Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands [SRG 94/A67/15] • Mixed material

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Laying the foundation stone of St Mark's Church, Maylands, 6 September 1902. 'Very hot weather'

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Church, Maylands, 1903 (photo by Gresham Studio)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Canon W.N. Higgins, St Mark's, Maylands (photo by Elliott & Fry, Baker Street, London)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Church, Maylands, ca. 1930

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Interior of St Mark's Church, Mayland, showing the altar decorated with flowers, and wooden chairs in rows

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Interior of St Mark's Church, Maylands, showing the altar and reredos, and wooden pews

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Basketball Club, Season 1932. Members are identified as Beryl Porter, Isabel Muirhead, Bert Brown, Connie Croft, Joan Hume, Dorrie Croft, Dulcie Moulds, Audrey Mowerd(?)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Girls Club. Back row, from left, ?,?,?, Yvonne Bland, Yvonne Hutchinson. Front row, from left - Bev Bland (Metcalf), Lorna Martin, Betty Lamer(?) (Brown), Edna Whitehorn (Manson), Dulcie Mould, June Torpy, Elsie Martin (Bradshaw), Edna Brown (Rosevear), 1936/1937

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Girls Club. Back row, from left - ?, Yvonne Hutchinson, Bev Bland. Standing - Betty Laman (Brown), June Torpy, Edna Whitehorn (Manson), Lorna Martin, Yvonne Bland, 1936/1937

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Girls Club from left - June Torpy, Yvonne Bland, Bev Bland (Metcalf), Lorna Martin, Yvonne Hutchinson (Hann), 1936/1937

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Tree planting ceremony, from left - Edna Manson, Mrs Whitehouse, Rev. Errold Pfitzner

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Clergy outside the church at the Diamond Jubilee year service, 11 November 1962 (photo by Candid Camera Service, Claridge Arcade)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Clergy procession at Diamond Jubilee Festal Evensong, 11 November 1962. Archdeacons Codd, Bond and Gooden, Dean Weston, Rector Rev. E.P. Pfitzner, Mr R.H. Kater (MC), Mr A. Macnamara, Mr C Buder. (Photo by Candid Camera Service, Claridge Arcade.)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Choir procession at Diamond Jubilee Festal Evensong, 11 November 1962. Crucifer - David Hancock, accolytes - Ian Buder, Terry Childs, Robert Weatherby, Bruce Lucas. (Photo by Candid Camera Service, Claridge Arcade.)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Congregation at the Diamond Jubilee Festal Evensong, 11 November 1962. (Photo by Candid Camera Service, Claridge Arcade.)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

St Mark's Parish Hall - preparation for the reunion tea after the Diamond Jubilee Festal Evensong, 11 November 1962. (Photo by Candid Camera Service, Claridge Arcade.)

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Archbishop Keith Raynor at the consecration of St Mark's Church, Maylands, 1976

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

'They also serve ... who wash up - Edna Neckman and May ...?, 25 April 1976

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Church procession

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Mothers' Union group - Chris Lee, Marj Burrows, Dorothy Lane, Pauline Rule, Molly Visiskis, Dorothy Westley, Beulah Cross, Eileen Hunter

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

View of the church and altar decorated for the harvest festival

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Photographs of St Mark's Church, Maylands

Altar decorated for harvest festival.