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Additional photographs relating to exploration and maritime topics
A collection of mounted photographs relating primarily to exploration and maritime topics in South Australia and the Northern Territory, together with a small collection of portraits of people associated with the Royal Geographical Society. Two group portraits of Aboriginal people, from Port Lincoln and from Kopperamanna are included (photographs 9 and 15). Photographs 67-70 relate to the Flinders Centenary 1902. The following photographs have not been digitised (copies are held elsewhere in the Pictorial Collection or not related specifically to South Australia): 2. 'Light on Kingston jetty' with lighthouse keeper, his dog and bicycle; 3. 'Kingston jetty' Also at B 9409; 8. 'The British Hotel Port Adelaide', pencil sketch ca. 1841. Also at B 510; 9. 'Port Lincoln natives, last of tribe, 1897'. See B 512; 13. 'Victor Harbor breakwater'. Also at PRG 280/1/2/39; 20. Distant view of the landing place and iron stores at Port Adelaide, South Australia. Photograph of an artwork of 1838; 25. Horrocks' expedition, showing Horrocks and his party, with laden camel, moving through the bush. Photo of an artwork ca.1846; 26. 'Horrocks after being wounded on his way to Penwortham'. Photograph of an artwork ca.1848. Also at B 475. Original in the Art Gallery of South Australia; 28. Photograph of painting signed by E. Magraith 1904 with inscription 'H.M.C.S. Yatala after a painting by H. C. R. 1849', to Arthur Searcy Esq, President of Marine Board, from G. H. 1904'. See also B 9316; 31. View of the gorge on Mary River by Stephen King 1862. John McDouall Stuart Expedition. See also B 486/9; 33. 'Matthew Flinders, aged 27', photo of a portrait . See B 11153; 38. 'Captain Sir Leopold Mc Clintock, R.N. LL.D' photograph of an engraving of Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, Arctic explorer; 39. 'The late Sir John Franklin' photo of an engraving;40. 'Captain Charles Sturt' (Australian explorer). Also at B 70378/3; 41. 'Relievo of National Memorial to Sir John Franklin. M. Noble, Sculptor', photo of bronze sculpture in London; 51. 'Robert Kyffin Thomas' portrait. Also at B 3687; 52. 'Charles Davies older brother, Gawler'; 58. 'The Right Hon. Sir William Molesworth, Secretary of State for the Colonies'; 59. 'Sir Leopold Mc Clintock, 1880'; 60. Commander Verney Lovett Cameron 1878; 61. 'John McKinlay'. Davies & Co. photographer. Also at B 1782; 65. 'Sir J. Langdon Bonython'. Also at B 2255.

South Australia and Northern Territory views
A half morocco over pebbled cloth album, inscribed on front pastedown 'Zur Erinnerung an Adelaide Sud-Australien / von Herrn & Frau Unbehaun / December 1899' [In memory of Adelaide, South Australia, from Mr & Mrs Unbehaun], and containing 24 window mounted silver gelatin prints, each 100 x 150 mm and with a manuscript caption on the album page beneath.

King William Street, Adelaide.
King William Street, Adelaide, looking south from near the intersection with North Terrace toward the intersection of Rundle Street and Hindley Street. Buildings in the foreground on the eastern side of King William Street are the National Bank and Beehive Corner and on the western side are the English, Scottish and Australian Bank and the Australian Mutual Provident (AMP) Society. The street is busy with horse drawn vehicles and pedestrians. A telegraph pole and wires also dominates the foreground. The Adelaide Town Hall clock tower can be seen in the distance. A banner advertising the play 'Sweet Nell of Old Drury' which was presented at the Theatre Royal, Hindley Street, from 28 April 1902 to 9 May 1902 is visible in high resolution scans. The horse trams are lunch time 'specials', which did not stop, and two pedestrians can be seen running to board the moving tram. Many city workers went home for lunch at this time [additional information provided by a researcher].

Views of early Adelaide : King William Street
Photograph of King William Street in Adelaide showing horse drawn vehicles and pedestrians. The photo shows the strands of wire stretching between the telegraph poles along the street.

Album of views of Oodnadatta
A small personal collection of views taken in the Oodnadatta area featuring members of the Hewish family on picnics, Aboriginal men and women, sheep and other farming activities, race meetings, members of the tennis club, and other daily activities. See 'contents' for details of individual items.

Ocean View Tea Rooms at Christies Beach
Ocean View Tea Rooms at Christies Beach in South Australia. A sign advertises the building as containing a Post and Telegraph Office and a public telephone. There are also signs advertising Bushell's Tea and Bex and other items.

Views of Beltana
A collection of images of Beltana.

Photographs relating to Messenger Press : other buildings
Photographs relating to 'other buildings', created by Messenger Press.

E. Company, 1st Battalion
Formal photograph of the members of 'E Company, 1st Battalion (1st A.N.A. Corp). / Motto - "Amor Patriæ" / The first Military Corps raised under the auspices of the Australian Natives' Association. Formed, March, 1900. / Officers : Captain G.J. Morley. / Lieutenant D.H. Schmidt. / Lietenant Chas. Duffield. / Corps pet - "Darkie"'.

Toast list
Toast list for reception and banquet to Charles Todd and men of the Overland Telegraph Construction Party dated 15 November 1872.

Adelaide Festival of Arts projects
The series consists of photographs, negatives, transparencies and documents relating to proposals, and projects undertaken by Ostoja-Kotkowski, for the Adelaide Festival of Arts. They include sound and image productions, floats, chromasonic towers, festival decorations, and exhibitions. It includes 'Genesis' designed in 1962 which was Ostoja's first attempt to present photographic images synchronised with sound. The 1968 Sound and Image production used a laser beam for the first time. 'Time Riders' was produced for the 1970 festival. Ostoja combined dreamtime legends with poetry by Judith Wright, Roland Robinson, Kenneth Slessor and Max Harris. The script was by Tony Morphett and the music by Richard Meale, Peter Sculthorpe and John Antill. 1964 float for the parade; Sound and Image production. 1966 street decorations; exhibition of photography by Members of Image 8; Sound and Image production. 1968 Sound and Image production. 1970 Chromasonic tower; Sound and Image production of Time Riders; street decorations;. 1980 Laser kinetic exhibition 'Futuresight'. 1982 Laser concert. 1990 'Brush with stage' participant in exhibition. 1994 'Inscape 94' exhibition.

Views in South Australia : collection of black and white photograph negatives
Negatives containing views of South Australian countryside and landscapes, including the Eyre Peninsula and Ungarra. Includes waterholes and dams, gum trees, houses, bridges, and people engaged with various activities such as tennis and fishing.

Carriage clock presented to Sir Charles Todd
Carriage clock, key and leather on wood travel case with inscription 'Presented to Sir Charles Todd on his 75th birthday by his colleagues of the Conference of Electrical Engineers of the Commonwealth' dated 7 July 1901. Views of the clock and travel case can be seen via the Browse link.

Lecture given by Sir Charles Todd
Lecture given by Sir Charles Todd on the Overland Telegraph.

B-but I was only trying to see the new Holden
Photocopy of a cartoon depicting a man being arrested and dragged to a police wagon, with the caption "B-but I was only trying to see the new Holden". 'Secret...Keep out...Employees only' is written on the buildings door. The words 'Reproduced with kind permission of "The Telegraph"-Brisbane' are printed underneath the image.

Fair's fair!
Cartoon depicting 'General Motors Holden overseas investors' driving a car towards 'The misery brigade', with the caption "Fair's fair! If it's a success we want to be in it - if it's a failure of course they can have it on their own." A stamp on the back states 'used Sunday Telegraph 27 Dec 1959'. Signed by the artist.

Holden our own!
Cartoon featuring giant man standing over a factory holding a full sack labeled 'Years net. profit. £7.249.751'. 'Holden Our Own!' is written in pencil below the image. 'Used 28 Aug 1954 Daily Telegraph' is stamped on the reverse side. Signed by the artist.

Letters of George Grey
See below for itemised list.

Francis James Gillen : SUMMARY RECORD
Journals, notebooks and vocabularies compiled by F.J. Gillen, anthropologist and explorer. With an address presented to him by fellow officers of the Overland Telegraph.

Ayers family : SUMMARY RECORD
Papers of Sir Henry Ayers, Premier of S.A., including letters received from Lady Musgrave and Sir John Downer, and of his granddaughter, Lucy Lockett Ayers and his family, comprising correspondence relating to his political career, commissions of appointment, maps, including a plan of the Adelaide to Port Darwin telegraph line (1872, formerly C 725) in folded sections backed on canvas with blue leather cover with gold blocked title & Sir Henry Ayers' armorial book plate, manuscripts, newspaper cuttings, family papers, photographs and programmes. Also contains diaries of Lucy Lockett Ayers. Includes literary manuscripts. Additional papers comprise his personal files on education, South Australian Gas Company (when he was chairman), his parliamentary career in the Legislative Council, papers relating to wheat yields and land leases, and history of foundation of the state, finance and banking, and miscellaneous papers about agricultural and Crown Land /nationalization of land. Correspondents include R.C. Baker, Robert Barr Smith, W.H. Bundey, G.W. Goyder, H.R. Hancock, John Lewis, Dr. S. Magarey, Solomon Moody, Sir Charles Todd, Samuel Tomkinson and S.J. Way.

Commission appointing Sir Charles Todd as observer and superintendent of telegraphs.

Addresses of welcome and congratulation on the completion of the Overland Telegraph.

Letter of appointment
Copy of Colonial Secretary's letter of appointment of Charles Todd as Observer and Superintendent of Electric Telegraph on the nomination of Professor Airy and with the approval of the Secretary of State, effective from 22 February 1855 at a salary of two hundred pounds per annum.

Letter from R.R. Knuckey
Letter written to Sir Charles Todd by R.R. Knuckey which describes the claim made by the late Alexander Hume of the Overland Telegraph, to have found a surviving member of Leichhart's party.

Newspaper cuttings
Notebook of newspaper cuttings regarding the inaugural England-Australia flight 13 November 1919 - 29 December 1919, made by Ross and Keith Smith, Sergeant James Bennett, and Sergeant Walter Shiers. The articles have been compiled from the Times, Daily Telegraph, The Globe, Daily Chronicle, Daily Herald, Daily Mail, Daily News, Guardian, and The Star.

Shipping, Port Darwin, ships 'Golden fleece', 'Himalaya', and barque 'Antipodes'
Shipping in Port Darwin about 1872, with the ships 'Golden Fleece' and 'Himalaya' and the barque 'Antipodes'. ['Antipodes' wooden 3 masted barque, 494 tons. ON64363, 125.0 x 30.0 x 19.0. Built 1854 at Lekkerkerk, Holland and named 'Almonde' as 661 of 1868 Rotterdam. Renamed 1869. Owners: John and David Spence, of Hokitika and Melbourne, reg. Melbourne. Condemned as a constructive total loss at Port Adelaide during 1876. Photograph depicts Antipodes with supplies for the Adelaide-Darwin telegraph line.]

Photographs from the AOU expedition
Photographs taken by S.A. White during the Australian Ornithologists' Union's expedition to 'Eyre's Peninsula, October 1909'. The expedition is documented in a booklet published by White in 1910 under the title 'Ornithologists at Warunda Creek' which features many photographs of the expedition; the photographs in this series are additional to those in the book. Also includes photographs of the Field Naturalist Society outing to Mount Lofty and others at a social gathering on a tennis court.

Photographs relating to the King family
Photographs (18) relating to Stephen King junior, the 1861-1862 J. McD. Stuart expedition and the King family. Objects were photographed for donor S.C. Wilson. See "Contents" for further details.

Cowell and Franklin Harbour, Eyre Peninsula
Records of the Reverend Arthur M. Trengove comprising lantern slides and glass plate negatives, mainly of church buildings of the Eyre Peninsula region, with a focus on Cowell and the Methodist church, manse and scenery. There are also photographs of Maylands Methodist Church and Orroroo Methodist Church. Also includes some images of the Franklin Harbour hotel in Cowell, other buildings in the Eyre Peninsula and coastal jetty scenes, and some portraits of missionaries serving in the Eyre Peninsula circuit. Some images have legible (minimal) captions but most are without captions. See CONTENTS for more information and details of images.

Heinrich family album
Heinrich family album, compiled by Ilona Oppenheim from loose family photographs. Notes found on the verso of photographs are noted in the caption in inverted commas. Topics include life at Hermannsburg Mission in the Northern Territory in the nineteen twenties, with photographs of some Aboriginal people and visitors to Hermannsburg, including scientists, government officials and tourists. Photos 293-295 are restricted from view pending assessment of Aboriginal content. These images include 293. Ceremonial tjuringa stones of the Hermannsburg area (restricted); 294. 'Manangananga' sacred cave (restricted); 295. 'Holy cave 17 April 1929 (Dad's birthday)'. Large group of Aboriginal people from the Hermannsburg Mission gathered at a sacred spot (restricted). Photos 296-302 have not been digitised. These are duplicated elsewhere in other Heinrich albums or lantern slides.