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'Cassard' steel barque

'Cassard' steel barque

'Cassard' steel barque 2289 tons in River Avon. [steel three mast barque, 2289 gross tons, 1710 net tons. 279.1 x 40.2 x 22.7. Built 1899, Atel and Chant. Loire, St Nazaire. On a voyage from Sydney to the United Kingdom wrecked on the Falkland Island, May 20, 1906]

'Marechal de Gontaut' steel barque

'Marechal de Gontaut' steel barque

'Marechal de Gontaut' steel barque 2240 tons. See also PRG 1373/49/70, PRG 1373/49/71 [steel 3 mast barque, 2314 gross, 1744 net tons, later 2240 gross, 2025 net tons. 277.6 x 40.4 x 22.7. Built 1902 Chant. Nantais de Construct. Maritime, Nantes. Owners: Cie de Nav. Francaise, Nantes. Later Soc. Nouvelle d'Armement, registered Nantes. Missing, left Callao for Sydney Nov. 26, 1913 and failed to arrive]

Photographs of John Halls

Photographs of John Halls

Photographs relating to Jack Halls who worked for UNESCO. Geraldine Jay married, in 1962, the Orient expert Albert Halls, who also traded in oriental antiques and through whose work for UNESCO she was able to get to know exotic regions that were later found in Jay's novels. She also wrote under the names Charlotte Jay and Geraldine Halls.

'Mary Miller' wooden barque

'Mary Miller' wooden barque

Figurehead, 'Mary Miller' wooden barque [wooden 3 mast barque, 272 gross tons, ON22026. 117.0 x 23.9 x 13.6. Built 1859 Leith. Owners: formerly owned in Leith: Dec. 1862 Jas. Fowler and Robert Gill, registered Melbourne: Dec. 1862 Anderson and Campbell registered Sydney: Dec. 1866 GW Allen, Oct. 1869 William Wright. Oct. 1871 William Wells and Thomas Pickhaver, registered Port Adelaide. July 1876 M Vallentine and others: Oct. 1877 William Wells. 1879 Adelaide Steam Tug Co. Ltd. and converted to a hulk which was broken up in 1911]

'Cutty Sark' composite ship

'Cutty Sark' composite ship

Figurehead, 'Cutty Sark' composite ship [composite ship, 963 gross tons. ON63557. 212.5 x 36.0 x 21.6. Built 1869 (11) Scott and Linton, Dumbarton. Owners John Willis and Son, registered London. (The shipbuilders went bankrupt in the course of constructing the ship and it was completed by Denny Bros) Sold 1895 to Portuguese and renamed Ferreira. Bought in 1922 by Captain Dowman of Falmouth, named and restored and re-rigged to her original sail plan. Presented to the Thames Nautical Training College in 1938. Subsequently installed in a dry dock at Greenwich on permanent display. This vessel has probably had more written about her than any other sailing ship, including 'The Log of the Cutty Sark' by Lubbock, see for full details up to 1938. The name is taken from a poem by Burns - Tam O'Shanter and the best translation appears to be 'short chemise'. Built for the China trades and considered to be among the world's fastest sailing ships. she was transferred to the Australian trades in 1885-6, trading mainly to Sydney, until she made a few voyages to Brisbane in the 1890's prior to being withdrawn and sold foreign. See 'The Log of the cutty Sark', 'Colonial Clippers', 'China Clippers']

'Hannah Nicholson' wooden barque

'Hannah Nicholson' wooden barque

Figurehead, 'Hannah Nicholson' wooden barque [wooden 3 mast barque, 252 tons, ON41488, 116.4 x 23.6 x 14.4. Built 1858 L Kennedy and Co. Whitehaven, Cumberland. Owners William Nicholson, registered Melbourne; 1862 George Black; 1872 John Bickers, registered Port Adelaide; May 1894 AE Howard; 1896 R Watt, registered Sydney; 1897 Bernard Byrnes; 1905 Westport Coal Co. Ltd, registered Dundee. Register closed in 1926 when advice received vessel used as a hulk at Timaru]

Photographs of troops travelling to Britain

Photographs of troops travelling to Britain

One of three photograph albums documenting D. Darian Smith's time overseas during World War I, with this album documenting the transfer of troops from Perth to England via Cape Town, followed by hospital, tourist, peace celebrations and aeroplane shots in Britain. All captions are as they appear in the album unless indicated by square brackets. See 'contents' for details of items.

'Westralian' steel SS in Fremantle

'Westralian' steel SS in Fremantle

'Westralian' steel SS, 120 tons in Fremantle [steel hull, twin screw steamship, ON120008, 120 gross, 27 net tons. 128.9 x 16.0 x 9.3. Built 1905 Hoskins and Co., WA (actually a replating of the hull of the former pleasure steamer 'Manx Fairy' built in 1887) Twin compound steam engines, 300 indicated horsepower 14 knots built by Hutson and Corbett, Glasgow for the 'Manx Fairy'. Two funnels, pleasure steamer until 1921. Owners: Manx Fairy Ltd., registered Fremantle. Sept. 1906 Westralian Pleasure Ltd., registered Fremantle. Sept. 1906 Westralian Pleasure SS Co. Ltd. May 1913 McIlwraith, M Eachern Ltd. Dec. 1921 EL Spears, Strathfield NSW registered Sydney. 1923 J Rowe and Co. Pty. Ltd., registered Hobart, later AJ Callenger. Hulked on the eastern shore of the Derwent River, Hobart, in the 1940s and gradually demolished]



'Asteroid' at Semaphore Pier. [wooden single screw steamship. ON79339. 33gross, 22net tons. Built 1882. S. Jenkins. Birkenhead SA. 60.3 x 12.5 x 7.9. Two cylinder, direct acting, non condensing steam engine, 17hp by Plenty and Sons. Berks. UK. Owners: South Australian Steam Shipping Co. Ltd. Registered Port Adelaide. June 1882 Largs Bay and Semaphore Steam Launch and Boating Co. Ltd. June 1884 The Adelaide Steam Launch Co. Ltd. May 1889 The Adelaide Steam Tug Co. Ltd. Dec. 1919 Elliott Bros, reg. Sydney. Dec. 1920 Ship Hull Cleaner and Painter Co. Register closed in 1928 with 'Hulked'. See 'Steam Tugs in SA' by Parsons.]



'Uraidla' at work, Port Adelaide [wooden single screw steam tug, ON112568, 168 gross 48 net tons. Built 1902. The Adelaide Steam Ship Co. Ltd., Waterview Bay Sydney. 104.0 x 22.7 x11.2. Compound steam engine 54nhp, 400 indicated hp, 12.5 knots, D&W Henderson, Glasgow, ex 'Rob Roy'. Owners: The Adelaide Steam Ship Co. Ltd., registered Port Adelaide; 1927 the Adelaide Steam Tug Co. Ltd. Sold 1949 to AR Leo for demolition in Port Adelaide. See 'Steam Tugs in SA' by Parsons]

Glass plate negatives of South Australian scenes

Glass plates negatives of Adelaide, metropolitan and country views, including buildings and interiors, domestic scenes, and portraits and family groups, by William S. Smith. Some of the images relate to interior scenes of the former South Australian Hotel on North Terrace (see note re Advertiser article in 1984). B&W prints are available for reference, housed in 6 ALBOX albums. There are currently no captions.

Copper ore samples and parcels of ore

Copper ore samples and parcels of ore

Box 34 containing copper ore samples and small sealed parcels from the Daly and Stanley Copper Mining Company. These have been photographed as digital images: BRG 64/10/34/1-9. Eleven pieces of copper ore rock; Seven small parcels with red wax seals tied up with string, each with inscription: Dayley (sic) Mining Coy First samples No. 1 - 26° Bismuth 9¾ copper Elphick 28° Bismuth/10 copper No.1 Stanley 5/7/[18]67 Dayley Mining Co No.1 Bismuth, Copper No. 2 P.a Welcome 17/10/1867 Sample of 2nd parcel cupreous bismuth ore smelted by M Oliphant No. 2 Daly 5/7/67 37---- to a pound sample of 2nd parcel cupreous bismuth smelted by M Oliphant, with a small wooden box housing most of these parcels. On side of box is written: H.C. Gleeson Esq. Clark's Buildings Hindley Street Adelaide.

License and photographs

License and photographs

Records comprising licence for navigators, engineers or ground engineers issued to Leslie Jack Lucas by the Department of Defence along with photographs of aircraft using Harry Butler's airfields at Northfield and Albert Park. Pilots photographed include Ross and Keith Smith and Frank Hurley.

Material relating to 'Galatea'

Material relating to 'Galatea'

Items related to HMS 'Galatea'

Delegates at the 37th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 37th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 37th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, 19-20th August 1924. Back row (from left): W. Muir (Q'ld Act. Sec.), A.J.B. McMaster (Q'ld.), A.J. Honey (Tasmania Sec.), C.G. Waddell (N.S.W.), W.N. Hedges (W.A.), J.H. Paterson, Junr. (S. Riv.), I.J. Warnes (S.A.), Leslie Smith (Vic. and S. Riv. Sec.), E.D.H. Virgo (S.A. Sec.),John Mackay (N.S.W.), C.S. Wood (W. Darling Sec.), C.R. Murphy (Vic.), J.W. Allen (N.S.W. Sec.). Front row: R.C. Field (Tas.), L.J. Weatherly (Vic.), A.C. Gillam (W.A. Vice-Pres.), Hon. Dr N.W. Kater, M.L.C. (N.S.W. Pres.), A.E. Hamilton (S.A.), A. Crossing (W.D.), Wm. Kent (Q'ld.).

Delegates at the 35thConvention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 35thConvention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 35th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, March 1923. Back row (from left): R.C. Field (Tas.), G.D. Kelly (Vic.). A.J. Honey (Tas. Sec.), A.J. McLachlan (Solicitor), J.W. Allen (N.S.W. Sec.), E.D.H. Virgo (S.A. Sec.), C.S. Wood (West Darling Sec.). Middle row: W.J. Hooper (Q'land.), C.C. Waddell (N.S.W.), R.H. Edkins (Q'land), W.M. Lyall (W.A. Sec.), A.C. Gillam (W.A.), Leslie Smith (Vic. and S. Riv. Sec.), J. Mackay (N.S.W.), R.M. Ranson (Q'land. Sec.), A.E. Hamilton (S.A.). Front row: A. Crossing (W. Darling), Wm. Kent (Q'Land.), L. Lefroy (W. Aust.), Dr. N. W. Kater (N.S.W.), A.S. Austin (S. Riv.), I.J. Warnes (S.A.) H.M. Turner (Vic.).

Delegates at the 41st Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 41st Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 41st Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, 11-13 June 1928. Back row (from left): E.D.H. Virgo (S.A. Sec.), W.L. Sanderson (W.A. Sec.), C.S. Wood (W. Dar. Sec.), A.J. McLachlan (Legal Advisor), A.J. Honey (Tas. Sec.), P.A. Brown (Q'ld Sec.). Middle row: J. Hunter Patterson Jnr. (S.R.), Leslie Smith (Vic. Sec.), J.E. Pick (S.A.), Sir C. G. Waddell (N.S.W.), A.E. Coldham (Q'land), W.D. Gordon (N.S.W.), A.J.B McMaster (Q'land.), J.W. Allen (N.S.W. Sec.). Front row: H. Brown (N. Terr.), J. McGilp (S.A.), W. Kent (Q'ld & Vice-Pres.), F.H. Tout (N.S.W. & Pres.), R.C. Field (Tas.), K.G. Brougham (W. Dar.), F. G. Dempster (W.A.).

Delegates at the 55th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 55th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 55th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, June 1939. Back row (left to right): T.G. Fenn (Sec., S.A.), W. Balston (W.A.), A. Rau (Reporter), H.R.C. Adkins (Sec., W.A. ), S.L. Officer (Sec., Vic & S.R.), F.B. Fleming (N.S.W), W.G. Davies (Q.). N. Bourke (Q.), D.T. Boyd (S.R.), Sir D. Kelly (Vic.), J.P. Abbott (N.S.W.), P.A. Brown (Sec., Q.), J.W. Allen (Sec., N.S.W.), C.S. Wood (Sec. W.D.). Front row: A.J. Honey (Sec., Tas.), C.F. Parsons (Tas.), A.L.B. Lefroy (W.A.), E.A. Brooks (S.A.), J.K. Angas (S.A.), E.L. Killen (N.S.W), J.F. Meynink (Q.), Major R.A. Ramsay (Vic.), G.A. Crossing (W.A.).

Delegates at the 35th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 35th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 35th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, March 1923. Standing (from left): W.M. Lyall (W. Aust.), W. Muir (Q'land), Leslie Smith (Vic. & S. Riv.), E.D.H. Virgo (S. Aust.), C.S. Wood (W. Darling). Sitting (from left): A.J. Honey (Tas.), F.M. Ranson (Q'land), J.W. Allen (N.S.W).

Delegates at the 64th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 64th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 64th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, June 1944. Back row (left to right): G.A. Crossing (W.D.), T. Leigh Simpson (Vic.), F.F. Chomley (S.A.), J.H. Doyle (N.S.W.), C.M. Williams (N.S.W.), J.W. Allen (Sec., N.S.W.), H.C. Collins (Sec. Vic. & S.R.), E.L. Killen (N.S.W.), F.A. Brodie (N.T.), C.S. Wood (Sec., W.D.). Middle row: A.J. Honey (Sec., Tas.), H.R.C. Adkins (Sec., W.A.), P.A. Brown (Sec., Q.), T.G. Fenn (Sec., S.A.), W. Balston (W.A.), J. Forrest (W.A.), J.F. Meynink (Q.), R.D. Bakewell (Vic.), A.J. McBride (S.A.). Front row: P.A. Newcomen (Q.), F.H. Foster (Tas.), J.H. Patterson (S.R.), A. Armstrong (Vic.), H.R. Cowdery (N.S.W.). Absent: R.J.F. Boyer (Q.).

Delegates at the 57th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 57th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia

Delegates at the 57th Convention of the Graziers' Federal Council of Australia, held in Sydney, June 1941. Back row (left to right): A.J. Honey (Sec., Tas.), J.W. Allen (Sec., N.S.W.), C.S. Wood (Sec., W.D.), P.A. Brown (Sec., Q.), H.R.C. Adkins (Sec., W.A.), T.G. Fenn (Sec., S.A.), R.D. Bakewell (Vic.), V.W. Officer (Sec., Vic. & R.R.), P.B. Newcomen (Q.), H.R. Cowdery [sic] (N.S.W.), F.B. Fleming (N.S.W.), A.J. McBride (S.A.), R.H. Adamson (W.A.). Front row: F.A. Brodie (N.T.), A. Armstrong (Vic.), W. Balston (W.A.), C.F. Parsons (Tas.), E.L. Killen (N.S.W.), R.J.F. Boyer (Q.) N. Bourke (Q.), W.S. Murray (S.A.), G.A. Crossing (W.D.), S.C. Burston (S.R.).

1996 Adelaide Fringe Festival :[poster]

1996 Adelaide Fringe Festival :[poster]

23 February-17 March 1996; includes logos of 11 sponsors. Design by Wayne Cunningham.

Holden's Motor Body Builders plants.

Holden's Motor Body Builders plants.

Black and white photographic copies of the HMBB factory at 400 King William Street and the plant at Woodville. Includes photographs of the King William Street building in the 1970s as Repco Auto Parts, and as David Jones Adelaide Limited.

Photographs of Private Clifford  Moore

Photographs of Private Clifford Moore

Photographs collected by Cliff Moore, documenting his Army days.

Trophy of bat, stumps and ball

Trophy of bat, stumps and ball

Trophy of bat, stumps and ball mounted on black base. Won by Bradman for scoring the fastest 50 runs (65 minutes) in the 1932-33 series, Adelaide, Australia vs England, January 1933. Made by T. Pearch, Sydney.

Hall of Champions certificate

Hall of Champions certificate

Hall of Champions plaque, "perpetually honoured in the New South Wales Government's Hall of Champions Sports House, Sydney. Ken Booth, Minister for Sport and Recreation. 1979. Sir Donald Bradman, Cricket."

Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited yards at Woodville

Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited yards at Woodville

Black and white photographs of sections of the yards at Holden's Motor Body Builders Limited. Includes images of the case repair section, crates carrying completed car bodies ready for shipping, and a section of the rail track which wound through Holden's yards.

War service photographs

War service photographs

A collection of photos relating to Thomas Chappell's time serving in the Middle East. Each image has a brief caption: many show military activities - vehicles such as trucks, tanks and horse-drawn carriages; prisoners of war; guns; captured planes; donkeys, mules and camels used for transportation; servicemen and army camps. There are also quite a few of the people, scenery and buildings in the Middle East. See items for details of individual images.

MV Troubridge

MV Troubridge

The ferry MV Troubridge passes through the Birkenhead bridge on its return to Port Adelaide from Kingscote. The showboat and ex-Sydney ferry the Lady Chelmsford is moored at the North Parade wharf.

MV Troubridge

MV Troubridge

The ferry MV Troubridge passes through the Birkenhead bridge on its return to Port Adelaide from Kingscote. The showboat and ex-Sydney ferry the Lady Chelmsford is moored at the North Parade wharf.