c. 1926, Photograph, B 41803
Foundation of the Lock chamber at the bottom of the river.
c. 1926, Photograph, B 41810
A few men at one of the camps, Renmark.
c. 1920, Photograph, B 42773
Grape pickers, Renmark.
c. 1920, Photograph, B 42775
Renmark fruit drying.
c. 1930, Photograph, B 42776
Renmark vines.
Praite, R., 1984, Photograph, B 44184
City Centre, Renmark.
Praite, R., 1984, Photograph, B 44185
Praite, R., 1984, Photograph, B 44186
Municipal Buildings, Renmark.
c. 1909, Photograph, B 45466
c. 1909, Photograph, B 45471
Pumping station, Renmark.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45473
Raisin drying, Renmark.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45474
Harvest time, Renmark.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45476
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45486
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45488
River Murray, Renmark.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45489
c. 1910, Photograph, B 45491
Fruit drying, Renmark.
c. 1910, Photograph, B 47021
Murtho crossing, Renmark.
Reiners Studio, c. 1900, Photograph, B 47024
Ral Ral Avenue, Renmark.
Reiners Studio, c. 1900, Photograph, B 47025
P. S. Industry at Renmark.
Reiners Studio, c. 1900, Photograph, B 47027
A display of freshly caught fish.
Reiners Studio, c. 1910, Photograph, B 47029
Fruit packing centre, Renmark.
c. 1930, Photograph, B 47804
Police Station, Renmark.
c. 1965, Photograph, B 48543
The Community Hotel, Renmark.
c. 1933, Photograph, B 48894
c. 1933, Photograph, B 48895
Workers at fruit drying racks, Renmark.
1899, Photograph, B 53478
Members of a Royal Commission visiting Renmark.
1895, Photograph, B 53482
Fruit drying at a Chaffey Bros. establishment.
1891, Photograph, B 53483
A group of local settler on the river bank.
1892, Photograph, B 53484
Planting and channel gang, Renmark.