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Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 27th October 1967, right side of cottage is 72 yards west of Castle Street and frontage is 14 yards.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, January 11th 1954, left side of Watson Spring Works building is 21.5 yards east of Hanson Street and frontage of Watson Spring Works is 10 1/4 yards.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Corner of Gilles Street and Hanson Street. This hotel has existed since 1858 and has been known as Labor in Vain (1858-1862), Perserverance Hotel (1862-1954), Hotel Hanson (1954-1989) and the Astor Hotel (1989 -). At the time of this photograph it was known as Perserverance Hotel and the proprietor was John S Crocker (1895-1898). Mrs Sarah Crocker (nee Pfaendler) was the proprietor before and after Mr Crockers management of the hotel. Hanson Street is now known as Pulteney Street and this hotel was near Hurtle Square.

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

[General description] This qualnt cottage with its decorative parapet, gabled verandah and picket fence is about to be remodelled. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 600 / Gilles Street, north side / March 7th 1955 / Left side of house (between crosses) abuts east side of Stevens Street / Frontage is 11.5 yards / This building was subsequently remodelled and incorporated into a new building / Compare with B 13597'

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 24th January 1956, frontage of building is 11.5 yards. Left side of Tonkin Radiator Building abuts east side of Stevens Street. This building was completed in November 1955. For a view of the building formerly on this site and partly incorporated into this building see B 13178

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 25th May 1956, left side of building in couses of demolition is 11.5 yards east of Stevens Street and frontage is 11.5 yards. A portion of this cottage is shown in B 7040 (extreme left) For a view of the building subsequently built on this site see B 14033. A radiator business stands on the left of the demolition site and a milk bar/soft drink shop stands on the extreme right

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, March 13th 1958, left side of centre Campbell and Hewitt Motor Engineers building is 11.5 yards east of Stevens Street and frontage is 11.5 yards. For a view of building previously on this site see B 13674. This building was completed in 1957

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 8th September 1967, left side of shop is 30 yards east of Stevens Street.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 8th September 1967, left side of shop is 30 yards east of Stevens Street.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, 14th April 1981, frontage is 10 yards and right side of building is 76 yards left of Hanson Street.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, 14 April 1981, frontage is 10 yards and right side of building is 76 yards left of Hanson Street.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, September 3rd 1937, the left side of the shop is 48 yards east of George Street, and frontage is 8.5 yards. These alterations were made before a photograph could be taken. The two storey structure is divided into two shop fronts.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, March 13th 1958, left side of cottage is 30.5 yards east of Hallett Street and frontage is 8 3/4 yards. Small brick cottage with contrasting red brick quoins around the windows, door and corners

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gillis Street, north side, 10th August 1973, right side of building is 36 yards west of Stephens Street and Gilles Street frontage is 8 1/3 yards.

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

[General description] These two adjoining cottages are about to be re-modelled. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 602 / Gilles Street, north side / November 15th 1954 / Left side of building abuts east side of Hallett Street / Frontage of building is 14 yards / This building was subsequently altered and refaced / Compare with B 13599 taken on January 24th, 1956'

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

[General description] A pair of stone, iron roofed maisonettes in a dilapidated state, possibly earmarked for demolition. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 602 / Gilles Street, north side / March 7th 1955 / Right side of building (shown between crosses) is 15 yards west of Hallett Street / Frontage is 13.5 yards.'

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 30th October 1956, frontage is 15 yards. Right side of corner shop abuts west side of Hallett Street. Building is shown in the course of demolition

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

[General description] The premises of the Masco Metropolitan Automotive Service Co. with a car parked at the kerb [On back of photograph] 'Acre 604 / Gilles Street, north side / March 15th 1954 / Left side of Masco building is 30.5 yards east of Symonds Place and frontage is 23 yards'

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

[General description] This bluestone cottage looks to be undergoing remodelling with a team of men at work. A sign propped on the verandah reads 'Johns and Waygood, Lift Engineers'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 604 / Gilles Street, north side / May 2nd 1955 / Right side of building abuts west side of Bowden Lane / Frontage: 9.5 yards / (A verandah has been removed before the photograph was taken)'

Gilles Street, Adelaide, during a flood

Gilles Street, Adelaide, during a flood

The North Side of Gilles Street, Adelaide, flooded on the 13th February 1913, left is 10 yards east of Symonds Place.

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, July 11th 1958, left side of centre cottage is 8 yards east of Symonds Place, frontage is 10 yards. Three cottages are shown in the photograph, two are dwellings and the one on the left is a Health Centre.

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

[General description] This collection of buildings are warehouses associated with Charles Birks' department store. At this time David Jones has taken over Birks (since 1954). Two Holden cars are parked in the street: An FX model with a (partially obscured) FJ parked behind it. [On back of photograph] 'Gilles Street, north side / 2nd April 1965 / Right side of the building abuts Symonds place / Frontage of site is 21 yards'

Gilles Street

Gilles Street

Gilles Street, north side, 1965. The warehouse for David Jones (Adelaide) Limited can be seen

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 30 December 1952. Right side of house 37 3/4 yards east of King William Street. Frontage of house is 11.5 yards. For view of this house taken in 1929 and before modernisation see extreme left of B 5127

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide

Gilles Street, Adelaide, south side, east of Symonds Place, during a flood, 13 February 1913. Extreme right of photograph is 16 yards east of Symonds Place. Allen's confectionery factory was later erected in about 1915 on the site of the garden where Saunders and Ashby's signboard stands. The factory extends to the division between the house on the extreme right and the little cottage on its left. For a view of the factory taken in 1925 see B 2507.

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 3 December 1937. The cottage on the right abuts Symonds Place, frontage of the two cottages is 19 1/2 yards. The cottage adjoining the two storey building was converted into a garage in 1938. See B8170.

Gilles Street, South Side, Adelaide.

Gilles Street, South Side, Adelaide.

[General description] A new brick garage has just been added onto the premises of S.C. Eyles. Later, in 1955 it will be demolished, along with the adjoining cottage to make way for an extension of the Eyles premises. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 640 / Gilles Street, south side / 7th April 1939 / Single storey brick building (garage) erected in 1938 / Compare with B 7220 / The right side of single storey brick building in the centre is 10 yards east of Symonds Place / frontage: 9 1/2 yards' (Another hand) 'Cottages on the right were demolished and a new structure incorporating the brick garage was erected in 1955 / Compare with B 13669'.

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 30 December 1952. Cottage abuts west side of Symonds Place; frontage: 10 yards. For view of portion of this cottage taken in 1913 and before alterations see B 772

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, South Side

Gilles Street, south side, 15 May 1956. Right side of Eyles building abuts east side of Symond's Place. Frontage: 42 yards. The building with the two vehicle entrances was completed in 1955. For structures formerly on this site see B8170. Eyles Wholesale Grocers

Gilles Street, Adelaide, South Side

Gilles Street, Adelaide, South Side

[General description] A Holden Station Wagon towing a trailer is parked in the entrance of this plain two storey brick building. A sign affixed to the building says 'Paringa Constructions Ltd., Builders and Contractors'. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 640 / Gilles Street, south side / 13 September 1963 / Left side of building is 9 1/2 yards east of Symonds Place / Right side abuts Symonds Place'