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David Mahony

David Mahony

David Mahony: Photograph reproduced from Coombe's History of Gawler, p.189. David Mahoney was born about 1819 in Ireland and settled in Gawler at the end of the 1840s. David Mahoney and his wife owned most of Gawler East which was known as Mahoney's Paddock. Their homestead was Yenda at Gawler East.

Richard James Turner

Richard James Turner

Richard James Turner, Stipendiary Magistrate.

North Terrace East

North Terrace East

[General description] Buildings on the southern side of North Terrace just west of Gawler Place. One of the buildings houses the Offices of the South Australian Company. A sign on the front states Guests Toilet Salon run by Mr. F.M. Berry. The offices appear to look like private homes. Tall buildings can be seen in the background. [On back of photograph] Acre 19. North Terrace east. Offices of the South Australian Company. West corner of Gawler Place 1909-11. Probably 1909. See B 7787/9. The high building on the left is on the west side of Gawler Place. Extreme right of photograph is about 35 yards west of Gawler Place. Erected 1839-40 for S.A. School Society.

Rundle Street

Rundle Street

[General description] Buildings near the corner of Rundle Street and Gawler Place. Horse drawn vehicles are parked along side cars and pedestrians are strolling along the footpaths. [On back of photograph] Acres 81,82,83. Rundle Street, south side, 1926. Near side of Harris Scarfe's (on left) on the left is 22 yards east of Francis Street. Extreme right is 30 yards west of Gawler Place. Allans' building (on right) was erected in 1925. For view of building formerly on the site see B1221. Pharmacy Building (on west corner of Gawler Place) was erected in 1925.For view of premises formerly on the site see B 2244. Oriental Hotel (on east corner of Gawler Place) was raised from two to five stories in 1925. For photo. of old building see B 1203. Reproduced in Observer, Feb. 13, 1926.

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

[General description] Building on the corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place. Many business' can be seen stretching along Gawler Place including a hairdressing saloon, National Cash Register, W.C. Rigby Manuafacturing Stationer, F. Bourne and Son, Harrison San Miguel, Haste and Company, H. Oliver at number 100, H.W. Short Printer and James Hill and Sons Merchants. Along Pirie Street can be seen Austral Cycle Agency, Wenzel Mattress and Upholsterer at number 68. At number 70 Myers sells linoleum and measures for suits. At number 72 Roberts and Company are the importers of boxed teas and Hoadleys sell confectionery. Coromandel Place adjoins this building in Pirie Street. [On back of photograph] Acres 167 & 144.North east corner of Pirie Street and Gawler Place. 1906-09. Probably 1909. See B 7787/24. On the right is Coromandel Place. Gawler Place frontage of three storey block of buildings, including Haste and Company Building measure 70 yards.

Hilda Lutzow & Florence Loveday

Hilda Lutzow & Florence Loveday

Portrait of Hilda Lutzow (right) and Florence Loveday, bridesmaids at the wedding of Albert Loveday and Frieda Lutzow at Port Adelaide Presbyterian Church, 16 April 1921.

Photographs of Presbyterian buildings, activities and people.

Photographs of Presbyterian buildings, activities and people.

Collection of photographs of Presbterian Church buildings activities and people.

Inward correspondence

Inward correspondence received by William Light. See below for details of items.



Horses struck by lightning near Roseworthy. According to a researcher, the location is similar to Elbow Hill. An article which appeared in the Advertiser, Saturday 26 January 1901 tells the following story: 'A MAN AND SIX HORSES KILLED: Our Gawler correspondent, writing on Friday evening, said "A very heavy storm passed over the district this afternoon, the thunder and lightning being unusually severe. Two brothers, named Carey, farmers, living near Templars, were driving their team of six horses horne from Gawler, and when they were near Roseworthy, about 3 o'clock, Mr. Thomas Carey and the six horses were struck by lightning and killed instantaneously. They had pulled up, and the brother had gone into a house for the purpose of borrowing an overcoat. On returning to the vehicle he received a terrible shock on finding his brother and the horses dead. The team was considered to be the best which came into Gawler.' [On back of photograph] 'Horses struck by lightning near Roseworthy. (Photograph taken by Mr. E.T. Marchant. Light patch across right of picture was caused by a defective plate holder on the camera.) / 25/1/1901 / approx. 100 yards North Roseworthy railway on Main North Road. Thomas J. Carey of Wasleys killed. His brother had just got off the wagon when accident occurred. Was an old dam on Late J. Everett's property Sections 155 and 156, hundred of Mudla Wirra. Farm known as Stanfield- in cattle paddock. Horse's bodies were placed in this and the dam was then filled in. Carey was buried in Willaston Cemetery, 27/1/1901. (Note by Peter Clark, c/- State Library of S.A.)'.

Robert Fotheringham

Robert Fotheringham

[General description] This is a sepia portrait of Robert Fotheringham in an oval frame. Robert and Thomas Fotheringham took over the family brewery along with their brother James. James and his brother Alexander arrived in the colony in 1838 and participated in the special survey of Gawler area by Light Finiss and Co. Their father David operated a whiskey distillery in Cambus Scotland. Along with brothers George and David, breweries were established by the brothers in Gawler, Kapunda and South Africa.

Grenfell Street, looking west near Chesser Street

Grenfell Street, looking west near Chesser Street

Grenfell Street, left side of Grasby's is 24 yards west of Chesser Street. Staerkner and Fischer is on the east corner of Gawler Place. Buildings seen include: JW Grasby and Company who are wholesale grocers, importers and merchants. Nearby stands A and WD Thomas who are bakers and grocers. The business was established in 1846. For a view of A & WD Thomas' site in 1957 see B 13897. At number 18 is the small doorway to W Lucas tailor and outfitter. Felstead and Company is the importers of British, American, continental merchandise. Guardian Fire and Life Insurance, Royal Exchange Assurance, Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance all share the four storey building next door. A shop selling pianos and organs follows and then Staerkner and Fischer stands on the corner of Gawler Place. The buildings can be seen continuing along the south side of Grenfell Street as it crosees King William Street into Currie Street. The intersection of Gawler Place and Grenfell Street is busy with pedestrians. A fire hydrant, hitching post, horses and carriages all make up this scene in Grenfell Street in 1901.

Pirie Street

Pirie Street

Pirie Street, north side, 25th May 1956, Gawler Place frontage of building is 36 yards. Right side of dark stone building abuts west side of Gawler Place. Frontage of building on Gawler Place is 36 yards. Shops to be seen include WD Godfrey Watchmaker and Jeweller, N Christiansen Tailor, Worthleys Tailor. A lady stands on the corner selling lapel badges for charity

Flinders Street, Adelaide

Flinders Street, Adelaide

Flinders Street, Adelaide, north side, west of Gawler Place. This photo was taken in July 1918 prior to demolition of buildings from Gawler Place up to and including "Motors Ltd." The left side of "Motors Ltd." is 60 yards west of Gawler Place. (For premises of "Motors Ltd." erected on this site see B 1755).

Heritage sites in Adelaide

Heritage sites in Adelaide

A selection of photographs relating to heritage sites in Adelaide. See 'contents' for details of individual images. Also includes photocopied images with captions.

Messenger Press: Views of Adelaide, its commercial and public buildings

Messenger Press: Views of Adelaide, its commercial and public buildings

A collection of photographs and colour photocopies of commercial premises, buildings and streets in and around the City of Adelaide (in two volumes), including artists' impressions and designs for redevelopment. Includes some designs for the Remm Group Myer Centre development, with artist's impressions of the interior. The album comprises photographs collected by Messenger Press, many of which have been published in the various suburban editions of the paper. To view apartment buildings and domestic architecture in Adelaide see album B 71883. A brochure.

Wallent family snapshots

Wallent family snapshots

Family photographs, housed in a pocket sized photographic album (110mm x 80 mm), together with several loose photographs, possibly of Wallent family of Tanunda.

Sweet Collection folders, volume 6

Sweet Collection folders, volume 6

Volume 6 in a collection of photographs by Captain Samuel Sweet, arranged in six folders. Each photograph in Folders 1-5 and some in Folder 6 have separate records in the catalogue and have been previously digitised. By searching on Collection: Sweet Collection, these records can be drawn together. Additional photographs in Folder 6 can be viewed by taking the browse album link attached to the record B 72483/6.

Research paper on Edward Angus Hamilton along with photographs

Research paper on Edward Angus Hamilton along with photographs

Research paper on Edward Hamilton together with a brief biography, photographs of buildings with which he was associated, a copy of the article on Edward Hamilton which was reproduced from the September 1985 edition of heritage periodical and a photocopied newspaper article about a mansion to be demolished at Unley. Details for the photos (D 7683/2) are as per brief captions on back of photographs.

Architectural elevation drawing of building for the South Australian School Society

Architectural elevation drawing of building for the South Australian School Society

Elevation drawing of the public school being erected for the South Australian School Society on the north west corner of Gawler Place and North Terrace, Adelaide (Acre 19) . Ink notation under drawing: 'Received in London June 3 1840'. Ink and watercolour on paper, ink notation. Scale 1 inch to 10 feet.



Photographs of the company's Adelaide premises, personnel, sporting teams and early social events, founders and early directors, interstate premises in Western Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Northern Territory, centenary celebrations in 1949, and photographs of shipping interest. Also includes two collections of mounted photographs of company staff in formal, informal and work occasions, collected by former staff member, ca. 1949-1980 (originals in Reserve, B&W copies and separate name lists available for reference).

Photographs of W.A. Robjohns

The series comprises 15 albums housing 1,973 photographs, most of which were taken by photographer W.A. Robjohns ca.1920-1966. Album covers were numbered and labelled by Robjohns. The sequence is incomplete, however, as only volumes 1-9, 12-14, 15, 20 and 23 have been donated. Robjohns' brief descriptions of content on the covers and spines are incomplete. For further descriptions of place names and subjects contained in each album, SEE details below. The albums contain small black and white prints, mostly undated, with captions by W.R. Robjohns. Also sepia and postcard prints, and a few hand-tinted prints. A small number of images were taken by other photographers, several of whom have been identified by Robjohns. Images depict Adelaide suburbs, city scenes and country towns, with an emphasis on rural landscapes, parks and reserves, rivers, reservoirs, streets, houses, churches, businesses and shop fronts, and public celebrations and processions. Also included are images of the Robjohns family on picnics and holiday outings, and their homes, cars and pets. A number of photos were duplicated or enlarged by Robjohns and appear in more than one album.



Photographs of students, school and church groups, friends and family of Carevie Helen Hayes.

William Raymond Holman 'sheep dipping' at Yardea station.

William Raymond Holman 'sheep dipping' at Yardea station.

Comprising a black and white photograph of William Raymon Holman, dipping sheep in solution, in order to prevent disease, at Yardea station, about 240 km west of Port Augusta.

Photographs of the Graham Family

Photographs of the Graham Family

Photographs of the Graham family, collected by Nancy Neighbour (nee Graham). See below for details. Selected images have been digitised.

Photos from BP House, Adelaide

Photos from BP House, Adelaide

Three photographs taken shortly after the engineers from the P.M.G. Department moved into BP House on the corner of Flinders Street and Gawler Place, Adelaide, after the completion of stage 2.

Mount Barker

Mount Barker

Gawler Street Mount Barker showing Bell's Stores, butcher shop, grocery shop and the Shell service garage. A War Memorial can be seen at the end of Gawler Street. A horse and cart is moving along the road which is lined with parked cars.

William and Margaret Barnet

William and Margaret Barnet

Studio portrait of Mr and Mrs William Barnett.

John Dawkins

John Dawkins

John Dawkins of Gawler River was born in Warwickshire and was husband of Ann Dawkins. They had eight children, the first three born in England, and arrived in South Australian on board "Asia" in 1839. He bought a block of land near Gawler River and was influential in the district

Benjamin Edward Deland

Benjamin Edward Deland

[General description] Upper body portrait of Benjamin Edward Deland. He is grey haired and wears his hair short with a full, clipped beard. [On back of photograph] 'Benjamin Edward Deland (of Gawler) / architect and contractor / Mayor of Gawler / Photo talen in or about 1895'.

Benjamin Edward Deland

Benjamin Edward Deland

Benjamin Edward Deland was Mayor of Gawler from 1885-1886. He arrived in South Australia aboard the "Warren Hastings". He was a builder, architect, miller and Mayor of Gawler, Hamly Bridge and Blyth. He was a member of the Congregational Church