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A girl dressed as Britannia

A girl dressed as Britannia

A young girl dressed as Britannia holding a large Union Jack flag.

Eight Engineering Association delegates at the entrance to Trades Hall

Eight Engineering Association delegates at the entrance to Trades Hall

Eight Engineering Association delegates at the entrance to Trades Hall, Grote Street, Adelaide.

A group of men outside Trades Hall, Grote Street, Adelaide

A group of men outside Trades Hall, Grote Street, Adelaide

A group of men outside Trades Hall, Grote Street, Adelaide.

Three young soldiers

Three young soldiers

Three young soldiers sitting in front of a large Union Jack flag.

Symphony orchestra concert

Symphony orchestra concert

Musicians performing with a large orchestra on stage in the Exhibition Building, for a function in aid of the Home for Incurables, Adelaide. The occasion was the Professional Musicians Orchestra 6th Annual Concert 1918, assembled by Thomas Grigg in aid of Minda Home. Some of the participants were, left to right: Norman Sellick, violin, Carl Engel, violin, John Gilbert, flute, Alfred Lellmann, flute, Alfred Amor, bass, Seymour Pank, violin, Vince Lombardi, violin, William Cade, violin, J. Wilton, violin, Thomas Grigg, Conductor, Murial Cheek, Vocal, Otto Agne, violin, Charles Cawthorne, Manager, Jim Daniels, violin, Etta Grigg, viola, R. Klapper, trombone, T. Stephens, percussion, Winifred Hambridge, violin. [Information provided by Robert Brown, whose friend's father was A. Lellmann the flautist].

Henry Van der Weyde

Henry Van der Weyde

Henry Van der Weyde was born in the Netherlands 30 August 1838. His family emigrated to New York in 1850 and he trained as an artist. After service on the side of the Union during the American Civil War and marrying Mona Wetherbee in 1867 he emigrated to England in 1870. He established himself as a photographer and was a member of the Photographic Society from 1889. He died in England on 8 February 1924.

Sons of Mr wood

Sons of Mr wood

View of young men identified as the sons of Mr. Wood, Bank Manager (Union) Port Adelaide.

A crowd of men outside "The Register" offices

A crowd of men outside "The Register" offices

A crowd of men outside "The Register" offices, a large Union Jack flag is flying from a window.

Sir Day Hort Bosanquet and a group of officers on horseback

Sir Day Hort Bosanquet and a group of officers on horseback

Sir Day Hort Bosanquet, Governor of South Australia and a group of officers, including General Sir Ian Hamilton; they are on horseback in front of a large Union Jack flag, possibly taking a salute.

A flag

A flag

A paper reproduction of the South Australian flag showing a union jack on a blue background and a small round badge depicting Britannia greeting an Aborigine.

Rifle shooting team

Rifle shooting team

Members of the No. 2 Southern District Union Team at Port Adelaide for a competition, September 1924. Back row: H. Higgins (Langhorne Creek), P.M. Wilsch (Berri), H.M. Natt (Langhorne Creek), M.W. Parish (Murray Bridge), A.B. (Arthur Bridgeman) Potts (Langhorne Creek), A.E. Parish (Murray Bridge). Second row: L. Lehmann (Murray Bridge), A.M. Coppin, scorer (Mount Barker), C. Parish and Sam Deed (Murray Bridge), Paul Cudmore (Victor Harbor). Front row: H.L. (Henry Leonard) Potts (Langhorne Creek) and Darcy N. Wollaston (Mount Barker).

Photographs of Presbyterian buildings, activities and people.

Photographs of Presbyterian buildings, activities and people.

Collection of photographs of Presbterian Church buildings activities and people. See 'contents' for details of items.

Photographs of St John's Church and Hall, Coromandel Valley

Photographs of St John's Church and Hall, Coromandel Valley

Photographs of St. John's Anglican Church and Hall, Coromandel Valley.

Banner of the Federated Agricultural Implement Association, Gawler Branch

Banner of the Federated Agricultural Implement Association, Gawler Branch

Banner used in street processions, depicting coastal and rural scenes.

Development of Adelaide 1839-1914: series of lantern slides.

Development of Adelaide 1839-1914: series of lantern slides.

Series of 102 black and white lantern slides numbered 40-145, illustrating the development of Adelaide, 1839-1914. Some slides are of maps, lithographs and sketches made by nineteenth century artists and lithographers. The series juxtaposes views of Adelaide buildings and streets and key landmarks at several time periods, to show the changes and developments in Adelaide to 1914. The streets in focus in this series include King William Street, North Terrace, Stephen's Place, Rundle Street, Hindley Street, Pulteney Street, Grenfell Street, Pirie Street, Gouger Street, Gawler Place and Hindmarsh Square. The following slides are not held: 1-39, 63, 67, 81, 128.

Reading of the Transfer Proclamation

Reading of the Transfer Proclamation

Photograph of 'Mr Justice Mitchell reading the proclamation of transfer of the Northern Territory to Commonwealth [Government] at the Residency, Jany 2nd 1911. After reading proclamation, Mrs Mitchell hoisted the Commonwealth flag under union Jack (flag in picture is shown folded up and put on water tap at the flagstaff). Mr Justice Mitchell then delivered a patriotic address. At the close the visitors were invited to partake of refreshments at the Residency. About 500 attended of all colours. Mrs Mitchell is shown standin at the right of the judge'.[From back of photograph.]

S.A. at Work Collection

S.A. at Work Collection comprising 471 images. Do an ARCHIVAL NUMBER search on B 46395 to view individual images.

Events in the State Library of South Australia 5

Events in the State Library of South Australia 5

One of five volumes showing staff, events, exhibitions and activities at the State Library of South Australia from 1960-1985. This volume covers the years 1960 to July 1985.

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide

Photographs and postcards of buildings and locations in Central Adelaide. Also includes postcard of Adelaide from Windy Point, postcard of aerial view of Adelaide and postcard of Adelaide skyline from Memorial Drive tennis courts.

Black and white postcards showing views of Port Adelaide

Black and white postcards showing views of Port Adelaide

Photographs in postcard format of the river, the docks and harbour and Commercial Road in Port Adelaide, South Australia, in the 1900s. Two of the cards have a handwritten message. See 'contents' for details of items.

The 'Daniel' in an unidentified harbour

The 'Daniel' in an unidentified harbour

The wooden barque 'Daniel', 299 tons, in an unidentified harbour [wooden 2 mast schooner, originally 351gross, 317 net tons, later (Australia) 299 tons. ON121172 (British) 127.1 x 31.1 x 12.0. Built 1894 E Gundersen, Tvedstrand, Norway. Owners C. Wroldsen, registered Tvedstrand, 1907. Union Box and Packing Case Co. Ltd, registered Sydney later Sailing Ship 'Daniel' Ltd. converted to a hulk at Sydney c.1924. (Instead of a figurehead she had a lot of beautiful scroll work on her stem head and this has been preserved at the Snapper Island Training establishment in Sydney Harbour)].

G. & R. Wills & Co. : SUMMARY RECORD

Records of G. & R. Wills & Co., merchants and importers, comprising letters and invoices of Hodgkins & Farmer, drapers, 1848-1951, London letters of George Wills to Robert Wills 1862-1879, ledgers 1853-1866, in-house ledgers 1933-1977, minutes 1913-1987 including minutes of G. & R. Wills, George Wills & Co and Wills Gilchrist & Sanderson, balance sheets, shipping code, scrapbook of newspaper cuttings, share scrip, company die, pay records, architectural plans (including North Terrace elevation ca.1874), photographs, including two outsize mounted collections of staff in formal, informal and work occasions ca. 1949-1980, corset (1903) and sports shields.

Indigenous rights papers

Records comprising papers relating to the concerns of Indigenous people, especially Indigenous women, including the Council for Aboriginal Women of South Australia and Aboriginal Affairs papers. See below for further details.

Papers relating to war service of Percy Wilson

Papers relating to Percy Major Graham Wilson's service in the S.A. Fourth Imperial Bushmen's Corps in the Boer War, South Africa. See below for details.

'Huia' wooden schooner

'Huia' wooden schooner

'Huia' wooden schooner 200 tons [wooden sailing vessel, later fitted with auxiliary engines. Originally: wood, 2 mast schooner, ON102268, 204 gross, 196 net tons. Built 1894 J Barbour, Aratapu, Kaipara, New Zealand, 115.1 x 25.2 x 11.5. Alt. 1898 - re-rigged as topsail schooner, and an aux. engine installed - 80bhp oil engine by Union Gas Eng. Co. San Francisco and 224 gross, 200 net tons. Re-engined in 1922 and now measured 251 gross, 166 net tons. Re-engined in 1931. Topsails removed in 1945. Owners: E Mitchelson and Brothers, registered Auckland. 1900 George McKenzie (and sometimes others), Kaipara. 1912 Nobel Explosives Co. of Glasgow, registered Auckland. 1925 Nobel (Australasia) Pty. Ltd. 1950 Huia Trading Co. registered Suva. Wrecked on Komekame Reef off Cape Queen Charlotte, New Caledonia bound Noumea-Vila. See 'The Log of the Huia' by CW Hawkins, Collins, New Zealand]

'Laira' iron barque

'Laira' iron barque

'Laira' iron barque 492 tons sunk by collision at Dunedin, 1898. Laira after collision with 'Wakatipu' Dunedin April 2, 1898. [iron 3 mast barque, 492 gross, 458 net tons. ON62152, 156.1 x 27.35 x 16.65. Built 1870 (3) William Pile and Co., Sunderland. Owners: Richard Hill, registered Plymouth. June 1882 CB Stone and others. Registered Auckland: Feb. 1889 Henry Guthrie, registered Dunedin: 1893 H Anderson: 1893 John Paterson, Dunedin: 1898 Union SS Co. of New Zealand Ltd., as a hulk at Port Chalmers: 1900 John Gibbons: 1904 EJ Rogers, registered Hobart: 1908 JJ Craig, registered Auckland, and apparently re-rigged: 1910 Huddart, Parker and Co. Ltd, registered Melbourne for use as a hulk and register closed in 1912]

'Pamir' 4 masted barque

'Pamir' 4 masted barque

Furling the main upper topsail; 4 masted barque 'Pamir' [steel 4 mast barque, 3020 gross, 2777 net tons. 316.0 x 46.0 x 26.2. Built 1905 (10) Blohm and Voss, Hamburg. Owners: F Laiesz, registered Hamburg. From 1931 until 1951 owned by Gustaf Erikson, although operated by the Union SS Co. of NZ Ltd, during WW2 sold to German owners for use as a training vessel and lost at sea in 1957]

Black Forest Baptist Church members album

Black Forest Baptist Church members album

Album of photographs of the Black Forest Baptist Church comprising the following assorted black and white photographs of; the church and of church members and events; Silver Jubilee 1938; laying of foundation stone 1968; Diamond Jubilee 1973; 70th anniversary 1983.

Scenes in Adelaide, Goolwa and Ungarra, Eyre Peninsula: photograph album

Scenes in Adelaide, Goolwa and Ungarra, Eyre Peninsula: photograph album

Album includes views of Adelaide and beaches at Brighton and Glenelg; draught horses at the Royal Show 1937; Goolwa barrage under construction, Sturt paddle steamer; the sailing ship Passat; together with family, farming, fishing and other leisure and sporting activities in the region of Ungarra, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Details of the photographs are listed under items.

Labor Day procession

Labor Day procession

Building Workers' Union at the Labor Day procession, with a banner reading "Build more homes, schools, & hospitals", 16 October 1966.