Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1) [B 71135/1-220] • Photograph

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
cut off wall - incomplete - southern abutment

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
12 ft. pier - R.L. 102.00 sluices

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
travelling derrick with 80 ft. boom used for placing concrete in 42 ft. base slab

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
pier form and concrete platform

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
view of piers and downstream rip rap

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
completed piers

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
sluice slab foundation at step from R.L. 95.00 sluices to R.L. 99.00 sluices

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
formwork for upstream wing wall of northern abutment

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
two views of sluices in no.2 coffer dam April 1939

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
two views of sluices in no.2 coffer dam April 1939

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
handling 12 ft. concrete platform

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
stiff leg derrick at 2 in. metal dump

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
hand crane used to handle girders & derrick stone

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
dumping large stone from derrick

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
diver working on test pile anchorage

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
loco. entering dam on trestle railway

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
upstream fender - lock and navigable pass

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
upstream fender - lock and navigable pass

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
reinforcements - lock construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
reinforcements - lock construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
anchor bolts - trestle hinge casting

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
base slab during construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
base slab

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
base slab

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
trestles laid down

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
casts of serpulid worm 6 mo. formation

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
eye bolt anchorage

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
gate post foot casting and trestle hinge casting