Black text on white background, 'Lest we forget women raped in war' [also at PRG 1500/52/115].

The pill takes the worry out of being mum badge.
Black text on yellow background, 'The pill takes the worry out of being mum' [also at PRG 1491/24/2/21].

WAM badge.
International Women's Day WAM, in white in centre of female/Venus symbol, on a purple background.

Women's symbol badge.
Women's symbol linked together, on a red background.

Women's symbol badge.
Women's symbol linked together, on a black background.

Women's march for liberation badge.
Women's march for liberation, on a black background [also at PRG 1491/24/15].

If I can't dance badge.
Black text, 'If I can't Dance... I don't want to be part of your revolution' on orange background.

Women break out! Don't break down badge.
Featuring text in green 'Women, break out! Don't break down' on white background [also at PRG 1491/24/22].

Scream from silence badge.
Featuring text in blue, 'Scream from silence', on yellow background, with 'Stop sexual harassment A.U.S. Women's Department around the outer edge in green on blue background [also at PRG 1500/52/42].

Don't trust to luck... badge.
Featuring black text, 'Don't trust to luck...', on white background.

Patriarchy the great phallusy badge.
Featuring black text, 'Patriarchy the great phallusy', on yellow background.

Abortion is a woman's right to choose badge.
Featuring white text on dark purple background, 'Abortion is a woman's right to choose, WAAC', Women's Abortion Action Campaign.

Medicine Woman badge.
Featuring red text on yellow background, 'Medicine Woman'.

Women's symbol badge.
Featuring yellow women's symbol on white background. A star on a blue and white background is in the middle of the circle.