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John Howell

John Howell

[General description] Upper body portrait of a bearded John Howell in seven eighths view. [On back of photograph] 'John Howell / Keeper of the Adelaide Gaol'.

[Early settlers, Port Lincoln and Western Districts - series 2]

[Early settlers, Port Lincoln and Western Districts - series 2]

Untitled photographic composite by an unknown creator comprising 26 portraits of men who were early European settlers of the Port Lincoln and west coast regions of Eyre Peninsula. At some stage in its history the mosaic was cut into halves. They were transferred to the State Library of South Australia (then Public Library) by the South Australian Branch of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia in 1939 and assigned the numbers B 8503 and B 8504. In 2011 Artlab Australia conservators removed the photographs and original support paper from backing cardboard and reassembled the complete mosaic using acid-free materials.

Samuel Grau Hubbe

Samuel Grau Hubbe

Lithographic portrait of Captain Samuel Grau Hubbe in his Bushmen's Contingent uniform, based on a photograph by Fruhling (date unknown). The engraving was done by T.C. Dalwood, signed on the 11 September 1900, and printed by J.H. Sherring & Co. Hubbe, commanding officer of the 3rd South Australian Bushmen, was killed in action near Ottoshoop, Transvaal, on the 12 September 1900. He was the highest ranking South Australian to die as a result of enemy action in the South African War.

Bristow Herbert Hughes

Bristow Herbert Hughes

[General Description] Upper body portrait of Bristow Herbert Hughes, seated, taken at approximately 37 years of age. He arrived in the colony in 1843 and in partnership with his brother Herbert Bristow Hughes settled the Booyoolie runs, another brother John having settled the Bundaleer runs some time earlier.

Henry Kent Hughes

Henry Kent Hughes

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of a bearded Henry Kent Hughes, the subject facing left. He was a pastoralist and Member of the House of Assembly who represented Port Adelaide from 1868-1875 and also served as Treasurer. He had a large house and twenty acres of land named 'Avenel' in Medindie.

Herbert Bristow Hughes

Herbert Bristow Hughes

[General description] Four small portraits of Herbert Bristow Hughes with grey hair and beard. Maybe this was taken later than 1867 as he looks older than 47 years in this view. He was a grazier in partnership with his brother Bristow, and established the Booyoolie Meat Preserving Works on the station. He was a keen breeder of thoroughbred horses, importing quality sires from England.

John Bristow Hughes

John Bristow Hughes

[General descriptipn] Upper body portrait of John Bristow Hughes of Bundaleer. The eldest of the pioneering Hughes brothers he was a grazier, real estate developer and politician. Hughes was one of the original founders of St. Peter's Collegiate School in Kent Town.

James Hutchison

James Hutchison

[General description] Upper body portrait of James Hutchison in three quarter view. He was a labour politician, Member of the Lower House, printer and editor. He worked on the South Australian Register, Quiz (a satirical paper) and the Labour weekly, The Herald.

Denzil John Holt Ibbetson

Denzil John Holt Ibbetson

[General description] Full length portrait of Reverend Denzil John Holt Ibbetson wearing clerical robes and holding a book, probably a bible. He was a civil engineer who came to Australia to work as an engineer at the copper mines. Later was ordained a minister in the Church of England and appointed to St. Johns Church, Adelaide. He was an accomplished sketcher.

William Herbert Ifould

William Herbert Ifould

[General description] This head and shoulders portrait shows the subject looking straight at the camera. He wears a collar and tie, a dark jacket and is clean shaven, wearing his hair parted down the middle. [On back of photograph] 'William Herbert Ifould / Born at One Tree Hill, S. Aust. / Educated- Unley, Sturt St. & Norwood State Schools, Adel. School Collegiate & Adel. University. / Son of Edward Lomer Ifould, Hampshire, Eng. and Marion Burn Cameron, Lochiel, Scotland. / Cadet to Librarian, Public library of S. Aust. 1892-1912, thence Principal Librarian and Secretary, Public Library of N.S. Wales, 1912. Trustee, National Gallery of N.S.W., 1922- Married Carrie Eugene, daughter of Henry Foale of St. Peters, S. Aust. and has three sons.'

George Frederick Ind

George Frederick Ind

Portrait of George Frederick Ind (1833-1906), painted by G.A. Tiarks. An inscription on the back reads 'To my wife Ella from her loving husband Spencer 24/1/07. In affectionate memory of a noble man, a kind & just Father & a true & devoted Friend to all. The picture of G.F. Ind of Paradise, Adelaide, painted from a photograph'. [Spencer Smithson Dunn married G.F. Ind's daughter Ella in 1883.] Joseph Ind, father of George Frederick Ind had an orange grove on the banks of the Torrens River in the Adelaide suburb of Paradise. Joseph arrived in South Australia in 1837 and named the land after his old farm in Gloucestershire.

John and William Jacob

John and William Jacob

[General description] Portrait of the Jacob brothers John (on the left) and William Jacob, pioneers and pastoralists. Both have short grey hair and full beards. Their best known cattle station was Paralana in the mid-north, successful early with a string of good seasons but eventually failed due to drought in 1860s. Their name lives on in wine region Jacob's Creek in the Barossa Valley.

W. Jacobsen

W. Jacobsen

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait in seven eighths view of W. Jacobsen. [On back of photograph] 'W. Jacobsen / One of the seven founders of the South Australian Yacht Club / Now Royal S.A. Yacht Squadron / Deepening contractor at Port Adelaide / His daughter Lorna married E.W. Morris M.R.C.S. L.R.C.P. who was Commodore of the Squadron / 1914-1919'

Richard Jagoe

Richard Jagoe

[General description] This head and shoulders portrait shows a gentleman with thick grey hair, beard and moustache, wearing a double breasted jacket with a white shirtfront. The photograph is signed 'Yours truly, Richard Jagoe'. Nicknamed 'The Sandhill Savage' he was the shipping reporter at Semaphore for many years, living rough in the sandhills and rowing out to obtain news from visiting ships. He worked for the 'Register', the 'Observer' and later the 'Advertiser'. He later built a house named 'Rhiador' on the Esplanade. [On back of photograph] 'Richard Jagoe / To Hugh Kalypters (?) / with compliments / from R.J.' Hugh Kalyptus was a nom de plume of journalist Spencer John Skipper.

John Jervois

John Jervois

[General description] Head and upper body portrait of John Jervois, son and Private Secretary of Sir William F.D. Jervois, South Australia's 12th Governor. He is in middle age at the time of this photo and is balding. He is seen in military uniform. [On back of photograph] 'John Jervois /1892 / Private Secretary to Governor Jervois'.

Sir William Francis Jervois

Sir William Francis Jervois

[General description] Full face and upper body portrait of Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, Governor of South Australia from October 1877 to January 1883. He has a moustache and side-whiskers and wears an impressive array of medals and orders. He was appointed KCMG in 1874 and GCMG in 1888.

Lady Lucy Jervois

Lady Lucy Jervois

[General description] Head and shoulders portrait of Lady Lucy Jervois (née Norsworthy) in seven eighths view. She wears a lace collar and flowery cap, and chandelier earrings. She was the wife of Sir William Jervois, Governor of South Australia from Oct 1877 to Jan 1883. She founded a Young Women's Institute and was active in charity work.

Frank Johnson

Frank Johnson

[General description] Upper body portrait of Frank Johnson, facing the camera full on. He wears a moustache and leg-o-mutton whiskers. He was a prominent auctioneer and Mayor of Adelaide from 1907-1909.

Elizabeth Johnston

Elizabeth Johnston

Ambrotype portrait of Elizabeth ('Eliza') Denovan Johnston, nee Gowan, wife of Reverend Kerr Johnston of the Victorian Bethel Union for Seamen.

Janet Johnston

Janet Johnston

Ambrotype portrait of Janet Johnston, daughter of Elizabeth Denovan Johnston, nee Gowan, and Reverend Kerr Johnston. She married Daniel Matthews (1837-1902) of Echuca in 1872. They were involved in missions to Aboriginal people in New South Wales and South Australia. Janet Matthews retired to Adelaide.

Lydia Johnston

Lydia Johnston

Ambrotype portrait of Lydia Johnston, daughter of Elizabeth Denovan Johnston, nee Gowan, and Reverend Kerr Johnston.

Margaret Johnston

Margaret Johnston

Ambrotype portrait of Margaret Johnston, daughter of Elizabeth Denovan Johnston, nee Gowan, and Reverend Kerr Johnston.

Thomas Johnston

Thomas Johnston

[General description] Upper body portrait of Captain Thomas Johnston. [On back of photograph] 'Captain Thomas Johnston / owned 'Jolly Miller' Paddlesteamer on the River Murray'.

Grundy, Captain John

Grundy, Captain John

This is a portrait of Riverboat Captain John Grundy who plied the Murray-Darling waters from age twelve until retirement at seventy. He was a long-time captain of the Tarella. [On back of photograph] 'Captain John Grundy of the River Murray / Son of Captain George Grundy / Presented by W.H. Godson'.

Walter Jones

Walter Jones

[General description] Upper body portrait of the Reverend Walter Jones, Congregational Minister, seated, seen in three quarter view. He has a trimmed beard and moustache and wears a dark jacket. He was minister of the Gawler Congregational Church from 1882 to 1901.

Robert Kay

Robert Kay

[General description] This is a head and shoulders portrait of Mr. Kay, seen in three-quarter view. He is wearing a coat and waistcoat, a white shirt and a bow tie. His watch chain is visible. [On back of photograph] 'Robert Kay / General Director and Secretary / Public Library of S.A.'

Robert Kay

Robert Kay

[General description] Seated portrait of Robert Kay, General Director and Secretary of the Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia. He has a trimmed grey beard and moustache and is wearing a frock coat. He is holding a scroll. He was one of the founders of the Library, Art Gallery and Museum in Adelaide, South Australia, and the originator of the circulating library.

William Kay

William Kay

[General description] Upper body portrait of a bearded William Kay, in seven eighths view. He arrived in Adelaide in the 'Sea Queen' in 1850. After a variety of earlier occupations (including that of auctioneer) he became prominent in financial circles, and a Member of Parliament (in the House of Assembly for the seat of East Adelaide in 1875-1878) [On back of photograph] 'William Kay / M.P., Auctioneer'. According to a researcher, 'this is not a photo of William Kay and not 1885. It is a photo of William Henville Burford founder of W H Burford and Sons Soap and Candle Manufacturers. It is also not 1885 as William would have been 78 years in 1885. I would estimate it woud be about 1850. I am William Henville Burford's G G Granddaughter. The West Tce Cemetery also has a copy of this photo correctly named as William Henville Burford.'

Alexander Charles Kelly

Alexander Charles Kelly

Alexander Charles Kelly. This portrait copied from a photograph of a painting of the Doctor in his younger days. He arrived in South Australia in 1840 on the "Baboo". He was born in Scotland and after arriving in Adelaide became the twelfth medical practitioner on the medical register of South Australia. He was a winegrower and medical practitioner and owned land at Morphett Vale and McLaren Vale

George Wyndham Kennion

George Wyndham Kennion

[General description] Head and upper body portrait of George Wyndham Kennion, Anglican clergyman. He wears ecclesiastical robes and holds an elaborate crook. He was Bishop of Adelaide from 1882-1894. On a trip to England in 1893 he was offered the Bishopric of Bath and Wells which he accepted, holding the post until hiis resignation due to ill health in 1919. [On front of photograph] 'Rt. Rev. G.W. Kennion, Bishop of Bath and Wells'.