Album of photographs of Central Adelaide [B 72552/1-72] • Photograph

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Eagle Chambers, corner of Pirie Street, south side and King William Street, east side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Treasury building, King William Street, east side, between Pirie Street and Flinders Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Torrens building, Victoria Square between Flinders and Wakefield Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Interior of the Cathedral of St. Francis Xavier

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Housing Trust Department, corner of Angas Street and Nelson Street, east side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Convent of Mercy in Angas Street, east side, between Victoria Square and Chancery Lane

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Queen Street east

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Queen Street east

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Princess Street east

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Corner of Princess Street, east side and Carrington Street, north side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Princess Street, west side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Carrington Street, north side, between Royal Place and Pulteney Street with Earl of Aberdeen Hotel in the distance

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Angas Street, north side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Angas Street, north side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Tram passing through the intersection of King William Street and Sturt Street, south side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
King's Head Hotel on the corner of Sturt Street, north side and King William Street, west side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Crios Costalos building on the corner of Wright Street, north side and King William Street, west side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
King William Street, west side, between Wright Street and Gouger Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Glenelg tram passing the Magistrates Court building, near Gouger Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Supreme Court building, Victoria Square, south side, between King William Street and Mill Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Victoria Square tram terminus

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Victoria Square, west side, between Franklin and Grote Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Marine and Harbors building, Victoria Square, between Franklin and Grote Streets

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
King William Street, west side, showing Criterion Hotel

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Victoria Square Fountain with Adelaide G.P.O and Advertiser building in the distance

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Hotel Franklin on the corner of Eliza Street, east side and Franklin Street, north side

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Bowen Street, east side, between Franklin Street and Grote Street

Album of photographs of Central Adelaide
Union Hotel on the corner of Waymouth Street, north side and Allens Place, west side