Album of views of people and places around Kapunda [B 59106/240-416] • Photograph

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party and guests

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal party

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Large family group outside a cottage

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Large family group outside a cottage

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Large family group outside a cottage

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Large family group outside a cottage

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Large family group outside a cottage

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Spill pipe under a concrete bridge

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Spill pipe under a concrete bridge

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

House situated on a rise

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

House situated on a rise

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Man standing on the verandah of a house

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Painting or poster on a verandah

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda


Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda


Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Church seen from a distance

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Landscape showing damage from mining

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal group and guests (see also images 261-262)

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Young couple

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a young woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Two women

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Family group

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Young man with bicycle

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a toddler [Retallick?]

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man