Krischock, Harry, c. 1908, Photograph, PRG 280/1/15/210
Sir Charles Todd, astronomer, meterologist, electrical engineer and Superintendent of the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line seated second left with other astronomers attending a conference held in Adelaide. According to a researcher, this photo was printed in The 'Register' Thursday 18 May 1905, News of the Day - The Illustrated Observer. Members of the Interstate Astronomer's Conference Lately Sitting in Adelaide In the front row, seated, reading from left to right, are - Mr. P. Barrachi (Vic.), Sir Charles Todd, C.M.G. (S.A.), Mr. W.E. Cooke (W.A.), Mr. H.A. Lenehan (N.S.W.). Standing - Mr. G.F. Dodwell (S.A.), Mr. H. Spowers (Qd.), Mr. H.C. Kingsmill (Tas.), Mr. R.F. Griffiths (S.A.), and Mr. S.W. Chettle (S.A.).