Photos from BP House, Adelaide [PRG 1724/15/55-57] • Photograph

Photos from BP House, Adelaide
View from BP House showing the upper levels of two multi-storey buildings. The photo was taken looking from an upstairs window towards Victoria Square, showing the back of the buildings located at 182 Victoria Square (on right) and the Department of Treasury and Finance building at 190 Victoria Square. [The image is back to front (i.e. the RBA building, as it was before a university acquired it, at 182 is to the left of the building at 190 when viewed from Victoria Square), but it is described the way it appears, so possibly there was an error made when the print was produced]

Photos from BP House, Adelaide
View from BP House looking down on a row of terraced buildings believed to have been in Gawler Place (probably the building currently identified as 'Bunyip Buildings' at 144 Gawler Place), with cars parked in the street out front

Photos from BP House, Adelaide
D.F. Burnard's desk in his office in BP House, Adelaide.