Wayland, J., 1927, Photograph, SRG 206/61/50
Delegates at the 40th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Adelaide, 20-22 June 1927. Back row (from left): W.L. Sanderson (W.A. Sec.), Leslie Smith (Vic. & S. Riv. Sec.), T.M. Daskien (Vic.), E.D.H. Virgo (S.A. Sec.), J.W. Allen (N.S.W. Sec.), A.J. McLachlan (Solicitor), J.N. McGilp (S.A.), P.A. Brown (Q'ld Sec.). Middle row: A.J. Honey (Tas. Sec.), F.H. Tout (N.S.W.), W.D. Gordon (N.S.W.), D.J. Hearman (W.A.), Major L.A. Lewis (N.T.), A.E. Coldham (Q'ld), A.F.C. Rogerson (Q'ld.), C. Sinclair Wood (W. D. Sec.), K.D. Brougham (W.D. Vice-Pres.). Front row: J. Hunter Patterson (S. Riv.), R.C. Field (Tas.), E. Lee Steers (W.A.), E.A. Brooks (S.A. Pres.), Sir C. Graham Waddell (N.S.W.), W. Kent (Q'ld.), G.D. Kelly (Vic.).