Find • woodville • Results 661 to 690 of 870

Woodlands Presbyterian Church
Two men and their horse and buggy stand outside Woodlands Presbyterian Church. According to a researcher, the Woodlands Presbyterian Church opened in 1883, and was located about ten kilometres north west of Hoyleton, at the intersection of Woodlands Road and Steve Road. It later became a Methodist Church, and closed in 1953. The subdivision known as Woodlands at Woodville was not made until 1922.

Floral pageant
GENERAL: 'Moorish Garden' the Prospect float in the Centenary year floral pageant, travelling along King William Street, 18 September 1936; the Woodville float can be seen in the background.

Captain William Davidson
Studio portrait of Captain William Davidson.

Railway transport: F class
Goods train with a cargo of car bodies at unidentified location. A researcher has suggested that the photograph was taken near Adelaide Gaol. 'In the distance is a signal box which still exists today and between the signal box and the car carrying train (which is most likely to have brought its cargo toward Adelaide from Holden's Woodville plant), is a wye in which the Adelaide Gaol garden used to exist.'

Girls from youth demonstration
Girls who took part in the S.A. Youth Clubs youth demonstration at the St Clair Youth Centre at Woodville.

Inspecting anti-aircraft shell cases
Two women at the GMH Woodville Plant inspect anti-aircraft shell projectiles before they are filled.

Cutting driving bands for anti-aircraft shells
A young woman making driving bands at the GMH factory, Woodville.

Bagot family photograph album
Photographs of trips to Brinkworth, Brisbane to Sydney. Also photographs of Toowong Island, S.S. Ballarat, T.S.S. Canberra, Warilda (ship), T.S.S. Katoomba, S.S. Commonwealth, R.M.S. Mongolia, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Acton at Woodville, St Georges at Lower Mitcham, Nurney House Adelaide, S.S. Zealandia, Clare, Country Victoria New South Wales and Queensland, Mt Lofty, Outer Harbor, S.S. Marloo, Review of 2nd Contingent, 9th Light Horse Lines, S.S. Yankilla, S.S. Lord Croma, R.M.S. Niagara, antique and classic cars. To see individual photographs do a NUMBER search on B 28518/1-249.

On the beach at Port McDonnell
Kaylene, Annette, Sandra and Marilyn with their father John Collins on the beach at Port McDonnell during the family's annual holiday.

James W. Waddell
Portrait of James W. Waddell who conducted the first general store and post office in Redhill. According to a researcher, he is listed as James Waddell Marshall, having dropped the name "Waddell" from his name. It is believed that his son married at Woodville Presbyterian Church, into the Harper Family, of Golden Grove, and later Croydon Park. There is also an accompanying photo of James Waddell Marshall meeting with the Governor, and other, at Government House in 1908, in a Trove listing. He was supposed to be a wealthy merchant in Adelaide, and benefactor, employing 800 people.

Kindergarten children visit Parliament House
A group of children from the Lucy Morice Free Kindergarten pictured on the steps of Parliament House, with their three teachers (Mary Weston in centre and Pam Lasscock on the right). The children have been identified but by given name only.

Dorothy Plak of woodville Gardens with the woollen sculptures she has made of Prime Minister Bob Hawke and Opposition Leader John Howard. 16th March 1988.

Leatherworker Centis Abols of Woodville South. 4th March 1992.

Anna Leditschke, 17, of Woodville Park. 29 November 1989.

Dorothy Plak spinning wool outside her "Spin-Along Bus". The Woodville spinner and poet was recently discovered by the Australian Wool Corporation. 1st March 1989.

Woodwork classes at Mareeba Hospital Annexe. Stroke victims Bill Stewart (background) of Woodville Park and Bob Davidson of Largs North making wooden toys. 27th May 1992.

Iris Aplin of Woodville Gardens with Christmas hampers at the Bowden Brompton Mission.

Over 60's Radio, (left to right) Bill Flanagan, Tranmere; Joe Hamilton, Salisbury North; Lisa Colley, 5UV; Ron Ward, Woodville West.

Workers from the South Australian Brush Company doorknocking for the Heart Foundation and Arthritis Foundation. (left to right) Gianna Carlassare from Woodville West and Bernadette Kimber from Henley Beach. 1989.

Lisa Bettison (left), Sarah Allen and Ellen Potter from the 1st Woodville South Brownies making chocolates. 18th April 1990.

The Parks Community Centre Mad Hatters Group "Salute to the Stars". (left to right) Pom (at rear with kettle) from Campbelltown, Nola Lynch from Woodville Gardens and Betsy Donaldson from Mansfield Park. 1989.

Singer David Gauci and Tom O'Donnell (keyboards) both of Woodville Synergy.

Lois Bertram and Hazel Hundertmark both from Woodville received awards for thirty years of service to Meals on Wheels at a recent concert. 29th July 1987.

Volunteer Meals on Wheels workers Helen Stephens (left) of Fulham and Glen Turner of Woodville West serve up a meal for Gladys Shepherd of Findon. 10th June 1987.

Port Adelaide Youth Centre Band, (left to right) Andrew Dick, Torrensville; Melanie Hales, Plympton, Lucinda Sinclair, Woodville; Christian Kaad, Mile End; Jason King, North Haven.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Grand Prix Bed Race. (left to right) Penny Pardoe-Matthews (Prospect), Peter McConnell (Woodville), driver Jackie Scharfbillig (Upper Sturt), Ann-Marie Burgess (arms in air at rear from Grange), David Brown (obscured from Findon), and Keith Kranz (Windsor Gardens). 1988.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital kiosk manager Louie Sitarenos of West Beach and Denise Idle of Woodville Gardens. 5th September 1990.

The Australian National Institute (ANI) Band which rehearses in Hindmarsh: Ivor Dodd of Morphett Vale (centre), David Smith of Ethelton (far left), Gordon Beck of Sefton Park, Ben Pech of Hackham and Frank Curnow of Woodville Gardens.
The Australian National Institue Band began in 1883 as the Locomotive Band, then became the SA Railways Institute Brass Band (SARI) , then ANI Brass Band, the AN Band, the TransAdelaide Brass Band, and lastly, the Metropolitan Brass (SA) Inc.

Scout activities at the Sea Scout Centre. Nick (12) of Banksia Park and Diet (14) of Woodville. 1989.