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[Tracing showing sections in Hundreds of Yatala, Para Wirra and Talunga(part)] [cartographic material]

[Tracing showing sections in Hundreds of Yatala, Para Wirra and Talunga(part)] [cartographic material]

Tracing of map showing scattered sections across the northern areas of the County of Adelaide including (1) the Hundred of Yatala, north and west of Tea Tree Gully; (2) various localities in the Hundred of Para Wirra, including sections south of Paracombe and Millbrook, and around the Kersbrook area; and (3) the Hundred of Talunga, including sections in the Kenton Valley area south of Gumeracha. Ink and watercolour on paper, ink notation. No scale given. Numbered 12) in top left hand corner. Stamped 5.12.[18]54. (Original on same sheet as maps 61-62).

[Tracing showing sections in Hundred of Onkaparinga(part)] [cartographic material]

[Tracing showing sections in Hundred of Onkaparinga(part)] [cartographic material]

Tracing of map showing scattered sections in the Hundred of Onkaparinga, with the Onkaparinga River shown. Ink on paper, ink notation. No scale given. Numbered 16) in top left hand corner. Stamped 5.12.[18]54. (Original on same sheet as maps 65-68).

[Tracing showing sections on eastern boundary of Mount Barker Mineral Survey] [cartographic material]

[Tracing showing sections on eastern boundary of Mount Barker Mineral Survey] [cartographic material]

Tracing of map showing four scattered sections in the Hundred of Monarto, on the eastern perimeter of the Mount Barker Mineral Survey (on section 2001). Disher's Hill is shown within the Survey area. Ink on paper, ink and pencil notation. No scale given. Numbered 14) at top left hand corner. Stamped 5.12.[18]54. (Original on same sheet as maps 64-65, 67-68).

Fitzroy Gold Fields, Port Curtis showing the route of the Leichhardt Expedition [cartographic material]/
by A.C. Gregory

Fitzroy Gold Fields, Port Curtis showing the route of the Leichhardt Expedition [cartographic material]/ by A.C. Gregory

Map of eastern Australia from Spencer Gulf and the Gulf of Carpentaria by A.C. Gregory, 1858, showing the route of the Leichhardt Expedition and the North East Route of 1856. The Queensland gold fields at Port Curtis and Leichhardt's camp in 1847 have been coloured orange. Published by J. Eccles, Pitt Street, Sydney. Scale approximately 1 inch to 80 miles; lines of latitude and longitude incorporated in map border. Stamped 11.2.[18]59.

Plan and section of the South Australian Company's road to the New Port and Section 'A' [cartographic material] /
by G.S. Kingston, Civil Engineer

Plan and section of the South Australian Company's road to the New Port and Section 'A' [cartographic material] / by G.S. Kingston, Civil Engineer

Plan of the New Port and Section 'A' at Port Adelaide, showing the Company's proposed wharf, canal and new road to Adelaide. Also shows the 'Old Landing Place' with sections 423 and 443 indicated. Plan by G.S. Kingston dated 10 July 1840. Photograph made of Governor George Gawler's copy ca.1868; original watercolour. Scale 1 inch to 5 chains. Original signed by Kingston outside border of map.

Plan of the County of Flinders [cartographic material]

Plan of the County of Flinders [cartographic material]

Map of the County of Flinders with land sections around and above Port Lincoln along Boston Bay and Louth Bay shown (but not numbered). All islands and mainland geographical features named. Includes archivist's note regarding ascription of date from date of creation of the County of Flinders (2 June 1842). Ink and watercolour on paper, ink and pencil notation. No scale given.

Maps of Company lands

Maps relating chiefly to the property of the South Australian Company. To see details of each map do a NUMBER search on BRG 42/119/1-87.

Plan of New Port Adelaide, South Australia designed by Col. G. Gawler [cartographic material]

Plan of New Port Adelaide, South Australia designed by Col. G. Gawler [cartographic material]

Plan of the New Port at Port Adelaide as designed by His Excellency the Governor Colonel George Gawler, divided into sections of 80 and 134 acres, surveyed by William Light. Scale 1 inch to 40 chains. Lithograph. (This map is from part of a John Arrowsmith map published in London in 1841).

Map of Hallett Cove showing geological formations

Map of Hallett Cove showing geological formations

Hand-drawn map of Hallett Cove showing Field River and surface geology. Written on frame: 'Map of Halletts Cove'.

Chart of the Darling River [cartographic material : electronic resource]

Chart of the Darling River [cartographic material : electronic resource]

Roll chart of the Darling River used by paddle steamer skippers as a navigational aid. Covers the river from approximately Lake Tanou and south from there. See above for details of notations on the map. Ink on calico. See also C 1177

Hundred of Tungkillo [cartographic material]/
signed Mr.J.W. Jones, Govt. Surveyor

Hundred of Tungkillo [cartographic material]/ signed Mr.J.W. Jones, Govt. Surveyor

Cadastral map (Sections 5-6425), in ink.

Map of South Australia, showing the line of telegraph across the continent to the Northern Territory [cartographic material] /
signed Alfred Everard Lucy

Map of South Australia, showing the line of telegraph across the continent to the Northern Territory [cartographic material] / signed Alfred Everard Lucy

Shows telegraph line from Port Augusta to Port Darwin - part completed, part in progress; Lake Torrens and Peake Station; James, Devenport, Stuart's and Strangways Ranges; Arthur's Hill, Mount Denison and Sturt's Plain; Roper and Adelaide Rivers; Point Patterson. Ink.

Mount Pleasant district [cartographic material]

Mount Pleasant district [cartographic material]

Shows natural and cultural features, Woolvknowie and Doughbody Hills, some Sections (from 9 to 331) indicated outside detailed map area. Compilation attributed to James William Jones. Ink and watercolour on linen.

Pichi Richi Hundred [cartographic material]

Pichi Richi Hundred [cartographic material]

Shows proposed township; railway, Pichi-Richi Creek, Devil's Peak, Dutchman's Stern and Pinkerton; other natural and cultural features; Woolundunga and Palmer indicated outside main map area. Compilation attributed to James William Jones. Ink and watercolour on linen.

Perpetual lease blocks under the Closer Settlement Act, Paracombe [cartographic material] /
Surveyor General's Office, Adelaide

Perpetual lease blocks under the Closer Settlement Act, Paracombe [cartographic material] / Surveyor General's Office, Adelaide

Details include showing location of Hundreds of Yatala and Para Wirra, section numbers and size, notes on natural features, location of established buildings, the Torrens River and the towns of Inglewood and Paracombe. Right hand of map has detailed description of the leases including area, annual rent, value and description of improvements. A. Vaughan, Photolithographer.

Plan of the Northern Territory showing Mr R.T. Maurice's journeys [cartographic material]

Plan of the Northern Territory showing Mr R.T. Maurice's journeys [cartographic material]

Shows overview of explorer's route in the Northern Territory. Red ink annotations. A. Vaughan, photolithographer. Base map published by the Surveyor General's Department.

Plan of the township of Angaston [cartographic material]

Plan of the township of Angaston [cartographic material]

This plan of Angaston shows parts of Sections 679, 335 and 331 of the Hundred of Moorooroo. Shows streets and lot numbers with some measurements of lots. Copied from District Council map which came from DP Map no. 32 of 1857. Black, blue and red ink on tracing paper.

Plan shewing reserves near Port Adelaide [cartographic material] /
compiled in the Engineer-in-Chief's Office

Plan shewing reserves near Port Adelaide [cartographic material] / compiled in the Engineer-in-Chief's Office

Map shows government reserves in the Port Adelaide area and includes section numbers. Ink on waxed paper, part coloured.

Plan showing special surveys 1839-40, in blocks of 4000 acres and upwards [cartographic material] /
John Arrowsmith

Plan showing special surveys 1839-40, in blocks of 4000 acres and upwards [cartographic material] / John Arrowsmith

Part coloured map of area of South Australia encompassing Gulf of St Vincent and the Murray River. Includes list of 33 names next to the surveys these individuals have control over (those with red boundaries on map). Surveys with green boundaries (Port Adelaide to Victor Harbor, coast to Mt Lofty) were either in process or already placed into sections. A. Vaughan, Government Photolithographer.

Route of the Leichhardt Search Expedition, May and June 1858 [cartographic material] /
by A.C. Gregory

Route of the Leichhardt Search Expedition, May and June 1858 [cartographic material] / by A.C. Gregory

Shows route of the party searching for missing explorer Leichhardt along Streletzki (sic) Creek and Barcoo River between 27 and 30 degrees Latitude and 139 to 142 degrees Longitude. Detailed description of natural features given. This map was adapted from the original in the Lands Department, Sydney to accompany Bessie Threadgill's "South Australian land exploration, 1856-1880'. (Compilation of copy attributed to Bessie Threadgill). Ink on paper.

Sketch of the coast and adjacent country from Port Lincoln to Franklin Harbour [cartographic material] /
by His Excellency Lt. Col. Geo. Gawler

Sketch of the coast and adjacent country from Port Lincoln to Franklin Harbour [cartographic material] / by His Excellency Lt. Col. Geo. Gawler

Copied from Gawler's original map by Thomas Burr. Shows river systems and mountains along the coast with notes on natural features. Negative copy of original in the Public Record Office, London.

Rough chart of the outlet of the Lake Alexandrina [cartographic material] /
by W.S. Pullen

Rough chart of the outlet of the Lake Alexandrina [cartographic material] / by W.S. Pullen

Shows Hindmarsh Island and the mouth of the River Murray. Gives notes on natural features and soundings in the river. Points are marked where Sturt halted 9 January 1831, where Sturt last camped before the return journey along the Murray and near where Captain Barker was killed. Negative copy of original in Public Record Office, London.

Ville St. Louis [cartographic material]

Ville St. Louis [cartographic material]

Cadastral map showing Hundred of Goolwa, County of Hindmarsh, Section 2248, Lots 1-24, some owners' names certified by George Louis Liptrott. Compilation attributed to Thomas Jones. Pencil on thin paper backed with linen.

[Rough plan of country near Adelaide] [cartographic material]

[Rough plan of country near Adelaide] [cartographic material]

Rough map of the Adelaide Region, with detailed notes on natural features, by Col. William Light. Shows present settlement and planned siting of city. Negative copy of original held in the Public Record Office, London. (See C195/1-2 for maps of same area based on drawing by Light.).

The Three Brothers Special Survey taken by J.B. Hack Esq. [cartographic material]

The Three Brothers Special Survey taken by J.B. Hack Esq. [cartographic material]

Hand coloured lithograph showing rivers, roads, county names, location of German Village, Echunga and J.B. Hack's residence, Hack's Bridge, Warland's, numbered sections and names of adjoining Special Surveys. See C 815 for photocopy of similar map and C 809 for location of Special Surveys.

Plan of Yorke's Peninsula showing mineral claims, townships, runs, etc. [cartographic material]/
by J.B. Poole C.E., Licensed Surveyor

Plan of Yorke's Peninsula showing mineral claims, townships, runs, etc. [cartographic material]/ by J.B. Poole C.E., Licensed Surveyor

Large coloured map showing sections (with names), with some natural features indicated. Also mineral claims at Wallaroo, Tipara and Black Point. There are a number of insets:1-locates Yorke Peninsula in relation to Adelaide;2-shows Wallaroo, Kadina and Kulpara mineral sections (numbered);3-shows the township of Wallaroo with lots numbered;4-a nautical chart of Wallaroo Bay with soundings in fathoms;5-a plan of the township of Port Wakefield with lots numbered;6-a plan of the township of Kadina with lots numbered;7-a plan of the Tipara mineral sections (numbered);8-a plan of the Black Point mineral sections (numbered). Also includes a list of names of the mineral companies and the numbers of their claims. R. Andrews, lithographer.

Plan of the settled districts of South Australia [cartographic material] :
reduced from the surveys. E.G. Frome, Captn.... /
compiled from the recent surveys by Thomas Burr... Sept. 1842

Plan of the settled districts of South Australia [cartographic material] : reduced from the surveys. E.G. Frome, Captn.... / compiled from the recent surveys by Thomas Burr... Sept. 1842

Cadastral map of South Australia showing the settled districts. Counties shown are: Stanley, Gawler, Light, Hindmarsh, Sturt, Eyre and Russell. Also includes profile showing heights for "Section from the eastern shore of Gulf of St. Vincent to the River Murray through Adelaide, Mount Lofty and Barker" Includes some place names and hundreds names, notes on natural features and hills are indicated by shading.

University Block no. 2 Parnaroo [cartographic material] /
signed G.W. Goyder, Surv. Genl

University Block no. 2 Parnaroo [cartographic material] / signed G.W. Goyder, Surv. Genl

Shows 15,000 acres area in the Hundred of Terowie, natural and cultural features in area; Hope's Gully and direction of Gottlieb's Wells and Parnaroo. Printed by D.L. Beetson for the Surveyor-General's Office, Alfred Vaughan (photolithographer). Included with map is a manuscript page of local council notes on the area, dated 1888.

[Plan of the Simpson Desert, showing Colson's track] [cartographic material]

[Plan of the Simpson Desert, showing Colson's track] [cartographic material]

Edmund Albert (Ted) Colson was the first non-Aboriginal person to cross the full length of the Simpson Desert. He crossed from west to east, starting on 26 May 1936, and travelled along the 26th parallel from Mt. Etingambra via Poeppel Corner to Birdsville, arriving on 11 June 1936. He was accompanied by an Aboriginal companion, Peter Ains, and five camels. This map shows the Simpson Desert below the South Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland borders, names of natural features, pastoral leases (with lessee names) and Poeppel Corner. Colson's track is indicated by a broken line, notes on natural features along the track are included. Printed map with manuscript additions.

University Block no. 2 Parnaroo [cartographic material]/
G.W. Goyder, Surv. Genl

University Block no. 2 Parnaroo [cartographic material]/ G.W. Goyder, Surv. Genl

Shows 15,000 acres area in the Hundred of Terowie, natural and cultural features in area; Hope's Gully and direction of Gottlieb's Wells and Parnaroo. Printed by D.L. Beetson for the Surveyor-General's Office, Alfred Vaughan (photolithographer). Included with map is a manuscript page of local council notes on the area, dated 1888.