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Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel
Outlet end of oulet tunnel, Reynella Creek complete.

Geological formations in South Australia
Photographs of various geological formations throughout South Australia including Hallett Cove, 'Reynella Beach', Sturt River, Onkaparinga River, Baroota, Blackwood, Myponga, Mount Breckan, Inman Valley, Cape Jervis, Mount Burr and Mount Gambier. Many of the photographs also appear in two albums entitled 'One Hundred Photographs Illustrating the Cambrian and Permo-Carboniferous Glacial Rocks of South Australia Collated and Mounted by Mr. J. Greenlees and Presented by him to the Royal Society of South Australia, September 1923'.(SRG 10/37)The minutes of the Society for September read 'A letter from the donor accompanied the album and also one from Professor Howchin through whom the presentation was made'.(SRG 10/1).

Margaret Hopton, sorting out the facts about her great-grandfather, John Reynell, of Reynella fame. 9 November 1988.

Paul Marsland (Reynella) assistant manager of the Glenelg Post Office during the renovations and move.

Holiday activity, learning to fence are Eigon, 11, Blackwood; Leigh, 12, Reynella; Brad, 8, Aberfoyle Park.

Ten News reader, Sue Baron, officially opens the Channel Ten Easter Appeal Lottery. For just $2 you could win a lovely $160,000 home at Concord Drive, Old Reynella. Proceeds go to the Adelaide Children's Hospital.

Holiday activities continued last week all over the Hills and the Hub Community Centre, Aberfoyle Park, was no exception. Here Sharyn 7, of Reynella East and Megan 7, of Aberfoyle Park make a kite during a holiday activity at the Hub. 22nd July 1987.

Reynella South Neighbourhood Centre member Danny aged 2 from Hackham. 8th July 1987.

Reynella South Neighbourhood Centre current and past members Vicki Hobart and Pauline Wies. 20th April 1988.

Owen Donaghey from Reynella Kiwanis gives Les Hart and Sharon Donald from Noarlunga Anglican Church some Christmas gifts for the needy. 22nd December 1987.

Life Be In It - Corporate Cup.

Scenes of South Australia
Photographs in black & white and some sepia, of South Australian scenes and landscapes, ca.1890-1930. See CONTENTS for more information and details.

BMX star Sharon Watson, Reynella.

Softballer, Tracey Mosley, Reynella.

Promotional photographs of places and events in South Australia
Collection of 132 photographs highlighting events, entertainment, recreation and sights of interest in Adelaide and other South Australian regions, including Adelaide Hills, Barossa Valley, Fleurieu Peninsula, River Murray, South East, Flinders Ranges, Yorke Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula, Mid North and Far North, during the nineteen seventies.

Men at a vine pruning competition
Men photographed during a vine pruning competition in South Australia, possibly at Reynella.

Photographs of river shipping and places
Photographs from Harry Godson's collection which had been given his catalogue numbers but were not included in earlier digitised series 1-4. His numbers are included in caption details. Among the collection are photographs from the PS 'Marion' on its last trip from Berri to Mannum in June 1963 before being handed over to Mannum National Trust (images 32-63). Most images undated. See 'Contents' in 'More info' for details.

Actors, dancers, musicians
Jan Rowolle, Reynella, 'The One Day of the Year', Matt Byrne Media.

Arts and Crafts : Exhibitions
Director of St Francis Winery at Reynella, David Ward with one of the paintings from the art exhibition held at the winery. 1988.

'All Quiet Matron', Venture Theatre Company; Paul Trueack, Port Willunga; Teagan Coe, Reynella.

Records relating to sculpture projects carried out or proposed by JS Ostoja-Kotkowski
The series consists of photographs, transparencies, negatives, watercolours, drawings, correspondence, and models of sculpture projects undertaken by Ostoja-Kotkowski; proposals which were never undertaken; and photographs of a sculpture of JS Ostoja-Kotkowski. Some of the proposed towers were sound and kinetic works. Chronology:. 1956: Architectural exhibition Botanic Gardens Adelaide. 1957: Fountain Tasman Hotel beer garden Port Lincoln. 1958: Fountain. 1964: Fountain Rothman's Theatrette Wayville showgrounds; Australian Photographic Society plaque. 1967: XII Stations of the Cross Churinga Monastery chapel. 1969: Trophy England to Australia commemorative air race; Fountain West End market Adelaide. 1960s: Tubular steel sculptures. 1970: Descending dove Immanuel College Novar Gardens. 1972: Helios Churchill House Canberra. 1973: Dom Polski wall sculpture. 1976: Polish Soldiers' monument Dom Polski Adelaide. 1978: Carved headstone Zenon Swigon. 1979: Ned Kelly. 1981: Sphaeros Perth District Court. 1988: Monument to Tadeusz Kosciuszko Cooma New South Wales. nd: door handles - gallery.

Photographs (69) of the Co-operative Building Society of South Australia. See 'CONTENTS' for details of photographs.

John Reynell and children
Daguerreotype family portrait of John Reynell with his three children, left to right, Lydia, Walter and Lucy, in formal dress. There is gold and silver tinting on their collars, lace cuffs, brooches, jewellery, and the small book in Walter's pocket.

Album of South Australian views
An album of various South Australian views including: Blair Place near Smithfield, the mill at Middleton, 'Springfield' the home of the Warren family, Victoria Creek near Williamstown, Mount Crawford, Georgetown, Gladstone, Wirrabara, Tandowie, Kanyaka, Arkaba Range, Wilpena Pound, Cockatoo Valley, Lyndoch, Barossa Ranges, Beltana Station, Windy Creek, Farina, Finnis Springs Station, Hermit Hill, Strangways Springs, Douglas Creek, Woodside, Echunga, Reynella, Granite Island, and Port Victor. Selected images have been digitised. See below for details.

The Old Colonists Banquet Group : Michael Wardle
Arrived in South Australia in June 1839 on board the ship the "Sir Charles Forbes". Blacksmith, farmer, publican, Encounter Bay, Reynella, Crystal Brook, Yalpara, Orroroo.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Turner](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Ann Turner
Probably Mary Ann Turner, 1835-1927; nee Abbott, married George Swords Turner. Arrived in South Australia in February 1837 on board the ship the "John Renwick". Resided in Salisbury; Bendigo, Victoria; Hamilton, Reynella.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Loney Bold](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Elizabeth Loney Bold
Elizabeth Loney Bold, 1824-1912; nee Chittleborough, married John Carvock Bold. Arrived in South Australia in December 1836 on board the ship the "Buffalo". Resided in Hindmarsh, Reynella.

![Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Wardle](
Group of [women] Old Colonists : Mary Wardle
Mary Wardle, 1813-1899; nee Daniels, married Michael Wardle. Arrived in South Australia in June 1839 on board the ship the "Sir Charles Forbes". Resided in Encounter Bay, Reynella, Crystal Brook, Yalpara, Orroroo.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Alfred Hallett
Alfred Hallett arrived in South Australia in October 1838 on board the ship the "Africaine". Farmer, mine manager, pastoralist; Reynella, Callington.

Old colonists 1836-1840 : Samuel Reynell
Samuel Reynell arrived in South Australia in October 1838 on board the ship the "Surry" ("Surrey"). Sheep farmer, manager of Anlaby station, school teacher; Reynella, Kapunda, Angas Plains, Hamilton, Grassy Flat, Mitcham.