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Series 038a: Renmark Growers Distillery Limited
Aerial views of Renmark Growers Distillery Limited, later 23rd Street Distillery, and one view of the town of Renmark including the Renmark Hotel.

Series 066: Renmark Growers Distillery Limited and Renmark Hotel
Aerial photographs of Renmark Growers Distillery Limited on the corner of the Sturt Highway and 23rd Street, Renmark, and one view of the Renmark Hotel.

Flooding at Renmark during the 1956 floods
Seven photographs taken by Ted (Albert Edward) Peppercorn, documenting flooding at Renmark during the 1956 floods, Murray River. Details include local workers attempting to salvage the area, with one worker in full deep diving equipment preparing to deep dive, at the entrance to a drain.

Series 039: Renmark Hotel
Aerial images of Renmark Hotel from various directions showing the River Murray and Renmark township.

Series 036: Aerial views of Berri and Renmark
Aerial views of Berri Co-operative Winery (later Berri Estates), and the Renmark Hotel on the banks of the Murray River.

Renmark Hotel and gardens
Renmark Hotel and gardens. The Rose Garden Series, P9408.

Soldiers' Memorial Hall, Renmark
RENMARK: Premises of the Soldiers' Memorial Hall, Renmark, South Australia situated behind the war memorial stone cross.

Congregational Church, Renmark
[General description] Congregational Church, Renmark. This modest weatherboard church was built circa 1891 on land given by the Chaffey Brothers who were Congregationalists.

Renmark Hotel
Renmark Hotel.

Renmark Hotel
Renmark Hotel.

Renmark Hotel
Renmark Hotel.

Renmark Hotel
Renmark Hotel.

Renmark Hotel
Renmark Hotel.

Renmark Hotel
Renmark Hotel.

River Murray floods, Renmark H
River Murray floods, Renmark Hotel.

Hotel Renmark
Hotel Renmark.

Paringa Bridge, Renmark
RENMARK: Paringa bridge, built over the Murray River at Renmark, South Australia. The Paringa railway bridge over the River Murray. The bridge, considered to be one of Australia's great engineering feats, was designed so that one of the six steel spans could be raised to allow the river boats to pass through. It carried a single-track railway and also catered for road traffic with cantlevered roadways on both sides of the central spans. For a more comprehensive view of the bridge, see B 60629/99.

St. Augustine's Church, Renmark
St. Augustine's Church on the Riverbank at Renmark. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1642/13.

Ral Ral Hotel, Renmark
Ral Ral Hotel, beyond Renmark, on the famous overlanding track from Morgan to Wentworth. It was a well known public house in the early days of Murray settlement. When this photo, taken by G.E. Archer Russell, appeared in the "Observer", March 17th,1923, this building was used as an outhouse at Ral Ral. This was an outstation of Calperum Station, which was known in former days as Bookmark.

Club house, Renmark
[General description] The Renmark Club house, is a large symmetrical single storey stone building with brick quoins and wide verandahs situated on the bank of the Murray River. This view shows the side and front of the building. It was built as an English style 'Gentleman's Club' in 1909 with women being excluded until the early 1960s. It is now a popular venue for all of the community with bar, dining and function facilities.

Nurses at Renmark Hospital
Nurses in front of the Renmark Hospital. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1638/7.

Pioneer Printing Office, Renmark
Pioneer Printing Office, Renmark, with a group of employees by the building. To see a selection of photographs in this collection, search on Archival number PRG 1642/25.

8 Picturesque Snapshots of Renmark, South Australia
8 images of Renmark, South Australia made in the stereogrphic style as take-home postcards to be added to a photograph album. Originally belonging to Arthur (Jack) Casey; image numbers and titles include 1. Forsyths Corner; Taylor's Memorial Garden; 3. Lock No. 5; 4. Hotel Renmark; 5. Hotel Gardens; 6. River Murray Bridge; 7. Bowling Green; 8. Coonawarra at Renmark.

Snapshots of Renmark
Ten views of Port Pirie, produced by the Rose Stereograph Co., Armadal, Victoria, for W.H. Holden & Co. Renmark See 'contents' for details of items.

The Bandstand, Renmark
The Renmark Bandstand at the Renmark River Reserve. A settlement began to grow in this area in 1887 when the Renmark Irrigation Settlement was established using open drains to irrigate the orchards planted in the area. The name Renmark comes from the Aboriginal word meaning "red mud". The Renmark Citizen Band Stand was erected in 1931. It was built of stone and had a band-room underneath. Over 400 pounds was raised to build the structure which was placed on the River Front Reserve. The new bandstand was handed over for use on October 16, 1931. The attached plaque reads "Renmark Citizen Band Stand erected by the citizens of Renmark through the efforts of Mesdames MEA Price and BS Lawton 1931.

Renmark views
Comprising 10 tourism 'snapshots' of Renmark and the surrounding area, including buildings and paddlesteamers.

Floods in Renmark
Images around Renmark during the record-breaking flooding of the River Murray in 1956, showing the impact of the water on low-lying buildings and gardens not controlled by levees.

Renmark Avenue, Renmark
RENMARK: Part of Renmark Avenue, Renkmark, South Australia.

Renmark group
A group from the congregation of the Union Church in Tarcoola Street at Renmark West, built 1919-1920 on donated land on the south side of the Renmark West [primary] School. It is believed that it was taken in rlation to the laying of the foundation stones (see reports in the 'Murray River and Australian River Record', 14 November 1919, page 6 and 5 November 1920, page 5).

Renmark Avenue, Renmark
Renmark Avenue in a dust storm.