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Calperum Station
Horse teams carting wool bales in wagons.

Scenes of South Australia
Photographs in black & white and some sepia, of South Australian scenes and landscapes, ca.1890-1930. See CONTENTS for more information and details.

Views of Paringa
A collection of images of Paringa.

Holidays by paddle steamer and Bond's bus
Photographs of a holiday along the River Murray by paddle steamer in 1934 (photographs 1-16), and a 'Sunny Murray' holiday by Bonds tour bus in 1938 (photographs 17-36), taken by Ivy Watson. See 'Contents' for details.

Promotional photographs of places and events in South Australia
Collection of 132 photographs highlighting events, entertainment, recreation and sights of interest in Adelaide and other South Australian regions, including Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley, Fleurieu Peninsula, River Murray, South East, Flinders Ranges, Yorke Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula, Mid North and Far North, during the nineteen seventies.

Water tank and steam tractor with crowd of locals
Water tank and steam tractor nearby, with a crowd of locals, mainly men with a few children.

Photographs of river shipping and places
Photographs from Harry Godson's collection, some which had been assigned his catalogue numbers but were not included in earlier digitised series 1-4. Most are undated.

Collection of scenes of South Australia, interstate and the United Kingdom
Collection comprising black and white (including two colour) glass plate lantern slides mainly of miscellaneous South Australian scenes and landscapes, ca. 1890-1930. The latter includes some interstate scenes of Victoria and Tasmania and also the United Kingdom. See CONTENTS for more information and details.

Outback South Australia, Inland Mission, Ambulances and, some interstate locations
Lantern slides used by Rev. Stanley Trengove Harper

Calperum Station
Stock yards at Calperum Station.

Calperum Station
Sheep in holding yards at the Shearing Shed on Calperum Station.

Calperum Station
Horse teams hauling wool bales taking a break with their feed bags.

Gertrude Randell
Gertrude Randell, supposedly the wife of Captain Randell. A quick search of BDM records and Trove brings up only two people called Gertrude Randell in South Australia (from an era that would explain the style of her clothing). Firstly, there was a Gertrude Randell who died in 1912 at the age of 23. She was married to an Albert W. Randell, who may have been this man, also was a Captain and the son of Capt. William Randell. Surname: RANDELL Given Names: Gertrude Hedwig Date: 1912-06-18 Sex: F Age: 23y Status: M Relative: Albert Wentworth RANDELL (H) Residence: Renmark Death Place: Renmark 16/02/2023. The other, a Miss Gertrude Randell, is likely the daughter or niece of a W.J. Randell. Based on the woman's clothing this photograph most likely depicts the first Gertrude (a quick Google search shows that her clothes fit into the fashion of the Edwardian era) and there is no further evidence to show who her husband may have been.

Travels in South Australia
Collection of photographs taken by Jean B. Hale on her travels through South Australia between 1947 and 1955. See 'Contents' for details of individual photographs.

Views of Loxton
A collection of images of Loxton.

P.S. Mayho with a shooting group on board
Bow view of 'P.S. Mayho' at river bank, with group of shooters on the upper decks, and their catch hanging on the railing. A researcher has provided the following information: William Patey, the man standing on the top deck on the left, was the owner of the Mayho (originally named 'Julia' before he purchased her) and he used to cart wood to the Renmark Trust for many years before he sold it to the Renmark Trust, who then changed her name to Ero after Mr E.R. Olorenshaw. The trust continued to use her for many years and today she sits on the bottom of the river near Rufus.

Three river steamers passing through Lock 3 Berri
Wide view of Lock 3 construction site, with three paddle steamers passing or approaching.

P.S. Gem snagged in Higgin's Cutting near Cal Lal, N.S.W
Side view of the upper decks of P.S. Gem, which snagged and partly sunk, in Higgin's Cutting near Cal Lal, N.S.W., November 1948. [From information provided by Frank Tucker, the Gem sank at Cal Cal, not Higgin's Cutting]. According to another researcher, the Gem hit a snag next to what was then known as Scotty's Woodpile on Lindsay Island about 500 yards upstream from Wompinni House on the opposite bank.(Wompinni was part of Kulcurna Station then owned by the Higgins family and is still standing). The Captain realised the boat was in trouble but also knew that if he abandoned ship on that side of the river, they would not be able to get help because no-one lived there. He allowed The Gem to drift downstream and steered it to a sandbar next to what the Higgins family referred to as the First Creek. This was close to where the old Police Station and Customs House once stood. The Captain ran the boat aground on the sandbar, the passengers were able to get off safely onto the bank. One man had suffered a heart attack during the panic and had died. He was left on his bunk. Someone went for help to Wompinni and soon Mr J.T. Higgins and family were on the scene. His daughter Denys Higgins, aged about 19 at the time and mid-way through her nursing studies was rowed out to the Gem by her father to examine the body of the man to see if there was anything that could be done for him. In the meantime, all the crew and passengers were cared for by the Higgins family with cups of tea and food. Efforts were made to engage buses from Renmark to transport the passengers and crew back to Renmark but because the roads at the time were in a poor state, they were eventually all taken on trucks and by private transport.

World War I photographs and cards from the records of Ernest Ferdinand Huselius
WWI photographic postcards, including those of Orient Line SS Orsova sent by Ernest and George in 1915. Collection includes a 'Mediterranean Expeditionary Force - Gallipoli Peninsula for xmas 1915' Christmas card sent from Ernest to his sister.

Construction of shopping complex at Darlington
A selection from travel photographs taken by amateur photographer G.R. Oliver. Identified as 'Darlington shops during construction'.

Reverend Arthur M. Trengove : SUMMARY RECORD
Records of the Reverend Arthur M. Trengove comprising approximately 1300 lantern slides and glass plate negatives. To a lesser extent there are nitrate negatives and prints. The majority were created in South Australia and document the landscape and his activities as Reverend. Items include images of the following areas; Mid North and Flinders Ranges, Eyre Peninsula (including Cowell, Franklin Harbour, Hissey's Creek, Coonarie Falls, Winnowing, Arno Bay, Port Lincoln), Adelaide Botanic and Zoological Gardens, Port Elliot and Hindmarsh River, Beetaloo Reservoir, Bundaleer, Prince Alfred College, Mount Gambier, River Murray, Mannum and Renmark. Trengove spent time abroad in both New Zealand and during World War 1 in Egypt. Both trips are documented. There are also many family portraits, mainly taken during the mission years in northern South Australia. There are items of interest including a wooden and metal gas lantern slide projector and wooden frames for the slides, used in projection. There is a decorative light projection device with a prism-like light refractor which would have been used for creating patterned and coloured light presentations.

Photographs of river shipping and places
Photographs from Harry Godson's collection which had been given his catalogue numbers but were not included in earlier digitised series 1-4.

Lock 4 football club
Digital copy of a sepia photograph of a team of footballers from the Riverland posing in a bush setting. The caption on the verso reads 'Lock 4 Football Club'. Original printed in Renmark. A researcher has provided the following information: this photo had to have been taken between 1927 and 1929 when Lock 4 was underway. On 13 March 1927 a meeting of the Lock Four Football Club was held in the town hall with Mr B. Warren presiding. The question of joining one of the river football associations was discussed and it was decided to apply for admission to the Renmark (Upper Murray) association. The colours selected for the club were red and black, subject to approval of the association. It was resolved to prepare a ground immediately. They joined the Loxton-Browns Well Association. From the Adelaide Chronicle, 19 September 1929, 'Staff and employees have been prominent in sports and the lock for four football team have been premiers of the Loxton-Browns' Well Association of the past three years'.

Gerry Roberts and Peter McWhirr
Gerry Roberts and Peter McWhirr on the River Murray during the Annual Masters Regatta.

Gerry and Maggie in starter's boat
Gerry and Maggie in starter's boat on the River Murray during the Annual Masters Regatta.

Port Adelaide Rowing Club rowers
Port Adelaide Rowing Club rowers on the River Murray during the Annual Masters Regatta.

Annabelle and Peter McWhirr
Annabelle and Peter on the bank of the River Murray during the Annual Masters Regatta.

'Old Gold' aeroplane
'Old Gold' from Renmark. 'The big biplane ... was repainted as G-AUTL, with the name Old Gold on the fuselage under the passenger windows. ... Scheduled airline services commenced with Adelaide-Renmark but expanded to include Whyalla, Kimba, Kangaroo Island, Streaky Bay, Mount Gambier and Broken Hill.'[Source: MACROBERTSON MILLER AIRLINES (MMA) The early years Adelaide 1928-1939 A pictorial history compiled by Geoff Goodall]

Grave, Calperum
Iron railings enclose the grave of Agnes Gunn who died in 1864 at the age of 37 years.

"Industry", Goolwa
The launching of the "Industry", River steamer. This PS "Industry" was built in 1911. The Centenary Celebrations will be held in 2011 at Renmark. Please note: possible confusion as another "Industry" was was built in 1878 as a barge and converted to a steamer in 1878. She was used for snagging operations for the South Australian Government and also for delivering pile timber in 1926.