Photograph album of the Middle East [PRG 1601/2] • Photograph

Photograph album of the Middle East
Mombasa : Kilindini Road (part)

Photograph album of the Middle East
Mombasa : Way to Fort Jesus

Photograph album of the Middle East
Mombasa : 2 Court Mobasa

Photograph album of the Middle East
Mombasa : Fort Jesus

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : The Shoes that Moses wore

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : New Bethlehem

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Via Dolorosa

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : The Dome of the Rock

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : Durban Beach and Ampitheatre

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : South Beach, Durban

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : Aerial view of Durban

Photograph album of the Middle East
Durban : Ampitheathre Gardens, Durban

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Old Fountain in the Old City

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : The Tomb of Zacharias

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Peasant hawking pottery

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Old City

Photograph album of the Middle East
Tobruk : The Hospital - formerly Italian Barracks

Photograph album of the Middle East
Tobruk : prisoners arriving

Photograph album of the Middle East
Tobruk : the School

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Bird's eye view of Jerusalem

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Street scene, Old Jerusalem

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : New Church, Garden of Gethsemane

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Very Orthodox Jews

Photograph album of the Middle East
Cairo : The excavated Sphinx

Photograph album of the Middle East
Cairo : The Blue Mosque

Photograph album of the Middle East
Cairo : Interior of the Mosque Mohamet Ali

Photograph album of the Middle East
Cairo : The Great Sphinx and Pyramids

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Garden of Gethsemane [man in monk's robes standing in the garden]

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : General view of Jerusalem

Photograph album of the Middle East
Jerusalem : Temple Area & Dome of the Rock