1921, Photograph, SRG 206/61/41
Delegates at the 32dn Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Brisbane, April 1921. Back row (from left): Leslie Smith (Secretary, Pastoralists' Association of Victoria and Pastoralists' Union of Southern Riverina), Major N.W. Kater, M.D., (N.S.W.), A.J. McLachlan (Solicitor), C.S. Wood (Assist. Sec. Pastoralists' Association of West Darling), C.D.E. Francis (Qld), F.M. Ranson (Secretary, United Graziers' Association of Queensland), E.D.H. Virgo (Assistant Secretary, Stockowners' Association of South Australia), I.J. Warnes (South Australia), John Dunne (West Darling), O.E. Friend (N.S.W), L.J. Weatherly (Victoria). Second row: F. Wittenoom (West Australia), A.S. Austin (Southern Riverina), C.R. Murphy, Hon. A.H. Whittingham, M.L.C (Queensland, President of the Convention), A.E. Hamilton (South Australia), John Mackay (N.S.W.), H.M. Turner (Victoria). Front row: J.W. Allen (Secretary, Graziers' Association of N.S.W), P.A. Brown (Minute Secretary, Queensland), W. Muir (Assistant Secretary, Queensland). Mr R.H. Edkins, Queensland, was also a delegate but had to leave before the photo was taken.