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Sir Sidney Kidman
Sir Sidney Kidman, pastoralist, landowner was knighted in 1921 for war services. Sidney left home at 13 with 5 shillings, joined a drover and quickly learnt the livestock trade. From these small beginnings he became one of Australia's most successful landowners. He owned 85,000 square miles, including 100 sheep and cattle stations. He is remembered for donating wool, meat, horses, ambulances and fighter planes to help the World War I war effort. He guaranteed the jobs of employees who went to war and assisted the widows of those who did not return.

Sir Sidney Kidman
Sir Sidney Kidman was an Australian pastoralist who owned large areas of land in Australia. He was born in Adelaide, educated in Norwood and left home at 13 with 5 shillings and a one eyed horse. He joined a drover and made money supplying services. Later with his brothers he bought a station. He went into partnership with various owners and eventually owned a vast network of connected stations stretching from the Gulf of Carpentaria to the Flinders Ranges and across to New South Wales. The total value of his company is estimated at A$360 million

Staff of Mount Gipps Station
Two men standing middle and right in back row were thought to be Philip Charley and Sidney Kidman. The details of the men in the photograph are the Staff of Mount Gipps Station from left standing; George Lind, Philip Charley, Sidney Kidman. Seated, at left thought to be George McCulloch but he is now believed to be the man on the right. A researcher has suggested that the man seated on the right is Philip Charley. George Urquhart (photographer: J. H. Nixon).

Sir Sidney Kidman
Caricature of Sir Sidney Kidman 'The Cattle King'.

Dr. Samuel Kidner, homeopathist
Dr. Samuel Kidner, homeopathist.

Andrew Killian
Reverend Andrew Killian, Bishop of Port Augusta and Archbishop of Adelaide.

George King
George King, Church of England choir boy at Mt Gambier.

Stephen King
Stephen King.

Stephen King Junior
Stephen King Junior.

John King
John King, survivor of the Burke and Wills Expedition.

Thomas John King
Thomas John King, Mayor of Port Adelaide.

L.S. Kingsborough
L.S. Kingsborough.

L. S. Kingsborough
L. S. Kingsborough.

George Strickland Kingston
Sir George Strickland Kingston. A drawing from S.T.Gill's "Heads of the People". Artist's caption reads 'Poor exile of Erin'.

George Strickland Kingston
[On back of photograph] 'Sir George Strickland Kingston' [General description] The subject is seated, facing right and his face seen in profile. He arrived in South Australia aboard the ship 'Cygnet' in 1836. Politician, surveyor and architect, he was a founder of the city of Adelaide and prominent in forming the South Australian Mining Association. Despite strong republican views he was knighted in 1870.

Lord Kintore
Lord Kintore.

Joseph Coles Kirby
Reverend Joseph Coles Kirby.

J. M. Kirby
J. M. Kirby of the Register staff. The Register was originally known as the South Australian Gazette and Colonial Register and later the South Australian Register was South Australia's first newspaper. It was first published in London in June 1936 and moved to Adelaide in 1837. John Montague Kirby of Sydney died aged 75 in 1942. In later life he was chief sub-editor of the "Sydney Morning Herald". He began his newspaper career on the Adelaide "Register". In 1888 he joined the staff at the "Herald" and then the Melbourne "Age".

Andrew Alexander Kirkpatrick
Andrew Alexander Kirkpatrick.

Elizabeth Daisy Kirkpatrick
Elizabeth Daisy Kirkpatrick daughter of Andrew Alexander Kirkpatrick.

Katherine Maria Kirkpatrick
Katherine Maria Kirkpatrick wife of Andrew Alexander Kirkpatrick.

Sister Kirwan
Sister Kirwan.

Billy Kite
Aboriginal boy Billy Kite was found at Muccumba Station and adopted by Stephen and Matilda Kite from Farina, who sent him to Port Augusta to be educated. He became the best stockman in the far north-west. His twin sister Naraldia married a Mr Warren from Finniss Spring near Maree. [From information provided.]

Edward Klingender
Edward Klingender, Adelaide solicitor.

H. Kneebone
H. Kneebone.

Harold Knight
Harold Knight, former town councillor.

Reverend D. J. Knox
Reverend D.J. Knox, Rector of St. Lukes Church, Whitmore Square.

Richard Randall Knuckey
Richard Randall 'Dick' Knuckey born at Stithians, Cornwall, on 26th September 1842 and died at College Park, South Australia in 1914. His parents were Richard Knuckey and Persis Reed. He was a surveyor on the Oveland Telegraph Line, 1871-72, later becoming Chief Officer at the Electric Telegraph Department in Adelaide.

Ilsa Konrads
Ilsa Konrads, broke 12 world records, including the 800m, 1500m, 880yds & 1650yds freestyle, and six team world records. She won a gold and a silver medal at the 1958 Commonwealth Games in Cardiff and a silver medal for the 4x100m relay in 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. Born in Riga, Latvia, Ilsa is the sister of Olympic swimmer Jon Konrads.

Aloysius Kranewitter
Reverend Aloysius Kranewitter, founder of the Saint Aloysius College at Sevenhill.