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House at Reynella

House at Reynella

Exterior view of verandah entrance to house at Reynella designed by Game and Gilbert.

House at Reynella

House at Reynella

Exterior view of rear outdoor living area of house at Reynella designed by Game and Gilbert.

House at Reynella

House at Reynella

Exterior view of rear outdoor living/barbecue area of house at Reynella designed by Game and Gilbert.

House at Reynella

House at Reynella

Interior view of living area of house at Reynella designed by Game and Gilbert.

House at Reynella

House at Reynella

Interior view of bar area of house at Reynella designed by Game and Gilbert.

House at Reynella

House at Reynella

Interior view of upstairs passageway of house at Reynella designed by Game and Gilbert.

Photographs relating to the Reynell family

Photographs relating to the Reynell family

Collection of photographs of Reynell family, friends and Reynella winery. See 'Contents' in 'More info' for details.

Chittleborough siblings

Chittleborough siblings

William Chittleborough of Reynella (left) and James Chittleborough of Hindmarsh with their sisters Mrs Sarah Ann Brown of Victoria (left) and Mrs Elizabeth Loney Bold of Reynella. The brothers and sisters from the Chittleborough family arrived from England with their parents, Maria nee Coats and James on board H.M.S Buffalo, on 28 December 1836. James (senior) died in 1854.

All hands on deck at the Flamingo Club for school holiday cooking fun. Left to right are, Mark Dobson, 10, of Hackham West, Todd Evans, 10, of Hackham West, Joanne Dobson, 12, of Hackham West, Karyn Dobson, 8, of Hackham West, Danielle Conlon, 10, of Reynella and Melissa Conlon of Reynella. 26 July 1989.

All hands on deck at the Flamingo Club for school holiday cooking fun. Left to right are, Mark Dobson, 10, of Hackham West, Todd Evans, 10, of Hackham West, Joanne Dobson, 12, of Hackham West, Karyn Dobson, 8, of Hackham West, Danielle Conlon, 10, of Reynella and Melissa Conlon of Reynella. 26 July 1989.

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann

Collection of photographs taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann

Collection of several hundred 3" x 4" glass plates negatives taken around Adelaide by Theo Bachmann ca.1915-1950. Originally housed in labelled sleeves with an index, they feature the Bachmann and Plunket families, as well as more general scenes. The original envelope number is shown in square brackets after the description of each image, and can be cross-referenced to the index (see B 71826/656). No negative in envelope 415; no negative in envelope 427 (labelled Father & Mother 7/1/17 ' good'); no negative in envelope 442 M. Howard - O'Hare group - returned to E Howard'; nos. 432. Jack & Bob 1912 [no.94] not copied; no negative for photo 443. Train in King William Street [no.191]. Photos 476-481 are acetate negatives, so possibly of a later date.

Authors : J - Z

Authors : J - Z

Former Reynella Primary teacher Trevor Phillips shows a book he has written about Reynella to students Kirsty and Matthew both 11. 10 June 1987.

Slides of South Australian scenes, sites and events

Slides of South Australian scenes, sites and events

Approximately 800 colour slides (35 mm) taken by Noel Lothian, previously housed within the South Australian Botanic Gardens Library collection, featuring South Australian sites and events, urban and regional towns and port facilities including Whyalla shipyards.

Series 015: Aerial photographs of Adelaide Brighton Cement works and the River Torrens outlet

Series 015: Aerial photographs of Adelaide Brighton Cement works and the River Torrens outlet

Aerial photographs of Adelaide Brighton Cement works at Seacliff in 1937, and the River Torrens outlet at Henley Beach South, taken in approximately 1936. The outlet was constructed between 1935 and 1937.

Henry Douglas

Henry Douglas

William Lewis

William Lewis

William Lewis was a Welsh immigrant who established lime lkins in 1880 on an allotment near the corner of Brighton and Shoreham Roads, Adelaide. The area between Marino to Reynella and Hallett Cove were rich in limestone deposits. The works were closed in 1883 due to poor sales but reopened when merged with Adelaide to become Adelaide Brighton Cement in the 1970's. William Lewis can claim to be the first man in Australia to make and sell cement

Hyde Street, Adelaide

Hyde Street, Adelaide

[General description] This view shows two storey stone buildings on the west side of Hyde Street. A new 17.3 h.p. Essex Six parked at the kerb was first registered to M.R. Buddle of Reynella early in 1927. [On back of photograph] ' Acre 230 / Hyde Street, west side / June 10, 1927 / The two storey building in the centre with the shop fronts was erected in 1926 on a site formerly occupied by a timber yard. / SIte of building: near side is 47 yards north of Flinders Street . Frontage: 23 yards.'

Flinders Street, Adelaide, South Side

Flinders Street, Adelaide, South Side

[General description] Wintry skies form a backdrop for tradesman's premises seen closer up in views B 3303-4. From left to right: Reid Brothers, timber and iron merchants; N.W. Trugden, builders and contractors; Schubert and Bom, monumental masons; G.F. Sare [George Frederick Sare], plumber and gasfitter and Anstey and Gerard, builders and contractors. A large billboard in the centre of the view features advertisements for Dewar's Whiskey, Reynella Brandy and various shows including that of the magician and illusionist Chung Ling Soo at the Tivoli. [On back of photograph] 'Acres 278, 279, 280 / Flinders Street, south side / 1909 / Near side of Anstey and Gerard's is 72 yards east of Pulteney Street. On the extreme left are St. Paul's Day School and the Oakfield Hotel.' (Another hand) 'Dup. of B 7787/34'.

Mrs Alfred Bird and Family

Mrs Alfred Bird and Family

Mrs Alfred Bird and her four children. Mrs Bird was formerly Emma Chittleborough, daughter of William Chittleborough and granddaughter of James Chittleborough. William died in 1911, a farmer from Reynella and was one of the first pioneers present at the reading of the Proclamation at Glenelg. He arrived at Glenelg onboard the Buffalo in 1836. To her left is Ellen Bird, later to become Mrs Bent. It is interesting to note the fashion worn in the photograph, Emma is wearing a full skirted, high necked costume and the girls are wearing dresses with frills around the skirts. The boy is wearing a loose fitting jacket and cravat.

Album of views of Willunga and surrounding district

Album of views of Willunga and surrounding district

ALBUM: The Dunstan Collection of views of Willunga and the surrounding district.

Eda Seeck with a doll called 'Zena'

Eda Seeck with a doll called 'Zena'

GENERAL: A young girl called Eda Seeck with a doll called 'Zena' owned by Lenore Reynell. The doll - a Jumeau no. 15- was made in Paris and gained a medal in the Paris Exhibition of 1878. It was purchased from the Burlington Arcade, London, in 1881.

Eda Seeck with a doll called 'Zena'

Eda Seeck with a doll called 'Zena'

GENERAL: Eda Seeck with Lenore Reynell's doll 'Zena'.

Lenore Reynell

Lenore Reynell

PORTRAIT: Lenore Reynell playing her piano, December 1906.

Olive, Ian and Eversley Thomas

Olive, Ian and Eversley Thomas

PORTRAIT: Olive, Ian and Eversley Thomas, possibly of Reynella, an informal family group with Father holding the baby and Mother attracting the child's attention with a small doll.

Brighton Cement Works

Brighton Cement Works

BRIGHTON: The four mile rope-way communication between the Brighton Cement Works and Reynella Quarry.

'Glenberry' a property at Hawthorndene

'Glenberry' a property at Hawthorndene

HAWTHORNDENE: 'Glenberry' a property of 89 acres originally owned by James Bartlett, M.P. and later by the Wescombe family; it was situated alongside Upper Sturt Road, Rankeys Hill Road and Turners Avenue, eventually sold, subdivided and became part of Hawthorndene. David Unaipon, who would walk from Reynella to Adelaide, used to call for water and a chat.

Happy Valley Reservoir : Inlet tunnel

Happy Valley Reservoir : Inlet tunnel

Inlet of inlet tunnel, Reynella Creek.

Happy Valley Reservoir : Inlet tunnel

Happy Valley Reservoir : Inlet tunnel

Outlet of inlet tunnel, Reynella Creek.

Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel

Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel

Outlet end of oulet tunnel, Reynella Creek.

Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel

Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel

Pipe track, outlet end of oulet tunnel, Reynella Creek.

Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel

Happy Valley Reservoir : Outlet tunnel

Outlet end of oulet tunnel, Reynella Creek.