Album of views of people and places around Kapunda [B 59106/240-416] • Photograph

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Older man in costume, with flags and 'Buffalo' on his hat band

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a young woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a young man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of two young children

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Distant view of a church

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Interior of a church

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Interior of a church

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Grave of Samuel Ephraim

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Group of men outside a building

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Woman wearing a nurse's uniform

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a young woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a young man in army uniform

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal couple

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Portrait of a man

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a boy

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a woman

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of five young children

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a baby

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a baby

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Studio portrait of a baby

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Gum trees

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Two horses in a fenced yard

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Bridal group and guests

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Family group

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Album of views of people and places around Kapunda

Two young children