Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1) [B 71135/1-220] • Photograph

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 102.00 sluices - screeding off and floating surface

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
general view of shore end of no.1 cofferdam

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
no.1 cofferdam - sluices and lock piles

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 102.00 sluices - placing concrete in 12 ft. pier form

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 102.00 sluices - piers and intermediate formwork

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
batter pile frame - lock piles - stiff leg derrick for upstream lock construction

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 95.00 sluices

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 95.00 sluices looking south to navigable pass and lock March 1936

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
lock and lock and navigable pass March 1936

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
lock and lock and navigable pass March 1936

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 95.00 sluices - base slab - 42 ft. wide by 3 ft. deep

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 95.00 sluices - piers 30 ft. long and 19 ft. high - pass sluice pier in foreground

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
lock chamber from upstream

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
lock - swing bridge foundation

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
driving Larssen steel shaft piles along centre line of barrage as watertight cut off - piles 40 ft. long - piles part driven in with a no.2 Warrington hammer and then in stages with a 9.B.2 McKiernan-Terry hammer

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 102.00 sluices - completed structure

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 102.00 sluices as seen from southern end

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
panorama from Sir Richard's peninsula

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
looking towards no.2 coffer dam

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
no.1 coffer dam flooded

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
crushed metal stacks with derricks and hoppers serving 3 ft. 6 in. gauge railway to concrete mixer and coffer dam

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
rip rap stacks

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
placing concrete in base slab

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
placing concrete in pier

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
the first pour - southern abutment base slab

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
R.L. 102.00 sluices - bottom rods and spirals

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
southern abutment

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
downstream wing wall

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
two view showing trestle railway into no.1 coffer dam

Development of locks on the Murray River (volume 1)
two view showing trestle railway into no.1 coffer dam