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Benjamin Archer Kent
Portrait of Dr Benjamin Archer Kent, who had land holdings in the Kent Town area in the 1840s and 1850s. [See 'Fifty years history of Kensington and Norwood' page 21.]

Edward Sidney Kiek
[General description] Portrait of Edward Sidney Kiek, Congregational minister.

Stephen King
A head and shoulders portrait of Stephen King, a member of John McDouall Stuart's final exploring expedition from Adelaide, South Australia, to the Indian Ocean.

Charles Cameron Kingston
[General Description] Portrait of Charles Cameron Kingston. He is seated, hand resting on a cane. He was an early liberal Premier of South Australia serving from 1893 to 1899 and was a leading proponent of, and contributed extensively to the Federation of Australia.

Lord Kintore
[General description] Portrait of Lord Kintore. He has short hair with a trimmed moustache and is wearing a heavily embroidered dress uniform and a sash. He was Governor of South Australia from April 1889 to April 1895, created GCMG in 1889. He was also a Freemason, serving as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of South Australia during his appointment as Governor.

Thomas Kyte
[General description] Portrait of the Reverend Thomas Kyte, Congregationalist of Ceduna. A researcher has suggested that the photograph was taken at Kadina, as this was the location of Reverend Thomas Kyte's first appointment in South Australia, and there appears to be no record of him working at Ceduna.

George Richards Laffer
[General description] In this head and upper body portrait George Richards Laffer faces the photographer directly, perhaps reflecting his reputation for straightforwardness and sincerity. He wears a wing collar and tie, with a jacket and matching waistcoat with a watch chain. He was a fruitgrower and long serving Liberal politician in the House of Assembly from 1913 until his death in 1933. [On back of photograph] 'George Richards Laffer'.

Mr Robert Laughton
Studio portrait of Mr Robert Laughton. He is wearing a suit and tie and has a flower pinned to his jacket.

George Ruthven Le Hunte
[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Sir George Ruthven Le Hunte, seen in three quarter profile and showing a robust man in middle age, with greying hair and moustache. He is wearing a heavily embroidered dress uniform displaying the badge of the order of the Knight Commander of Saint Michael and Saint George (K.C.M.G.). He was governor of South Australia from July 1903-December 1908. A popular governor, he was particularly interested in the welfare of the Aborigines and of young people, earning the title 'children's governor'.

George Ruthven Le Hunte
[General description] Portrait of Sir George Ruthven Le Hunte KCMG, in profile. He has short hair and moustache and wears a wing collar and tie and single breasted jacket. He was Governor of South Australia from July 1903 until February 1909.

Reverend J. H. Lewis
[General description] Upper body portrait of a bearded Reverend J. H. Lewis, seated, in three quarter view. He was a minister of the Congregational Church, Gawler.

Mrs Mary Light
[On back of photograph] 'Portrait of Mrs Mary Light (wife of Colonel Light) and her sister / Mrs. Light on right / on left is Caroline Bennett, afterwards Mrs. H.E. Napier (died in Italy in 1836)'.

Colonel William Light
[General description] Portrait of Colonel William Light with caption by artist 'Colonel Light; Founder of Adelaide'.

Colonel William Light
Self portrait of Colonel William Light the Surveyor-General who chose the site of the colony's capital. Adelaide

Aboriginal man Cubagee and David Lindsay
Studio portrait of Warramunga Aboriginal man Cubagee and David Lindsay. The caption written below the photograph reads 'Warranung (Dick) & Mr. D. Lindsay'. Cubagee was brought to Adelaide, South Australia from the Northern Territory by Lindsay's brother-in-law George Stuart Lindsay in 1886 or 1887. Cubagee died in Adelaide after surgery on a tumour in 1889. Lindsay gave his skeletal remains to the South Australian Museum where they displayed to the public well into the twentieth century.

William Lindsay
[General description] Upper body portrait of William Lindsay taken against a dark background. [On back of photograph] 'William Lindsay / Architect-in-Chief / For biographical note see Arch. 1047/23'.

James Munro Linklater
[General description] Head and upper body portrait of the subject, seated with folded arms, in three quarter view. He is balding and wears a beard and moustache. He was a pastoralist at Kirkala near Streaky Bay. At the bottom of the photograph is the following: 'Copied by S.Solomon 1884 Adelaide' [On back of photograph] 'James Munro Linklater / 1877'.

Ellen Liston
[General description] Ellen Liston, during her stint as governess for the Hamps at Nilkerloo Station. She is wearing a long riding habit is seated sidesaddle on a horse. She became a competent horsewoman, assisting in the station musters. See B 4954 for a seated portrait and further information.

Ellen Liston
This is a portrait of Ellen Liston, writer of short stories and verse, during her stint as a goveness for the Hamp family at Nilkerloo Station near Elliston. She wears her long hair parted in the middle and is seated, looking away from the camera, and holding a sprig of wildflowers against her full skirt. It is generally accepted in the Elliston area that Governor Jervois named the town of Elliston in 1878 after her. According to a researcher Ellen Liston had left the district a few years before Elliston was established. The naming of the town may be from an individual associated with the Battle of Waterloo Anniversary, as Point Wellington and Wellesely on either side of Waterloo Bay is also associated with the Battle of Waterloo.

Mrs John Livingston
[General description] Mrs Livingston is seated for her portrait, facing the camera. She is probably in mourning for her husband (who died in 1886) as she is wearing a widow's cap. Her name is Catherine (nee Steele) and she bore fourteen children one of whom, John (junior), became a politician and Member of Parliament. She and her husband owned a grazing property, Currutum near Mount Gambier. [On back of photograph] 'Mrs John Livingston. Arrived at Mt. Gambier about 1848'.

John Livingston
[General description] This portrait shows the face and part of the shoulders of the subject. John Livingston and his wife Catherine (see B 3380) had a family of fourteen children and owned a grazing property, Currutum near Mount Gambier. [On back of photograph] 'Mr John Livingston. Arrived at Mt. Gambier about 1848. Father of John Livingston, M.P. and Auctioneer'.

Nathan Augustus Lord
[General description] This full length portrait of Nathan Augustus Lord, pioneer of Mount Gambier, shows him standing, resting one arm upon the back of a chair. According to a researcher, Nathan's brother was Samuel Perkins Lord, who came to Melbourne on the steamer 'City of Norfolk' in 1853. He is reported to have introduced the game of baseball to Australia. When the confederate ship 'Shenandoah' docked at Williamstown, for maintenance and supplies during the civil war, S.P. Lord started proceedings to try to stop it from leaving. After the war the United States sued Great Britain for £3,000,000.

George Ettienne Loyau
[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of George Ettienne Loyau. His slicked down hair is thinning and he wears a beard and moustache. He was born in London and arrived in Sydney in 1853. He spent the next seven years travelling in Australia in a variety of occupations from gold digging to tutoring. He went on to be a journalist, author and newspaper editor.

Thomas William Lyons
Formal portrait of Thomas William Lyons, teacher of singing. He also conducted orchestras and performed concerts for charities, namely the Children's Hospital in Adelaide.

Sir Charles F. G. McCann
[General description] Portrait of Sir Charles F.G. McCann sitting at a desk with pen and ink, blotter and loose-leaved desk calendar. He is wearing a spotted dark tie, pin striped jacket and is looking directly at the camera. [On back of photograph] 'Sir Charles F. G. McCann: Newly appointed Agent General and Trade Commissioner in London / Mr. Hill resigning the Agent Generalship / August 1934 / Reproduced in the 'Chronicle' for August 30, 1934'.

Mr W. T. McCoy
[On front of photograph] Head and shoulders portrait of William Taylor McCoy. He has short grey hair and wears steel rimmed glasses and a winged collar with his dark suit. He was a prominent educationist, beginning as a classroom teacher, then obtaining promotion to school head, then school inspector. In October 1919 McCoy became Director of Education in South Australia. [On back of photograph] 'W.T. McCoy / Director of Education. / Born on Oct. 13, 1866 / Photo taken in March 1923.'

Alexander McCulloch
Portrait of Alexander McCulloch: Arrived in 1839 in the 'Orleana' - Pastoralist. Alexander McCulloch and Margaret, nee McEwan McCulloch arrived in South Australia in 1839. He became one of South Australia's largest sheep farmers. He built a homestead at Princess Royal Station in 1864 but first he owned land at River Gilbert, Eldrotrilla Station, Gottlieb's Well, Yongala, Black Rock and Boolcoomatta.

Mr Aloysius MacDonald
[General description) Head and soulders portrait of Mr Aloysius MacDonald, full face. He worked his way up the ranks of the Bank of New South Wales eventually becoming the manager of the Wellington , N.Z. Branch.

Sir Richard G. MacDonnell
[General description] Head and upper body portrait of Sir Richard G. MacDonnell. He is wearing the regalia for his Orders and has grey hair, moustache and mutton chop whiskers. He was the sixth Governor of South Australia.

Sir R. G. MacDonnell
[General description] In this portrait Sir Richard.G. McDonnell is standing, looking past the photographer. He has grey mutton chop whiskers. He had been appointed C.B. in 1852 [ Companion of the (Order of the) Bath], K.B. [Knight] in 1855 and K.C.M.G. in 1871. He was South Australia's sixth Governor from 8th June,1855- 4th March, 1862.