Geological formations in South Australia [B 69399] • Photograph

Geological formations in South Australia
Photographs of various geological formations throughout South Australia including Hallett Cove, 'Reynella Beach', Sturt River, Onkaparinga River, Baroota, Blackwood, Myponga, Mount Breckan, Inman Valley, Cape Jervis, Mount Burr and Mount Gambier. Many of the photographs also appear in two albums entitled 'One Hundred Photographs Illustrating the Cambrian and Permo-Carboniferous Glacial Rocks of South Australia Collated and Mounted by Mr. J. Greenlees and Presented by him to the Royal Society of South Australia, September 1923'.(SRG 10/37)The minutes of the Society for September read 'A letter from the donor accompanied the album and also one from Professor Howchin through whom the presentation was made'.(SRG 10/1).

Cambrian Anticline
Cambrian Anticline (an upfold or arched structure) showing exposed rock.

Field River, Hallett's Cove
Exposed rock face at Hallett Cove with man in centre of photograph providing an indication of the size of the formation.

Cambrian rock formation
Cambrian rock formation at what caption calls 'Reynella Beach' South Australia.

Cambrian rock formation, Reynella Beach
Close up photograph of rock formation shown in B 69399/3 clearly showing folding in rocks.

Cambrian rock formation
Cambrian rock formation at 'Reynella Beach'.

Cambrian rock formation
Cambrian rock formation at 'Reynella Beach'.

Cambrian rock formation
Walter Howchin, in suit, standing in front of exposed rock formation at Curlew Point,'Reynella Beach'.

Cambrian rock formation
Close up photograph of Cambrian rock formation at 'Reynella Beach' showing folding in the rock.

Cambrian rock formation
Geological formation at 'Reynella Beach'.

Cambrian rock formation
Photograph taken looking towards the sea which is visible through a gap in the rock formations at 'Reynella Beach'.

Geological formations
Unidentified rocky coastline, possibly on St. Vincent Gulf, with jetty in far distance. A researcher suggests that this may be Rapid Bay, looking south.

Cambrian till
Cambrian till on the River Sturt with two boys and a dog in the foreground showing scale of formation.

Cambrian till
Cambrian till rock formation, River Sturt.

Cambrian Till River Sturt
Rock formation, River Sturt.

Cambrian till
Detail of a light coloured rock embedded in rock formation, Cambrian Till, River Sturt.

Cambrian Till, River Onkaparinga
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, River Onkaparinga, showing erratic rock.

Cambrian Till, River Onkaparinga
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, River Onkaparinga.

Cambrian Till, River Onkaparinga
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, River Onkaparinga.

Cambrian Till, Peterborough
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, Peterborough.

Geological formation, Crystal Brook
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, Crystal Brook.

Cambrian Till, Baroota
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, Baroota.

Cambrian Till, Baroota
Geological formation, Cambrian Till, Waterfall Creek, Baroota.

Cambrian Till, Blackwood
Geological formation, Cambrian till, Blackwood.

Cambrian Till, River Sturt
Stereoscopic-style photograph with three tiny figures giving scale to photograph.

Perm-Carb. Till Hallett's Cove
Rocky beach scenery with three men sitting on two large boulders.

Parm-Carb. Till Hallett's Cove
Boulders on beach at Hallett Cove with man sitting on top of one of the boulders.

Perm-Carb. Till Hallett's Cove
Young man, in a suit, draped across granite erratic at Hallett Cove.

Perm-Carb. Till Hallett's Cove
Boulder at Hallett Cove.

Perm-Carb. Till Hallett's Cove
Man on Hallett Cove beach with cliffs behind.