Photograph album of the Middle East [PRG 1601/2] • Photograph

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : The Golden Gate, Temple Area

Photograph album of the Middle East
Alexandria : Stanley Bay Beach

Photograph album of the Middle East
Alexandria : Promenade Reine Nazli

Photograph album of the Middle East
Alexandria : Mohamed Aly Square

Photograph album of the Middle East
Alexandria : The Corniche

Photograph album of the Middle East
Syria : Tripoli

Photograph album of the Middle East
Syria : Entrance to the Tunnel

Photograph album of the Middle East
Syria : Popular transport [man riding a donkey]

Photograph album of the Middle East
Syria : Road to the Cedars

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : Aerial view

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : Strand Hotel

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : South Beach

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : City Gardens

Photograph album of the Middle East
Alexandrina : [View of street corner and garden]

Photograph album of the Middle East
Palestine : Crusader Castle Athlit

Photograph album of the Middle East
Inside Back cover.

Photograph album of the Middle East
Back cover.