Find • 1907 • Results 61 to 90 of 2,041

Lighthouse Keeper Cottages

Lighthouse Keeper Cottages

Lighthouse Keeper cottages at Neptune Island, 1 November 1907. The Neptune Islands consist of two groups of islands located close to the entrance of Spencer Gulf. Lighthouse Island is among the islands of the South Neptune Islands. The keeper's cottage is a large stone single storey building with a steeply pitched tiled roof. A group of workmen are having a break from their building to pose for this photograph. The roof is almost completed. In 1901 the light tower from the Port Adelaide entrance was relocated to the South Island Island. The complex consisted of the cottage, store, outbuildings, stone fences and stone rainwater tanks.

Balgowan Jetty

Balgowan Jetty

Balgowan Jetty on the west coast of South Australia's Yorke Peninsula. The first jetty at Balgowan was erected in 1881 but was too close to the reef to the west of Point Warrene. A new jetty was opened in 1907 to aid in the transportation of grain. It was damaged in a storm in 1953 and totally destroyed in another in 1981

West Coast Mail Van

West Coast Mail Van

[General description] A team of four hard-worked horses harnessed to the mail van stand in front of the Post and Telegraph Office at Port Lincoln. [On back of photograph] 'West Coast horsedrawn Mail Van, Pt Lincoln / 1907' : No copying without permission from the State Library.

"R.M.S. Rupara", Port Lincoln

"R.M.S. Rupara", Port Lincoln

[General description] The R.M.S. 'Rupara' at Port Lincoln. She has steam coming from her funnel and flags flying from her rigging. She was a steel single screw steamship built in 1906 by Leslie & Co, Hebburn-on-Tyne, Newcastle. She was designed for the Spencer Gulf trade, Adelaide - Port Lincoln in an express passenger and mail service. She steamed from Port Lincoln, across the Spencer Gulf to Wallaroo, and returned to Port Adelaide via Port Lincoln. [On back of photograph] "S.S. Rupara' / At Port Lincoln / 1907'.

Port Lincoln

Port Lincoln

A view from the sea at Port Lincoln in 1907. Business's along the foreshore include TJ Charles Tea Rooms and Bakery, H Cole Tobacconist, J MacKenzie Boot Shop, McFarlane Brothers.

Railway Station

Railway Station

View of the track, railway station, and township at Port Lincoln.

"Dingley Dell"

"Dingley Dell"

[General description] A group of people stand in front of 'Dingley Dell' cottage which is set in an overgrown garden and looking neglected at this time. It was not until 1922 that the South Australian Government purchased the property after being approached by the Dingly Dell Resoration Group. It is South Australia's oldest government owned historical residence. [On back of photograph] ''Dingley Dell' - residence of Adam Lindsay Gordon / 1907-12'

Port Pirie

Port Pirie

Port Pirie. A street scene from Port Pirie approximately 1907 - 1911. A church can be seen in the centre of the photograph along with a tall chimney in the distance

Railway Station

Railway Station

Port Pirie railway station and post office between 1907 and 1911. The station was opened in 1875 when the Port Pirie to Cockburn line opened to Gladstone. The post office opened in 1880 as a single storey building and was expanded in 1905-07 with the addition of the two storey Edwardian Baroque frontage

Port Pirie

Port Pirie

Port Pirie in approximately 1907-11

Town Hall and Institute, Unley

Town Hall and Institute, Unley

Lithograph of the Town Hall and Institute at Unley, by English and Soward, Architects, from a photograph taken by S. Solomon. The building was officially openend 1907.

Schinkel's Shop, Rendelsham

Schinkel's Shop, Rendelsham

Schinkell's shop and post office at Rendelsham; it was destroyed by fire in 1907.

Fruit packing sheds, Renmark

Fruit packing sheds, Renmark

[General description] The Fruit Packing Union was established in 1893 after a meeting of fruitgrowers (reputedly called by pioneer settler Mr Frank William Cutlack) decided to form a cooperative to develop their orchards and deal with the government and banks. [Back of photograph] 'Renmark / Fruit packing sheds of Fruit Packing Union / 1907-11'

Saint Augustine's church

Saint Augustine's church

[General description] This stone church was actually built in 1906. The smaller building is the original church, opened in October 1889 and is at this time being used as a school. [On back of photograph] Saint Augustine's church of England (and school), Renmark / 1907-11'

Cricket at Victor Harbor

Cricket at Victor Harbor

Two Aboriginal men playing cricket at Victor Harbor: Harry Hewitt is the batsman, he was born in about 1864 and married Mary Unaipon at Point McLeay on 18 February 1884. He died at Milang on 23 January 1907; the wicket keeper's surname is Wagner.

Victor Harbor

Victor Harbor

View of Victor Harbor. This image is the centre of three panels that form a panorama view of Victor Harbor showing Granite Island and Rosetta Head, or The Bluff. See B 29528 for the left panel, and B 29527/2 for the right panel.

Victor Harbor

Victor Harbor

View of Victor Harbor. This image is the right of three panels that form a panorama view of Victor Harbor showing Granite Island and Rosetta Head, or The Bluff. See B 29528 for the right panel, and B 29527/1 for the centre panel.

Victor Harbor

Victor Harbor

View of Victor Harbor. This image is the left of three panels that form a panorama view of Victor Harbor showing Granite Island and Rosetta Head, or The Bluff. See B 29527/1 for the centre panel, and B 29527/2 for the right panel.

Sir James Fergusson

Sir James Fergusson

Sir James and Lady Edith Fergusson standing outside Government House in Adelaide. Sir James is wearing white trousers and a black jacket. Lady Edith died at age 32. He was Governor of South Australia from 1869-1873. As Governor Sir James helped to secure the route of the Overland Telegraph Line through Northern Territory to Port Augusta. He was killed during an earthquake in Jamaica in 1907.

Sir James Fergusson

Sir James Fergusson

Sir James Fergusson [1832-1907] He served as Governor of South Australia from 1868-1873. He is remembered as a British soldier, Conservative politician and colonial administrator. He retired from the British Army in 1859 after being wounded in the Crimean War.

Fancy Football Team

Fancy Football Team

Commercial travellers' fancy football team, 19 October 1907 in aid of the Children's Hospital.

The Stow Junior Football Club

The Stow Junior Football Club

Members of the Stow Junior football club. During 1907 the team played 13 games, won 12 and lost 1. Back row L-R: W. Thomas, J. Thomas, L. Cooke, I. Gilbert, F. Jeffries, H. Boyce, W. Smith, unknown. Middle row L-R: B. Offe, R. Dugan, H.Tame (Capt.), M. Powell (Vice-Capt.), A. Bryant (Secretary), A.Frith, A. Wilson, R. Thatcher, unknown. Front row L-R: R. Coad, H. Bowditch, R. Bruce (Umpire), J. Leonard, A. Shaw.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[General description] Ladies pose on the decorative iron lace balconies of a pair of two storey terrace houses. The front fences are of wrought iron and a large gas lamp stands near the garden gates. The words 'Adare House' appear on the archways over the entrances. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 21 / North Terrace east / 1907 / Lane on the right is 45.5 yards west of Charles Street'.

North Terrace, Adelaide

North Terrace, Adelaide

[On back of photograph] 'Acre 27 / North Terrace / Residence of John Bagot / Sep. 7, 1907 / Left side of house is 51 yards west of Tavistock Street. Right side of gate is 64 yards west of Tavistock Street.'[General description] Designed by William McMinn in 1881, this Italianate style two storey townhouse features a mansard roof with wrought iron cresting. The view was taken from the opposite side of North Terrace, with a wrought iron fence in the foreground.

Black Horse Hotel, Leigh Street

Black Horse Hotel, Leigh Street

The Black Horse Hotel, Leigh Street, west side, May 1907. Michael Whelan, licensee. Near side of hotel is 47 yards south of Hindley Street and frontage is 15 yards. The Black Horse Hotel is between the premises of F. Fisher and Sons Leather Goods, and the derelict premises of Terence McGann, photographer.

Rundle Street

Rundle Street

[General Description] Hotel Austral on the corner of Rundle Street and Bent Street. Other shops between the Hotel and Foy and Gibson's Department Store include F. Moller Cycle and Motor Depot and W. Storrie and Company Limited Importers. Men, women and a child are walking along the footpath and a car is parked outside the Motor Depot. [On back of photograph] Acres 89 & 88. Rundle street, south side 1907-1912. Probably 1909. See B 7787/21. On the left is Bent Street. The near side of the five storey building on the right, (Foy & Gibson's), is 9 yards west of Synagogue Place.

Holden & Frost premises on Grenfell Street, Adelaide

Holden & Frost premises on Grenfell Street, Adelaide

[General description] Holden and Frost saddlery, forerunner to the motor company General Motors Holden's Australian operation. The ornate facade of the building features a statue of a white horse standing on a balcony over the entrance. A horse stands in front of the premises harnessed to a wagon partially loaded with hides. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 104 / Grenfell Street, north side / Nov. 14, 1907 / Left side of building is 9 yards east of Chesser Street. Frontage: 23 yards.' (Another hand) 'The verandah and balcony was removed in 1937. Extra storey added to building some years previous to 1937.'

L.M. Johnson, Electrical Engineer, Leigh Street

L.M. Johnson, Electrical Engineer, Leigh Street

[General description] Buildings in Leigh Street, the premises of the following businesses: M. Johnson Electrical Engineer, G.A. Bremer & Co. and Alex Cowan & Sons. Adjacent to Johnson's premises is the Alex Cowan & Sons building, which was first listed in the Sands and McDougall directory in 1885 as Cowan & Co. Papermakers and Wholesale Stationers, Grenfell Street. By 1900 they were listed as Alex Cowan & Sons Ltd., Leigh Street. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 111& 76 / Leigh Street, west side / May 1907 / Near side of the centre building is 48 yards north of Currie Street and its frontage is 18 yards'.

Currie Street near Rosina Street

Currie Street near Rosina Street

Currie Street, north side, 20 September 1907, frontage of Hussey and Gillingham is 17 yards. Hussey and Gillingham is a firm of printers, stationers, publishers and bookbinders. Their two storey brick building occupies numbers 106 and 108 Currie Street.

King William Street, Adelaide

King William Street, Adelaide

[On back of photograph] 'Acres 141 & 170 / King William Street, east side / Dec. 1907 / Left side of Royal Exchange is 45.