Photograph album of the Middle East [PRG 1601/2] • Photograph

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Front cover, featuring an inset map of Palestine.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Inside the front cover, bearing the inscription 'To dear May/wishing you a Happy Birthday/4th June 1941 Bob'. In the bottom left hand corner is 'SX 7038/Sgt. R. P. McGhee'.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Road to Jerusalem. [Houses can be seen on the hilllside in the middle distance, and a man is standing beside the road.]

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : "Local Lassies' [shows three women in traditional dress].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : 5th Stage of the Cross [doorway into a stone building with an inscription above it].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : "Celebrating" [crowd of men, some of whom are dancing in a circle].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [View across a river with a town beyond that].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [Road leading up to a fortified building].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [People and a donkey moving through a narrow alleyway, with brick 'bridges' linking buildings at a higher level].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [View of a three storey building with a domed roof].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Old City looking to the Temple Area & Mount of Olives.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : King Solomion's Pools in the way to Hebron.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Entrance to the Mosque of Omar [showing the steps leading to the entrance].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Entrance to the Mosque of Omar [showing covered entrance].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [Looking along an open area beside a high wall].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [Interior view of an altar].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [Men in the street wearing traditional clothing].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : [View along a wide street with gardens in front of what appear to be residential buildings].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Palestine : Local girls at work [woman in traditional costume carrying a large bundle of reeds].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Palestine : Local girls at work [a number of woman in traditional costume carrying large bundles of reeds].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Palestine : Street scene [shopwing men seated on large mats].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Palestine : Bedouin Women [two women with elaborate face veils].;PRG 1601_2_s001 : Photographs 1-4 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s002 : Photographs 5-8 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s003 : Photographs 9-12 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s004 : Photographs 13-16 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s005 : Photographs 17-20 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Palestine.;PRG 1601_2_s006 : Photographs 21-24 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Haifa.;PRG 1601_2_s007 : Photographs 25-28 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s008 : Photographs 29-32 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Haifa.;PRG 1601_2_s009 : Photographs 33-36 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s010 : Photographs 37-40 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Haifa.;PRG 1601_2_s011 : Photographs 41-44 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.;PRG 1601_2_s012 : Photographs 45-48 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Haifa.;PRG 1601_2_s013 : Photographs 49-52 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s014 : Photographs 53-56 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Haifa.;PRG 1601_2_s015 : Photographs 57-60 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s016 : Photographs 61-64 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Haifa.;PRG 1601_2_s017 : Photographs 65-68 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s018 : Photographs 69-72 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Tel Aviv.;PRG 1601_2_s019 : Photographs 73-76 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s020 : Photographs 77-80 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s021 : Photographs 80-84 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s022 : Photographs 85-88 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s023 : Photographs 89-92 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s024 : Photographs 93-96 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s025 : Photographs 97-100 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s026 : Photographs 101-104 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Palestine, Jerusalem, Tobruk Harbor, and Mombasa.;PRG 1601_2_s027 : Photographs 105-108 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s028 : Photographs 109-112 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Hadet.;PRG 1601_2_s029 : Photographs 113-116 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s030 : Photographs 117-120 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Tobruk.;PRG 1601_2_s031 : Photographs 121-124 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s032 : Photographs 125-128 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Cairo.;PRG 1601_2_s033 : Photographs 129-132 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s034 : Photographs 133-136 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Alexandria.;PRG 1601_2_s035 : Photographs 137-140 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s036 : Photographs 141-144 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Tripoli.;PRG 1601_2_s037 : Photographs 145-148 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s038 : Photographs 149-152 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Mombasa.;PRG 1601_2_s039 : Photographs 153-156 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s040 : Photographs 157-160 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Durban.;PRG 1601_2_s041 : Photographs 161-164 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s042 : Photographs 165-168 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Tobruk.;PRG 1601_2_s043 : Photographs 169-172 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s044 : Photographs 173-176 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Cairo.;PRG 1601_2_s045 : Photographs 177-180 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Jerusalem.;PRG 1601_2_s046 : Photographs 181-184 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Alexandria.;PRG 1601_2_s047 : Photographs 185-188 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Syria.;PRG 1601_2_s048 : Photographs 189-192 from photograph album, compiled by Bob McGhee of views in Durban.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : [young boy withlaoded basket on his back].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : [Woman with a large water vessel on her head].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : The Bay [showing a city around a bay].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Casino Bath Galim.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem District : Abraham's Oak, Hebron

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem District : Sheltered after their prayer [men talking in the shade of a tree in a paved courtyard].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Tel-a-Viv : Jewish Refugee Ship beached at Tel-a-Viv.

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Tel-a-Viv : Jewish Refugee Ship beached at Tel-a-Viv.