Album of views of people and places around Kapunda [B 59106/240-416] • Photograph

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Copy of a portrait of a teenage boy, holding a trumpet and dressed in his band uniform

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple (see all images 374-378)

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple (see all images 374-378)

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple (see all images 374-378)

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple (see all images 374-378)

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple (see all images 374-378)

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Two young women

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Young woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Young man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Young man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Older man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda


Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Young woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Copy of a photograph of a woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Copy of a photograph of a woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a baby

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a baby

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a man