Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2) [B 71136/1-261] • Photograph

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
stop valve showing fins to hold pipe in valve anchor block

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
stop valve showing fins to hold pipe in valve anchor block

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
stop valve showing fins to hold pipe in valve anchor block

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
stop valve showing fins to hold pipe in valve anchor block

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
welding three pipes into set by semi automatic process

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
laying three pipe set

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
assembling bend prior to laying in gullet

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
pipe rollers

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
change of alignment and change of grade thrust blocks

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
change of alignment and change of grade thrust blocks

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
change of alignment and change of grade thrust blocks

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
24 inch outlet main Tod reservoir

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
occupation crossing

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
large change of grade

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
large change of grade

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
ground stop valve anchors

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River spillway crossing

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
ground stop valve anchors.