Angus, W. J., c. 1907, Photograph, B 12131
Eudunda township looking south along Bruce Street. The general store on the corner deals in boots, shoes, tailoring and ironmongery. Further shops can be seen in the distance along with the hotel. A researcher has provided the following information: "This photo is of Bruce Street, Eudunda, looking in a southerly direction. The first store on the right is the Eudunda Farmer's Co-Operative Society store in Eudunda. The company set-up on these premises in 1901, having leased the property from the Nock Brothers. The company came to own this building in 1906. The next store along was A.E. Gosling's general emporium and cheap-cash drapery. His store opened in 1889. At the very end is the Royal Hotel, Eudunda, which was opened in 1878 by William Potter. The proprietor in 1907 was Friedrich Wilhelm Paech, who was also a Member of Parliament at that time."