Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2) [B 71136/1-261] • Photograph

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
two types of mixer used - two bag mix

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
two types of mixer used - two bag mix

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
two types of mixer used - two bag mix

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
cement storage

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
contractor's crushing plant

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
' ... and 'Mabel'

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
timber and metal stacks at landing water due to exceptional high tide

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
flooded borrow pit in Sampphire Flat and low grassland

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Mount Wudinna rain water catchment. Part of granite outcrop and the concrete and masonry walls and drains that lead to the storage tank

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Mount Wudinna rain water catchment. Part of granite outcrop and the concrete and masonry walls and drains that lead to the storage tank

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Mount Wudinna rain water catchment. Part of granite outcrop and the concrete and masonry walls and drains that lead to the storage tank

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - temporary installation

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - completed excavation and the tank floor during construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - completed excavation and the tank floor during construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - completed excavation and the tank floor during construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - completed excavation and the tank floor during construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - building the tank walls - average height of pour 3'6"

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - building the tank walls - average height of pour 3'6"

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - building the tank walls - average height of pour 3'6"

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - building the tank walls - average height of pour 3'6"

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - building the tank walls - average height of pour 3'6"

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - building the tank walls - average height of pour 3'6"

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
the final stages of the tank

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
the final stages of the tank

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
the final stages of the tank

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - the contractor's crushing plant with gas producer

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Tod River water scheme - the contractor's crushing plant with gas producer

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Hume Weir, River Murray, 1932

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Hume Weir, River Murray, 1932

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 2)
Hume Weir, River Murray, 1932