Find • sturt • Results 391 to 420 of 1,107

Floods, Kingston On Murray
Kingston on Murray: buildings under flood along Sturt Highway.

Floods, Kingston On Murray
Kingston on Murray: buildings under flood along Sturt Highway.

Sturt Centenary, Goolwa
Sturt Centenary Celebrations at Goolwa.

Sturt Road, Marion
Sturt Road.

Sturt Reserve, Murray Bridge
Sturt Reserve - crowd enjoying a summer's day.

Mount Sturt, Northern Territory
Central Mount Sturt.

Captain Sturt's home, Grange
Captain Charles Sturt's home at Grange; a watercolour sketch by Audrey Shapter. The house was built in 1840-41 and called "The Grange". It was one of the earliest homes built in the area and was constructed of brick with the rendered section housing the Nursery Wing. The property had extensive gardens and orchards. The 390 acres were divided in 1877 after the family returned to England for their sons' education.

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
A watercolour by Nora Hutchinson of the rear of Captain Sturt's house at Grange. Sheds and chickens feature in the foreground. This is one of four paintings done of the house in May 1953 (B 12895 - B 12898). Nora Hutchinson 1908-1972 was born into a wealthy aristocratic settlers family. She was an intelligent independent woman, a heritage conservationist who remained unmarried

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
A watercolour by Nora Hutchinson of the rear of Captain Sturt's house at Grange, a little to the right of the position from which B 12895 was painted. This is one of four paintings done of the house in May 1953 (B 12895 - B 12898). Nora Hutchinson 1908-1972 was born into a wealthy aristocratic settlers family. She was an intelligent independent woman, a heritage conservationist who remained unmarried

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
A watercolour by Nora Hutchinson of one side of Captain Sturt's house at Grange. This is one of four paintings done of the house in May 1953 (B 12895 - B 12898). Nora Hutchinson 1908-1972 was born into a wealthy aristocratic settlers family. She was an intelligent independent woman, a heritage conservationist who remained unmarried

Captain Sturt's House, Grange
A watercolour by Nora Hutchinson of one side of Captain Sturt's house at Grange (showing the opposite side to that in B 12897). This is one of four paintings done of the house in May 1953 (B 12895 - B 12898). Nora Hutchinson 1908-1972 was born into a wealthy aristocratic settlers family. She was an intelligent independent woman, a heritage conservationist who remained unmarried

Sturt's Expedition
Celebration of Sturt's Expedition.

The Sturt Club, Unley
The Sturt Club, Trimmer Terrace, Unley.

The Sturt Club, Unley
The Sturt Club, Trimmer Terrace, Unley.

Melbourne Express (locomotives
Melbourne Express (locomotives and carriages) near Upper Sturt. Two RX class locomotives can be seen

Cairn of Stones on Mount Gripps
Cairn of stones erected by Captn. Sturt on Mount Gripps in 1844.

Aboriginal Village
An Aboriginal village in the Northern Interior. Sturt's Expedition 1844-46.

Charles Sturt's Plaque
Charles Sturt's Plaque on the wall of a house at 19 Clarence Square, Cheltenham, England. The British explorer of Australia is remembered as an ideal family man. He was a careful and accurate observer and an intelligent interpreter of what he saw. He prided himself on his impeccable treatment of Aboriginals and earned the respect and liking of his men.

Sturt Arcade Hotel, Grenfell Street, North Side
Grenfell Street, north side, 9th August 1979. The Sturt Arcade Hotel is 70 yards east of Twin Street; Grenfell Street frontage: 16 yards.

Sturt Arcade Hotel
Sturt Arcade Hotel. Pen drawing by C.W.Wooldridge, 18th July 1885.

Franklin Street, Adelaide
Franklin Street, Adelaide, south side, showing the Sturt Statue, soon after it was unveiled on the 21st December 1916. Opposite is the Post Office building and in the centre of the view is the Telephone Exchange.

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, October 21st 1936, frontage is 10.5 yards. Right side abuts John Street. This building once housed a cool drinks shop.

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, 17th January 1963, right side of white building is 10 yards west of John Street and frontage is 10 yards.

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, 24th May 1963, right side of cottages is 10 yards west of John Street and frontage of cottages is 10 yards. This photograph depicts two cottages that open directly on to the street. Two front doors, two windows and two chimneys

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, February 15th 1954, right side of the building is 17 yards west of Frew Street and the frontage is 7 yards. This building was remodelled late in 1952

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, 31st January 1956, frontage of two storey building and adjoining 2 single storey buildings is 16 3/4 yards. Left side of the two storey building on left abuts east side of Frew Street.

Sturt Street, Adelaide
[General description] The Adelaide City Corportation Depot, mostly hidden behind its long corrugated iron fence, cuts across the centre of this view with sky above and road below. A solitary bicycle is propped at the kerb in the foreground. [On back of photograph] 'Acre 531 / Sturt Street, north side / Adelaide City Corporation Depot / June 27th 1930 / Near side is 31 yards east of Norman Street and frontage is 69.5 yards'.

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, November 18th 1926, the far side of the cottage on the right is 31 yards east of Norman Street.

Sturt Street
Sturt Street, north side, September 24th 1953, frontage of building is 10 yards. Right side of centre building abuts west side of Norman Street. A rough map on the back of the photograph shows the position of the Confectioner, building described and Norman Street

Sturt Street, Adelaide
Sturt Street, Adelaide, north side, taken on December 12th 1922. A horse and dray stands outside the "Rose Inn". The following changes were made in 1923: the last window on the upper floor on the right (Russell street) was bricked in. Next to last window on the ground floor on the right was bricked in and a door added. The fourth window from the left on upper floor (hidden by posts) was partly bricked in. The name was changed to "Hotel Carlton". The extreme left of the photo is 36 yards west of Russell Street. A balcony was added in 1935. See B 6768.