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Part of an audience seated in a large hall

Part of an audience seated in a large hall

Partial view of an audience seated in a large hall heavily decorated with flags and bunting, a man thought to be the Master of Ceremonies sits in the centre of the front row behind a table draped with the Union Jack.

Railway workers attending a meeting at Islington, South Australia

Railway workers attending a meeting at Islington, South Australia

A crowd of railway employees attending a meeting at Islington Works in South Australia.

Labor Day procession in Adelaide

Labor Day procession in Adelaide

A Labor Day procession progressing along King William Street, Adelaide; a lorry in the foreground carries a large banner for the S.A.Gas Company's Employees Association.

Unveiling of memorial to Ernest Alfred Roberts

Unveiling of memorial to Ernest Alfred Roberts

Unveiling of a memorial to South Australian politician Ernest Alfred Roberts at West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, 13 January 1917.

The arrival of Australian delegates at Cape Town, South Africa

The arrival of Australian delegates at Cape Town, South Africa

A group of men wallking in a Cape Town street described by Searcy as 'Australian delegates at Cape Town, met by member of the Union Parliament'; names not known.

Children arriving at Brighton for a picnic outing

Children arriving at Brighton for a picnic outing

Children assembled at Brighton railway station after their arrival by train from Willunga for a picnic outing, many are carrying Union Jack flags.

Men standing on the steps of Parliament House, Cape Town

Men standing on the steps of Parliament House, Cape Town

A group of men standing on the steps of Parliament House at Cape Town, South Africa; they are described by Searcy as 'Australian delegates and members of Union Parliament'; names not known.

Spectators listening to an address on Wattle Day in Adelaide

Spectators listening to an address on Wattle Day in Adelaide

A large crowd of spectators listening to an address delivered by Patrick Glynn, politician, lawyer, and well known public speaker on Wattle Day in Adelaide; a large Union Jack flag and a banner with the letters 'A W D L' are in the background.

Members of the Professional Musicians Orchestra

Members of the Professional Musicians Orchestra

Musicians of the Adelaide Musical Society photographed as the Professional Musicians Orchestra sitting and standing with their instruments on a stage with their conductor standing on the rostrum. The orchestra played concerts occasionally, sometimes in aid of charities. The date is likely around 1917, as a researcher has identified one of the musicians as having died in 1920.

Flooding at Franklin Harbor jetty, South Australia

Flooding at Franklin Harbor jetty, South Australia

Flooding near the Franklin Harbor jetty at Cowell, South Australia with floodwaters surrounding storage sheds which advertise the S.A. Farmers' Union.

Joseph Vardon and friends in an automobile

Joseph Vardon and friends in an automobile

The South Australian politician Joseph Vardon and members of his family out driving in a 1908-1910 2 cylinder Darracq tourer.

Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson taking a salute

Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson taking a salute

Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson, the Governor-General of Australia and Sir Henry Galway, Governor of South Australia taking the salute at a South Australian military function; Sir Ronald stands to the right and Sir Henry third from the left, a large Union Jack flag flies overhead. Location unknown, but possibly Mitcham Camp.

New hospital at Lameroo, South Australia

New hospital at Lameroo, South Australia

Distant view of the crowd assembled for the foundation stone ceremony for the new hospital on the Friday afternoon 22 December 1911, at Lameroo, South Australia. Mr. Richard Alfred O'Connor, Chairman of the Hospital Committee, was elected a few years later as a Liberal Union MP for the electorate of Albert from 1915 to 1921. His wife Louise laid the foundation stone. At the time the new hospital was named the 'Pinnaroo District Hospital.'

Children's display at Adelaide Oval

Children's display at Adelaide Oval

Crowds watching a display by school children at Adelaide Oval, South Australia; groups of children wearing coloured dress have created a design of the Union Jack on the centre of the oval.

A float for a parade

A float for a parade

A group of people in fancy dress depicted as inhabitants of India with a soldier and a Red Cross nurse; the grouping, complete with a Union Jack flag is set up on the rear of a horse-drawn cart and is probably part of a charity fund-raiser for the war effort during World War I.

Trades and Labor Council of Adelaide

Trades and Labor Council of Adelaide

Members of the Trades and Labor Council of Adelaide, South Australia photographed in front of the Exhibition Building on North Terrace; names not known.

Large group of soldiers

Large group of soldiers

A large group of soldiers photographed outside the premises of the South Australian Farmers Co-operative Union in Adelaide.

Rolls Royce car driving in a parade

Rolls Royce car driving in a parade

Rolls Royce car driving honoured guests in a street welcome, possibly the Smith Brothers in London; the car is carrying furled Union Jack flags and four uniformed British policeman are guarding the car.

Lady Weigall at a charity Kindergarten Fete

Lady Weigall at a charity Kindergarten Fete

Lady Weigall, wife of the Governor of South Australia, hammering a peg into a lawn for the 'Hidden Treasure' game at a charity Kindergarten Fete, held on the Government House grounds, Adelaide on Saturday 13 November 1920. Participants in the game could buy a stick for a shilling, placing it in the lawn in the 'hidden treasure' field where £1 notes had been hidden, with those whose sticks were closest to the money, winning the prize. The Kindergarten Fete was organised by the Lady Mayoress (Lady Hackett) and a committee of ladies under the auspices of the South Australian Kindergarten Union, to raise funds for the free Kindergarten institutions in the metropolitan area. This image was published along with other photographs of the kindergarten fete in the 'Observer', Saturday 20 November 1920, page 23, with the caption 'Lady Hackett trying her luck'. See article 'For the children: successful kindergarten fete', in 'The Journal', Saturday 13 November 1920, page 11, for more details.

Lady Hackett hammering a peg into a lawn

Lady Hackett hammering a peg into a lawn

Lady Hackett in her role as Lady Mayoress hammering a peg into a lawn for the 'Hidden Treasure' game at a charity Kindergarten Fete, held on the Government House grounds, Adelaide on Saturday 13 November 1920. Participants in the game could buy a stick for a shilling, placing it in the lawn in the 'hidden treasure' field where £1 notes had been hidden, with those whose sticks were closest to the money, winning the prize. The Kindergarten Fete was organised by the Lady Mayoress (Lady Hackett) and a committee of ladies under the auspices of the South Australian Kindergarten Union, to raise funds for the free Kindergarten institutions in the metropolitan area. This image was published along with other photographs of the kindergarten fete in the 'Observer', Saturday 20 November 1920, page 23, with the caption 'Lady Hackett trying her luck'. See article 'For the children: successful kindergarten fete', in 'The Journal', Saturday 13 November 1920, page 11, for more details.

Women standing outside a building

Women standing outside a building

Women and a small child standing outside a building, some are wearing decorative aprons, possibly members of a craft guild or a Mothers Union.

Memorial service at the Cross of Sacrifice, North Adelaide

Memorial service at the Cross of Sacrifice, North Adelaide

A large crowd attending a memorial service at the Cross of Sacrifice, Pennington Gardens. The cross is covered with several Australian and Union Jack flags.

Four patriotic young girls

Four patriotic young girls

Four patriotic girls photographed on Australia Day standing with trays of favours to sell and the Union Jack flag; two are dressed in Girl Guide uniform; names not known.

Two Governors talking to Boy Scouts

Two Governors talking to Boy Scouts

Sir Arthur Stanley, Governor of Victoria and Sir William MacCartney, Governor of Western Australia talking to Boy Scouts during a visit to South Australia; other children carrying Union Jack flags form a welcoming group.

Sir Archibald Weigall delivering a speech

Sir Archibald Weigall delivering a speech

Sir Archibald Weigall, Governor of South Australia delivering a speech at a military function; he wears morning dress and stands behind a small table draped with the Union Jack flag.

Boy scouts from Renmark

Boy scouts from Renmark

A group of boy scouts displaying a large Union Jack flag presented to the people of Renmark by George Brookman in recognition of the town's outstanding recruitment effort during World War I.

A procession at Henley Beach

A procession at Henley Beach

Crowds of spectators watching a procession of motor cars decorated with flowers and a Union Jack flag travelling along the foreshore at Henley Beach, South Australia.

Armistice Day ceremony at Unley

Armistice Day ceremony at Unley

Armistice Day ceremony in the Soldiers' Memorial Garden, on Saturday 11 November 1922. The Union Jack was lowered to half mast, Trumpeter-Sergeant A.T.H. Neale sounded the Last Post, followed by two minutes of silence, the raising of the flag and The Reveille. The Mayor of Unley, Mr. H.C. Richards M.P., was in charge of the proceedings. A wreath of white roses made by the chief gardener was hung on the flag mast.

A woman at Snelling Beach

A woman at Snelling Beach

A woman, possibly a member of the Australasian Ornithologists' Union field trip, on Snelling Beach.

A woman reading outside her tent

A woman reading outside her tent

A woman reading outside her tent during the Australasian Ornithologists' Union field trip to Kangaroo Island.