Album of views of people and places around Kapunda [B 59106/240-416] • Photograph

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Copy of a photograph of an older man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Copy of a photograph of a church

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Town scene

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

View over valley with church tower in the foreground

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda


Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Tall trees

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Two men and three women, with two of the women dressed as maids

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Crowd at a function in a hall, with flags and a stall bearing the banner 'Britannia'

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Crowd at a function in a hall, with flags and a stall bearing the banner 'Britannia'

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Two young girls

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Actors in costume for a theatrical production

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Actors in costume for a theatrical production

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Group outside a hall

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Night scene of a car driving down a light decorated street and a banner 'Shell Spirit Welcome'

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Street parade watched by a large crowd outside James Christies' general drapery store

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

View along a street strung with lights and bunting, with the Kadunda Coffee Palace on the near right

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

View along a street strung with lights and bunting

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Cake, jam and clothing stalls in a hall - probably a church fete

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Grave of William Henry Banks and his wife Catherine.