Photograph album of the Middle East [PRG 1601/2] • Photograph

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : General view

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Panorama

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : The Harbor

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Sunset

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : David's Tower

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Wailing Wall

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Road to Jerusalem "Seven Sister"

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Mosque of Omar

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Kingsway [wide street with cars]

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Cinema "Orah"

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : The Casino

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Herzlstreet

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Valley of Jeoshaphat

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : The City Walls

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Ben Yehuda St. Tel-a-Viv

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Ploughing [man till the gound with a camel as his draught animal].

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Herzlstreet

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Technicum

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Gan Benjamin

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Road to Mt Carmel

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Mt Zion

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Rachel's Tomb

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Damascus Gate

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Y.M.C.A & King David's Hotel at moonlight

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : The Harbor

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : The Harbor

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Hadar [showing a busy street]

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Haifa : Hadar [showing houses on a hillside]

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : Holy Sepulchre under repair

Photograph album of the Middle East

Photograph album of the Middle East

Jerusalem : The Dome of the Rock