Find • telegraph • Results 781 to 810 of 871

Horsemen at a water hole in Central Australia
Three horsemen at a water hole identified by Searcy as being Wigley Gorge in Central Australia. It is on the Todd River 4.35 kms North of the Alice Springs Telegraph Station.

Francis Stewart Briggs standing in front of his D.H.4 aircraft
Francis Stewart Briggs standing in front of his D.H.4. Born in Calcutta, Briggs a Telegraph Operator joined the AIF in 1915 while living with his widowed mother in Prospect, South Australia. In 1917 he was given a commission in the Royal Flying Corps and at the end of the war flew Australian Prime Minister Billy Hughes between London and Paris during the Versailles peace talks. In 1920 Briggs pioneered the air route from Melbourne to Perth and return, and in 1921 between Melbourne and Alice Springs.

Post office at Port Lincoln
The west coast Royal Mail car outside the Post and Telegraph Office at Port Lincoln.

A four generations of the Wauchope family
John Wylie Wauchope, George Armstrong Wauchope, James. George. Neilson Wauchope, and Alan James Wauchope. The senior member of the family was born in Glasgow 81 years ago and arrived in South Australia in the ship Glenswillie. He was one of the late Sir Charles Todd's party which constructed the oveland telegraph line to Darwin.

Skeleton of a Chinese man who died of thirst in the Northern Territory
Skeletal remains of a Chinese man who died of thirst in the Northern Territory; he died next to a telegraph pole which he managed to write on before his death.

Camel team at Fowlers Bay, South Australia
A camel team resting on the Esplanade in the township of Yalata, (later gazetted as the township of Fowlers Bay) with the Fowlers Bay Post and Telegraph Office in the background. The original Town of Yalata was surveyed by N.W. Pethick in March 1890 and proclaimed in the SA Government Gazette on 10/07/1890. The name Yalata was changed to Fowlers Bay in the Government Gazette on 19/09/1940. [From information provided].

Camels at Fowlers Bay, South Australia
A camel team on the Esplanade, Fowlers Bay, with the Fowlers Bay Post and Telegraph Office in the background.

Sir Charles Todd seated with other astronomers attending a conference in Adelaide
Sir Charles Todd, astronomer, meterologist, electrical engineer and Superintendent of the construction of the Overland Telegraph Line seated second left with other astronomers attending a conference held in Adelaide. According to a researcher, this photo was printed in The 'Register' Thursday 18 May 1905, News of the Day - The Illustrated Observer. Members of the Interstate Astronomer's Conference Lately Sitting in Adelaide In the front row, seated, reading from left to right, are - Mr. P. Barrachi (Vic.), Sir Charles Todd, C.M.G. (S.A.), Mr. W.E. Cooke (W.A.), Mr. H.A. Lenehan (N.S.W.). Standing - Mr. G.F. Dodwell (S.A.), Mr. H. Spowers (Qd.), Mr. H.C. Kingsmill (Tas.), Mr. R.F. Griffiths (S.A.), and Mr. S.W. Chettle (S.A.).

Lord Munro Ferguson visiting South Australia
Lord Munro Ferguson, Governor-General during a visit to the military camp at Morphettville. Back row (from left): Major H.S. Connor (Governor's Aide-de-camp); Captain Bushell, D.A.Q.M.G.; Captain Foxton, A.D.C. to the Governor-General; Captain P.M. McFarlane, C.S.O.; Major Goldsmith, A.A.M.C.; Lieutenant T.R. Richards. Front row (from left): Major W. De Passey; Lieut-Colonel F.M. Rowell; His Excellency the Governor (Sir Henry Galway); His Excellency the Governor-General (Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson); Colonel Irving (South Australian Commandant); Colonel G.H. Dean; Major C.H. Brand; Lieut-Colonel Miell.

A wireless station in South Australia
The instruments shed and operating hut at a wireless station in a remote area of South Australia.

Guglielmo Marconi in military uniform
A studio view of the inventor of the wireless, Guglielmo Marconi wearing military uniform.

A waterhole in the Macdonnell Ranges
A waterhole in the Macdonnell Ranges, Northern Territory. This is the waterhole/rockpool on Jessie Creek, Undoolya Station, east of Alice Springs. The photographer was Francis Gillen, post and telegraph station master at Alice Springs.

Visit of the French Mission to Murray Bridge
Visit of the French Mission to Murray Bridge, reception held on 1 November 1918 at the Post and Telegraph Office, 24 Sixth Street.

Five Australian army officers
A group of five Australian army officers photographed at an army camp; they are possibly members of the Medical Corps as indicated by Searcy's comment 'Good sawbones'. According to a researcher, the man standing left rear is Doctor Harry Nott, RMO (who was with the 10th Battalion AIF), with W. R. Cavenagh-Mainwaring to his left (assigned to the 3rd Light Horse). Both units were at the Morphettville Camp in 1914. The man seated in the centre is Frederick Goldsmith, surgeon (also appears in PRG 280/1/26/104). The three seated in the front row are all wearing pre-war peak caps (shiny leather visors) suggesting they are or were in the militia pre-war - so the the other two may have been with Goldsmith in the 3rd Field Ambulance ie Fry and Moodie.

Rock pools near Alice Springs
A man and a woman standing on a rocky outcrop above a rock pool in the bed of a river near the Alice Springs telegraph station, Northern Territory.

Post Office at Port Lincoln
A Royal Mail motor vehicle outside the Post and Telegraph Office at Port Lincoln, South Australia.

Customs House, Port MacDonnell
Premises of the former Police Station, Court House, Telegraph Station and Customs House at the corner of Standish Street and The Parade in Port MacDonnell, South Australia.

J.N. Boberg 'Around Australia' motor cyclist
J. N. Boberg of New South Wales arrived in Adelaide on 2 January 1923 having completed the first stage of a journey around Australia on a Dunlop tyred Indian Scout motorcycle. He had left Sydney on 9 December 1922 and was intending to ride to Perth via Port Augusta. The attempt came to an end in April 1923 when some distance beyond Onslow, Western Australia, Boberg ran into a telegraph pole. Advertisements on the sidecar include three for Goulding sidecars, Dunlop tyres, and Castrol oil.

Camel team at Fowlers Bay, South Australia
A camel team pulling a wagon carrying bagged grain waiting to start their journey at Fowlers Bay, South Australia. According to a researcher, the building at rear is the Fowlers Bay Telegraph Station.

SS Governor Musgrave
The "Governor Musgrave" at anchor, Kangaroo Beach, whilst telegraph materials are being rowed ashore; a woman identified as Miss Judell watches in the foreground.

Informal group of seven young men
Informal group of seven young men, possibly Overland Telegraph workers.

Armless artist William Smith
William Smith, a young artist with no arms working with a pen held in his mouth.

Armless artist William Smith
William Smith, a young artist with no arms standing with some of his work.

Soldiers under training
A mixed group of soldiers from various infantry groups, pictured at the Exhibition Camp (Jubilee Oval) in Adelaide with their officers in Adelaide. The officer in the front row, 7th from left, has been identified as Major C.H. Brand; the man to his left is the Rev. Alfred Metters. It is suggested that the soldier 4th from left in the front row is either Percy Emil Julge or Thomas Norman Rowe.

Opening of electric system, The Parade, Norwood
A line of electric trams proceeds towards the city along The Parage, Norwood, as part of the official opening of the electric tramway system, 9 March 1909. A sign on a telegraph pole directs horse riders and drivers to 'walk round corners'.

Mr Phillips
Studio view of Mr. Phillips described as the 'grand old man of Port Adelaide, Post and Telegraph'.

A federal government wireless station near Alberton and Port Adelaide
A federal government wireless station near Alberton and Port Adelaide consisting of a small building with two very tall stobie poles.

Post office at Lake Wangary
Premises of the post and telegraph office at Lake Wangary, South Australia; two motor cars are parked outside.

Family letters
Todd family letters comprising chiefly letters and fragments of letters written during Todd's absence on construction of the Overland Telegraph and comprising two letters from Charles Todd to sons Charles and Hedley and to Alice Todd to River Roper and Mount Margaret 1872, seventeen letters and fragments of letters from Alice Todd to Charles Todd, mainly written from the Observatory 1872-1894, a fragment and two letters from Alice Todd to Maude 1891-ca.1897 and three letters from Elizabeth to her father Charles Todd written from the Observatory 1872. Also a letter to his family in England describing his voyage to S.A. in the ship 'Irene'. For further information see Special List.

Blood's Creek Station
Buildings at Blood Creek settlement, including store and telegraph station.